For the brave little half-toaster who will either save humanity or destroy it in your life - the official Battlestar Galactica Cylon snapsuit.
Aww look da widdle baby threw up! Waitaminit - is that motor oil?!?
For the brave little half-toaster who will either save humanity or destroy it in your life - the official Battlestar Galactica Cylon snapsuit.
Aww look da widdle baby threw up! Waitaminit - is that motor oil?!?
Mark your calendars: April 17 is the date of George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones premiere on HBO!
[Via Forbes.]
Joe Quesada gets a lot of credit for taking Marvel from the creative and fiscal insolvency of the '90s to a bold new era of greatness and prosperity, and there's a great deal of truth to that. Yesterday Joe Quesada compared his run as EIC to Alan Moore's Watchmen.
That was specious reasoning, and a bit on the self-congratulatory side.
And inasmuch as the esteemed Mr. Quesada is often rightly praised for taking Marvel in bold new directions, I don't know that he's brought so much new to the table since taking over that he is worthy of a Watchmen comparison. Very few are, and fewer still would come right out and give themselves that kind of praise.
Also - you may recall that the man in the EIC seat before Mr. Quesada was one Bob Harras, who was demonized by a plurality of his peers for stories published under his tenure such as this one - 1997's Journey Into Mystery #513, written by Tom DeFalco with art by Ron Frenz.
Notice anything familiar?
Zombie Wars - Return from the Grave
We've got Star Wars, we've got the undead - there's a whole lot of awesome is going on right here in this poster illustrated by the brilliant Matt Busch.
He's a kitteh. He loves WoW.
Do I really need to sell this, or can we all just agree to wuv him to pieces?
Via Dorkly.
Previously available only as a 2010 convention exclusive, Watchmen's big blue meanie Dr. Manhattan's HeroClix figure is getting a new paint job, and a mass retail release this Spring.
The 15-inch high Dr. Manhattan includes a map of his "Crystal Palace" and updated HC rules, and can function at three different power levels: 600, 800, or 1200 points.
Plus, he can pleasure your Catwoman, Huntress and Scarlet Witch figures all at the same time, while blowing up another of your figure's heads and contemplating neutrinos. He's badass, and he'd better be - the Doc will set you back $79.99 when the figure is released on April 6.
When David Prowse was banned from all Lucasfilm-sanctioned Star Wars conventions last year, I was stunned. I mean, he's the guy who wore the Darth Vader suit - you have to understand, Star Wars cons give prominent attention to regular guys who work in telemarketing jobs by day and dress up as stormtroopers by night, so to have worn the suit in the movies and be banned?
I'm thinking, you've got to to be a real dick.
But apparently he passes muster with Wizard World, who I have to assume don't make pleasantries a priority seeing as their PR chief misplaced my driver's license at the Big Apple Comic-Con last year and - rather than look to see where he'd put it - chased me out of the check-in area after fastening my little i.d. bracelet.
Yeah, I had a fun time getting that replaced. That's a fair trade right, proof of citizenship for your 900th photo with Burt Ward?
In any event, Prowse has hitched a ride on the Wizard World express and - wow, just look at him, he looks like he wants to rip out your heart - his first stop is Toronto Comic-Con, March 18-20.
Bring mace. I mean for check-in. I don't know what to tell you about Prowse, but - good luck to ya.
Prominent American journalist: the moon doesn't control the tides - the ONE TRUE CYLON GOD does.
We are so doomed.
Or, ya, know - both. That works too. Quite possibly the coolest way to start your day, behold the Dalek Projection Alarm Clock and bask in the awesome!
Never fear being late for work again. If a murderous robot hollering "exterminate!" at you while projecting the time fails to wake you up, you should probably seek medical attention.
Perhaps a... Doctor!
via Joystiq
If you found The Illusive Man just a bit too illusive, the upcoming Mass Effect: Evolution seeks to shine some light on the galaxy’s mysterious puppet master. BioWare has posted a seven page preview from the four issue comic.
... He's watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.
It was a late entry, released on December 15, just weeks before years end. However, Elena Casagrande's variant cover to Angel #40 - a brilliant homage to the sci-fi classic Blade Runner - ranks highly among my favorite comic covers of 2010.
Get your filthy mind out of the gutter.
I'm referring to this:
Seriously, what is wrong with you??
Buckyballs are actually quite cool, they were Rolling Stone's 2009 toy of the year. Comprised of 216 rare earth magnets you can manipulate in zillions of ways, they're fun and super-addictive and they're the reason it's January 3 and I've gotten like, nothing done so far this year.
You can get 'em here.
Not really sure I need to say more.
Oh, except that it has a moving mouth. You can get it here.
In a case of life imitating Hitchcock, Chaos War: X-Men, Angel Season Four and countless other spooky apocalyptic sci-fi stuff, thousands of dead birds rained down on Arkansas shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve.
An ornithologist from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission told CNN that the most likely cause was a lightning strike, but logic and the sane people over at Fox news have assured me it's probably something to do with baby Jesus being angry that healthcare is expensive enough.
As the voice of reason, I'd like to say buckle up and get ready - Captain Trips is comin'!
No but, it is fairly creepy.
Thor. I don't think its going to be a Jonah Hex-style disaster, but already anticipation has plummeted, both from fans who were expecting something spectacular and from studios who were expecting a goldmine, and as time goes by the only reason people seem to be talking about it at all are because of the bigots who are up in arms over Heimdall.
I'd love to be wrong, I'm a big Thor fan. Of course I'm a big Jonah Hex fan, too, so... ya know.
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