Archive for the “Norman Osborn” Category

“If there’s anyone out there, I’ll start with the good news: my experiments were a success, and my latest dark, evil invention - the mutant-depowering butt plug - is ready for use in the field. Now for the bad news: when I brought you all together, I told you I needed a team that wasn’t afraid to get their hands dirty. Well, it’s time to show me what you got - I seem to be - arrrgh - in need of assistance with removing myself from the test equipment!”

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.


Norman: “What do you think? I named him ‘Compensato the Huge‘. I was going to get a big-ass, ostentatious red Porsche, but then I remembered that I have 100 gajillion dollars in my change jar, and I’m completely batshit crazy. So I thought a 10-mile long pet mutant snake monster thingy would be just the ticket. Sometimes, you gotta treat yourself. The guy at the sea monster dealership said he’s “ribbed for my pleasure” - I have no idea what that means. Oh, and I’m sorry - I’m afraid he ate your cat. Ha, I know, that’s so Alf!”

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

