Nation XXX: Professor Xavier’s School For Sexy Youngsters
Posted by Matt in Necrosha, New Mutants, X-MenIf you’re following the X-Book event Necrosha, then you know that Doug “Cypher” Ramsey of the New Mutants is back from the dead, and, like all undead former heroes in these kinds of crossovers, he’s on a mission to betray his former friends. Now that he’s dead, he’s finally found a cool use for his “good with languages” power: interpreting body language to translate what people say into what they really mean.
Click on the image to see Doug’s super-language power in action!
It doesn’t take mutant powers to see that the Prof’s body language is pretty creepy - “Oh my, my former students. Look how you’ve… grown.” But just how close are we to “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” territory?
Click the image below to see just exactly what’s on Chuck’s mind, and how the kids feel about reuniting with the man who shepherded them through their formative childhood years (all except for Doug, who died horribly shortly after meeting him).
Super mega-thanks to Marvel Smart Ass for contributing his mad art and production skillz, and additional writing.
GHTime Code(s): 83109 af720