Archive for the “Steve Ditko” Category

How weird is Ayn Rand? Well, to put it in terms relevant to us comics fans, her philosophies inspired, no, instilled in Steve Ditko a righteous fervor to systematically destroy his career and alienate just about everybody he ever came in contact with.

Her teachings - or at least Ditko’s interpretation of them - were the direct inspiration for The Question, who in turn was the direct inspiration for Rorschach. And suddenly her views, as espoused in her books like Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead, are all the rage, as politicians and newspapers like the New York Times are seriously considering Rand’s “objectivism” as a model for our times.

Are you scared? I am. Scarier still, there are tiny slices of her big fat crazy pie that do resonate with me, and always have. Weird, no? For such a polarizing figure, Rand’s worldview is not quite as black and white as she herself believed. But it is, for the most part, cuckoo-bananas.

Reason explores the issue further, and asks What’s Wrong With Ayn Rand?

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