Archive for the “Crazy S**t” Category

With the economy in turmoil, the polar icecaps melting, and global warfare continuing to spiral further out of control, we took some downtime this weekend to bomb the fucking moon in search of water, which happens to be the one resource which Earth is not currently in grave danger of depleting.

Thank goodness for the Source Awards, celebrity marriage crises, and “witty” weather forecasters whose temperature forecasts take 15 minutes, or the news would have resembled an especially frightening episode of Doctor Who.

For those wondering what the hell we’re thinking, I tell you at the risk of my own safety that the real purpose of Project: Bat-Shit Crazy Lunar Tunes is to further the experiments of a secret global cabal, charged by the powers that be with the tasks of putting an end to womens’ menstrual cycles once and for all, and reigning in our ever-growing Werewolf population. Also, they’re curious to see what happens if we knock the planet out of orbit – whether it will be fun, like a cool new roller-coaster, or whether it will suck, like an old broken roller-coaster.

Interestingly enough, fans of the classic Mr. Show may remember that David Cross and Bob Odenkirk predicted this entire affair years ago, proving that they were as prescient as they were funny.

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They really nailed it, it’s actually a bit creepy. But then, is there about launching a pre-emptive strike against the moon that isn’t kinda scary?

GHTime Code(s): 61a89 50095 

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