Archive for the “Batman” Category

  • Boys Don’t Fry #filmfoodeating #
  • Eating John Malkovich #filmfoodeating #
  • If you missed it – or, for that matter, if you saw it and want to see it again – you can download the “V” pilot on iTunes: #
  • I’m so busy reading all the cool lists that I keep forgetting to add anyone to my one puny list – let alone start new lists. #
  • It’s an embarrassment of lists-es. So please Twitter pals, don’t be offended if I haven’t listed you. I’m still getting the hang of it. #
  • EA buys new subsidiary for $300 mil, celebrates by laying off 1500 staffers: #
  • The Rice Storm #filmfoodeating #
  • Dude. F@&kin’ Batmobiles for sale! Take your date out in this and TRY not to get some action! #batman

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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  • For a series known for it’s art, Project Superpowers Vol. 2 No. 4 has some weird depictions of Masquerade’s boobs. #
  • Oh no - the Black Lanterns are making “Comic Book Guy” references. Also, they’re gonna eat Elasti-Girl’s heart. #
  • KISS Kompendium Komics Kollection! #
  • NYTimes: Chinese Agencies at war over #worldofwarcraft - #
  • Batman and Alfred gaze sadly at the Robin memorial short-shorts - and I’m thinking WONDERBOY!! #venturebros #
  • Those ’70s Figures:: ‘Mego 8″ Super-Heroes: World’s Greatest Toys!’ by Benjamin Holcomb - the MEGO Bible! #
  • “Kaaaahhhn!!! You look like a MEGO!!!!” That’s right, I bought the ‘Star Trek Retro Khan’ figure. Old-School. #
  • We are officially living in the Matrix - NYTimes: Virtual Goods Start Bringing Real Paydays #

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

Related Cool Stuff:

The Venture Bros. Adult Swim Skull Black Tee T-Shirt
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  • New #venturebros character Nikki shows off her various nightgowns, and a once-more kerchiefed Hank looks psyched. #
  • I swear to god this scene from Nomad No. 1 is my favorite panel of the year. I want to order it poster-sized. #
  • They’re all quite attractive illos, but does Black Widow: Deadly Origin really warrant THREE covers? Douche chill memories of the ’90s. #
  • Apparently Batman gets his collagen injections from the same plastic surgeon who did Tara Reid’s boobs. #
  • Watching Superman Ruby-Spears animated DVD set - Supes is fighting a Chinese bad guy named “Long Wang.” Classic. #

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Here it is again, another Thursday and once more I find myself staring at the big-ass pile of paper I brought home from the comic store yesterday, wondering which books to read first and which books to put in the “meh - maybe later” section of my collection.

Fortunately, my online comic store of choice,, provides the added service of video reviews of each week’s new releases. Here, they sum up some of the week’s hottest items, including the Bat-verse titles Arkham Reborn #1 (of 3) and Detective Comics #858, as well as the sweet Batman Black & White Statue by Ed McGuinness.

Other books reviewed include Die Hard Year One #2, Superman: Secret Origin #2, and the Abe Sapien one-shot The Haunted Boy.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Sundays are great “wrap-up” days. The news takes a holiday from following current events to summarize the week in wars, health scares, and environmental disasters.

Or, switch the channel, and you’ll see a similar recap of the week in scores, wins and losses, and life-changing injuries from the week in sports.

Change the channel again, and you can enjoy the banter of doughy pundits, along with a token still-hot-but-not-for-much-longer female columnist from the Times, trading barbs about politics.

So, in lazy sunday “here’s what you missed” tradition, here are the highlights of the week that was at Comics Cavern.

Don’t forget – new Venture Bros. tonight! We finally meet Captain Sunshine, who’s come back to avenge his fallen sidekick Wonderboy – and recruit Hank as his replacement! That usually goes well, take the second Robin for instance… oh. Maybe not so much.

Here’s hoping Hank doesn’t fall victim to the sidekick sophomore slump, Jason Todd-style.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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  • New Smallivlle episode tonight - here’s the link to download last week’s episode from iTunes: #
  • RT @BonnettsBooks: pricing original #EC_Comics #EC_Horror #EC_Crime #EC_SciFi #EC_Weird #EC_Funnies #EC_Humor #EC_Romance #EC_Western #
  • Ker-FLOP! Indian Comics Fall Flat: #
  • Alice Cooper lends likeness to comic (Headline should end with word ‘again’- Neil Gaiman wrote a Cooper comic in the ’90s): #
  • R. Crumb takes on the Bible: (writer uses ‘ribald’ and ‘bawdy’ in first sentence - someone is having fun with his Thesaurus!) #
  • I wonder if Gina Gershon is still hot? I preferred her subtle brand of skankiness over today’s “hello, look at my girl parts” ingenues. #
  • Props to Peter Milligan for his work in Batman Confidential - he’s on a mission to make people take a villain named “KGBeast” seriously. #
  • Lynn Cheney: Waterboarding isn’t torture, but paying for and reading the “Final Crisis Aftermath” minis - yeah, that’s torture. #
  • Enemy combatants will now be allowed to choose between a stint in a secret prison, or reading the Japanese Justice Teens mini. #
  • Here’s hoping the Space Ace comic is better than the game. The game was like dating a beautiful woman with an unbearable personality. #

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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It’s been a helluva year for Batman video games, albeit a year of extremes. First came the fun and addictive Lego Batman, which was a lot less “I am vengeance - the night is mine!”, and a lot more “Let’s smash the bad guys into little bricks and rivets, and use them to build a helicopter”.

One of my favorite games of the past year, especially for the PSP and, better still, the Nintendo Wii – so cool to actually throw a Batarang, even if it is made of Lego.

More recently of course, came the awesome Batman: Arkham Asylum – the game that put the “dark” back into “Dark Knight”. As of this writing, I’m pretty sure there are statistics to prove its the highest-reviewed Superhero game of all time, and I can back the hype up with way too much hands-on experience. I’ve been playing the game so much, my wrists sound like cement mixers. So where’s the middle ground for Bat-gamers? What if I’m not feeling like playing with blocks, but I’m not quite in the mood to watch a security guard have his throat slit by Zsasz if I press one wrong button?

Suppose I feel like being the scourge of Gotham City’s criminally insane, but in a light-hearted kind of way?

Inspired by the throwaway “Li’l Gotham” mini from Batman Annual #27, allow me to present my proposal for a can’t-miss superhero video game franchise: Arkham Kart – Race Against Crime!

Seriously, how fun would this be? It would rule on the PSP, and probably make a sweet iPhone app. Maybe get a little bat-shaped steering wheel controller…

Come on! DC, Eidos, Warners, whoever – call me, we have a winner on our hands here!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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