Archive for the “Amazon Kindle” Category

Sundays are great “wrap-up” days. The news takes a holiday from following current events to summarize the week in wars, health scares, and environmental disasters.

Or, switch the channel, and you’ll see a similar recap of the week in scores, wins and losses, and life-changing injuries from the week in sports.

Change the channel again, and you can enjoy the banter of doughy pundits, along with a token still-hot-but-not-for-much-longer female columnist from the Times, trading barbs about politics.

So, in lazy sunday “here’s what you missed” tradition, here are the highlights of the week that was at Comics Cavern.

Don’t forget – new Venture Bros. tonight! We finally meet Captain Sunshine, who’s come back to avenge his fallen sidekick Wonderboy – and recruit Hank as his replacement! That usually goes well, take the second Robin for instance… oh. Maybe not so much.

Here’s hoping Hank doesn’t fall victim to the sidekick sophomore slump, Jason Todd-style.

GHTime Code(s): 3a4ff 93b12 
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The super-slick new Amazon Kindle, the e-reader everybody has been drooling over, is finally here. You might want to stop drooling now, you don’t want to get saliva on your sweet new magic reading machine.

The new model Kindle really is a thing of beauty, as you can see in the photo. You can see videos, and get full specs, including lots of new features, over at Amazon.

One feature that I’ve always liked abut the Kindle, that separates it from all other e-readers, is it’s ability to sign up for subscriptions; newspapers, magazines - and blogs!

You see where I’m going with this, right? I don’t need to do the whole P.T. Barnum “step right up” shtick, do I?

That’s right, one of the sexy new features of the Kindle is the ability to subscribe to Comics Cavern! it’s a different experience than reading it on the website, or via RSS, for a lot of reasons - not the least of which being the Kindle won’t let you browse the web or read RSS feeds! Seriously, as a writer it feels pretty cool to have my content available on the most bad-ass e-reader I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I hope you Kindlers who enjoy reading my musings on comic typos and demon loincloths on the web will enjoy it just as much on the Kindle.

And, as Jamie Lee Curtis said, it’s much more convenient when you only have one device in your pants, so I hope you guys and gals subscribe to Comics Cavern on Kindle!

* Great big thanks to Marvel Smart Ass for providing the image above, in addition to loads of other great promos for the Cavern. Check out his his blog, it’s so funny you’ll pee your pants. So, maybe you should take your Kindle out of your pocket first.

GHTime Code(s): e4e1c 97797 43b4c 04a88 nc 21a03 98309 

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