Archive for the “Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog” Category

Felicia Day is like a cute little kitten - loving her is not a decision or a conscious act, it just happens. She created and stars in The Guild, the super-original and fun web-show-thing (there wasn’t even a word for it yet!), coincidentally starting a revolution in broadcasting, scaring fat lazy TV programming execs deservedly shitless at the realization that talent and fans can get along just fine without them. The Guild was so good it achieved the amazing feat of completely stripping the dork stigma from role-playing games. The Guild made being a Paladin with a +3 Vorpal blade sexier than the sexiest Jonas Brother.

Ugh. Creepy little virgins. Jonas Brothers, not RPG-ers.

She shined alongside Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, the greatest-thing-ever multimedia project that - OK, don’t let this go to your head Felicia - might never have existed without the guild.

Also, um, she’s a f**king Slayer? If you don’t love her she can kill you in thousands of horrific ways, so just do it already.

If you’re not sold yet, the awesome “Do You Want to Date My Avatar” video will leave you powerless against her charms. Just watch - you can no longer resist. You’re hers now, to do with as she pleases.

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