
Saturday, January 8, 2011

BSG Onesie

For the brave little half-toaster who will either save humanity or destroy it in your life - the official Battlestar Galactica Cylon snapsuit.

Aww look da widdle baby threw up!  Waitaminit - is that motor oil?!?

Game of Thrones gets a launch date

Mark your calendars: April 17 is the date of George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones premiere on HBO!

[Via Forbes.]

Casting 'Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome'

via TV Squad

Casting the role of a young William Adama is no easy task, so let's help Syfy out. The casting notices for the new 'Battlestar Galactica' prequel series, 'Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome' has gone out and there are three main characters in need of actors.


Bruce and Dick's Bogus Halloween

Well, this series of Batman and Robin newspaper strips from 1946 certainly raises some uncomfortable questions.

All I know is, I really want to see him try and get Damian to dress up as Marie Antoinette. 

Wikipedia's depiction of a cluster headache: accurate, revolting.

Also applicable to this allergy season's sinus headaches.

Christopher Nolan Explains Why He Won't Shoot 'The Dark Knight Rises' In 3-D

via Splash Page

Despite the recent influx of 3-D movie releases, there's at least one forthcoming comic book flick that won't rely on the increasingly popular filmmaking technique: "The Dark Knight Rises."


TV 'Wonder Woman' Not Going At This Time


The TV reboot of Wonder Woman is being postponed. David E. Kelley's high-profile take on the female superhero has been shelved after not landing a deal at a broadcast network because of what sources called unfortunate timing.


Obi-Wan Kenobi: Mobile Sales Rep [COMIC]

Batman DC Comics Mimoco Flash Drives [CES 2011]

via Walyou

In honor of Batman’s 75th anniversary, Mimoco, creator of the Mimobots, has created a line of Batman flash drives. Inspired by Batman’s original appearance in 1939 Detective Comics, the drive shows the caped crusader in his traditional black and grey costume that is both quite different from the costume of today yet still vaguely familiar.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Deja vu all over again: or; Ragnarok around the clock

Joe Quesada gets a lot of credit for taking Marvel from the creative and fiscal insolvency of the '90s to a bold new era of greatness and prosperity, and there's a great deal of truth to that.  Yesterday Joe Quesada compared his run as EIC to Alan Moore's Watchmen.

That was specious reasoning, and a bit on the self-congratulatory side. 

And inasmuch as the esteemed Mr. Quesada is often rightly praised for taking Marvel in bold new directions, I don't know that he's brought so much new to the table since taking over that he is worthy of a Watchmen comparison.  Very few are, and fewer still would come right out and give themselves that kind of praise.

Also - you may recall that the man in the EIC seat before Mr. Quesada was one Bob Harras, who was demonized by a plurality of his peers for stories published under his tenure such as this one - 1997's Journey Into Mystery #513, written by Tom DeFalco with art by Ron Frenz.

Notice anything familiar?

Elijah Wood to Reprise Frodo Role in 'The Hobbit'

via Cinematical

In a report detailing how Warner Bros. will distribute the two 'Hobbit' films internationally, Deadline let slip that several actors from the original trilogy may be in talks for roles, including Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis and Elijah Wood. While we've already known about McKellen and Serkis, Wood was a new name considering these books would've taken place before his time.


Star Wars + Zombies = Awesome

Zombie Wars - Return from the Grave

We've got Star Wars, we've got the undead - there's a whole lot of awesome is going on right here in this poster illustrated by the brilliant Matt Busch.

World of Warcraft kitteh wants to kill some kobolds

He's a kitteh.  He loves WoW. 

Do I really need to sell this, or can we all just agree to wuv him to pieces?

Via Dorkly.

Dr Manhattan Heroclix has underpants, high price tag

Previously available only as a 2010 convention exclusive, Watchmen's big blue meanie Dr. Manhattan's HeroClix figure is getting a new paint job, and a mass retail release this Spring.

The 15-inch high Dr. Manhattan includes a map of his "Crystal Palace" and updated HC rules, and can function at three different power levels: 600, 800, or 1200 points.

Plus, he can pleasure your Catwoman, Huntress and Scarlet Witch figures all at the same time, while blowing up another of your figure's heads and contemplating neutrinos.  He's badass, and he'd better be - the Doc will set you back $79.99 when the figure is released on April 6.

Speakal Doctor Who TARDIS speaker prototype hands-on

via Engadget

Hardcore Doctor Who fans might argue that the faulty chameleon circuit is to be blamed here, but really, this mini TARDIS is just a forthcoming Speakal iPod speaker dock that also doubles as a Bluetooth speaker and an IR remote control.


Wizard World turns to the Dark Side

When David Prowse was banned from all Lucasfilm-sanctioned Star Wars conventions last year, I was stunned.  I mean, he's the guy who wore the Darth Vader suit - you have to understand, Star Wars cons give prominent attention to regular guys who work in telemarketing jobs by day and dress up as stormtroopers by night, so to have worn the suit in the movies and be banned?

I'm thinking, you've got to to be a real dick.

But apparently he passes muster with Wizard World, who I have to assume don't make pleasantries a priority seeing as their PR chief misplaced my driver's license at the Big Apple Comic-Con last year and - rather than look to see where he'd put it - chased me out of the check-in area after fastening my little i.d. bracelet.

Yeah, I had a fun time getting that replaced. That's a fair trade right, proof of citizenship for your 900th photo with Burt Ward?

In any event, Prowse has hitched a ride on the Wizard World express and - wow, just look at him, he looks like he wants to rip out your heart - his first stop is Toronto Comic-Con, March 18-20.

Bring mace.  I mean for check-in.  I don't know what to tell you about Prowse, but - good luck to ya.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Comics Cavern Cast January 6, 2011: Moore/Marvel

Alan Moore has been mentioned in two prominent Marvel incidents today, by Joe Quesada and Jason Aaron - in very different contexts, neither of which really make a great deal of sense. 

Marvel, y u talk weird about beardy guy?

I, uh, ask the question more eloquently - I hope - in today's podcast.

Seattle's Phoenix Jones Is A Real-Life KICK-ASS Hero

via GeekTyrant

After Kick-Ass was released in theaters parents were concerned that their teens would decide to suit up in costume and fight crime and end up getting killed. Thankfully, there have not been reports of that happening, but there has been an interesting report of an adult costumed vigilate who fights crime in Seattle.


Bill O'Reilly: Jesus makes the tides go in!

Prominent American journalist: the moon doesn't control the tides - the ONE TRUE CYLON GOD does.

We are so doomed.

Wake up or be exterminated!

Or, ya, know - both.  That works too. Quite possibly the coolest way to start your day, behold the Dalek Projection Alarm Clock and bask in the awesome!

Never fear being late for work again. If a murderous robot hollering "exterminate!" at you while projecting the time fails to wake you up, you should probably seek medical attention.

Perhaps a... Doctor!

Ron Perlman Teases 'Hellboy III' And 'Conan' Role

via Splash Page

Even though Guillermo del Toro says that series lead Ron Perlman isn't interested in spending "six hours" in the makeup chair for "Hellboy III," the actor himself insists that another round with Big Red is a good idea.


BBC America Revamps 'Supernatural Saturdays' and Signals Move to Original Programming

via TV Squad

Is BBC America angling to become the new TV home of serious sci fi? With the recent cancelations of 'Caprica' and 'Stargate: Universe,' and the fate of 'V' and 'Fringe' hanging in the balance, it hasn't been a great winter for fans of ambitious, scripted sci fi series.


Preview the 'Mass Effect: Evolution' comic

via Joystiq

If you found The Illusive Man just a bit too illusive, the upcoming Mass Effect: Evolution seeks to shine some light on the galaxy’s mysterious puppet master. BioWare has posted a seven page preview from the four issue comic.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Anthony Stewart Head latest Buffy star to slam Joss-less remake

via Blastr

Anthony Stewart Head, who played Giles, Buffy’s Watcher on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is the latest in a list of Buffy alumni to sound off about the remake of the beloved movie-turned-TV show. For the record: he hates it.

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Ask anyone, they'll tell you that Matt is never at a loss for words, much as they'd wish I was.

But sometimes...


Digital Wednesday: What's New at ComiXology

As comics continue making the transition from print to pixels, we are seeing Wednesday evolve into New Comics Day not only in brick-and-mortar stores but online as well.

ComiXology has a slew of new releases today - granted, in this case “new” refers in many cases to new additions to ComiXology's library, not necessarily new comics releases - but there's nothing wrong with that, it's good to see them build up their library and it's a great opportunity for comics fans to stock up on back issues without breaking the bank.

Here are a few highlights from ComiXology's new inventory:

Spider-Man: Back In Quack

Spider-Man. Howard the Duck. Need I say more?

Batman Beyond (Vol. 4) #1

This one is a milestone for two important reasons.

First, it marks the beginning of a new ongoing series for the fan-favorite character who got his start in animation - and although it takes place in a hypothetical future, it has been stated by the powers that be that as of this series, Terry McGinnis is officially DC Universe canon.

Second, this is a "day-and-date" release - meaning it is being released simultaneously in print and digital formats.  That is significant, because each such release marks a step forward in the transition of comics towards a digital platform.  Day-and-date releases mark the difference between dabbling in digital and acknowledging that it is where the future of comics publishing lies.

To help assuage the nerves of frightened retailers, they're also keeping the same price point - that is not likely to succeed in the long term with consumers, and speaking as one myself I strongly advise against ever paying cover price for a digital comic.

This time six months from now, the practice will be unheard of; it's a transitional move to keep retailers from jumping out of windows.

Klaws of the Panther #1

While T'Challa is filling in for Daredevil as the guardian of Hell's Kitchen, Shuri is still doing her thing; it involves Wolverine, the Savage Land, and of course Klaw, and if you like this Black Panther it might be worth a look.

Personally, I have no idea who keeps paying Jonathan Maberry to write comics, or why, but god bless 'em.

Fringe: Tales From the Fringe #1

Part one of a six-issue miniseries based on the popular TV show, originally published July 2010 by the late, lamented Wildstorm.

X-Men #1

I know, I know - "which one?" It's the 1991 version, OK?  Chris Claremont/Jim Lee?  Best selling comic of all time?  That ring any bells?  Yeah, I thought so.  It's a true classic and you can add it to your digital library for $1.99.

Rent out Gaius Baltar's Vancouver apartment [Bsg]

via io9

Even though his sex drive basically doomed the entire human race on Battlestar Galactica, you have to admit Gaius Baltar had one gorgeous bachelor pad. And for a mere 4,300 a month, you can rent it out too!


'Spider-Man' Movie Images: First Look at Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker

via Cinematical

Julie Taymor's 'Spider-Man' folk might be getting bashed and dropped to and fro, but things are a whole lot comfier on the set of Marc Webb's 'Spider-Man 4' reboot, where we're getting our first glimpse of Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.



via GeekTyrant

Hey gang! Here's a list of spoiler filled details for Marvel's upcoming Joe Johnston film Captain America: The First Avenger. The information comes from Captain America production designer Rick Heinrichs who did an in-depth interview with French magazine L'Ecran Fantastique.


Angel: He's Seen Attack Ships on Fire off the Shoulder of Orion

... He's watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.

It was a late entry, released on December 15, just weeks before years end.  However, Elena Casagrande's variant cover to Angel #40 - a brilliant homage to the sci-fi classic Blade Runner - ranks highly among my favorite comic covers of 2010.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Comics Cavern Cast January 4, 2011- Merry Marvel Marches Forward

There was an extraordinary amount of comics news today, almost all of it coming from Marvel.

Here's a quick round-up of the days events over at the House of Ideas, and of a tremendous honor bestowed upon the Godfather, Stan the Man.

‘X-Men: First Class’: January Jones copes with sexed-up, ‘insane’ costumes

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

When January Jones was initially cast as mutant telepath Emma Frost in “X-Men: First Class,” she was eager to for the chance to break out of the retro 1960s world of Betty Draper, her character on “Mad Men.” Imagine the actress’ surprise when she learned that prim Betty and the vixen Emma could be partners in time.


Get Inside Family Guy’s Stewie: An Anatomical Sculpt

via Walyou

There has been no bigger news than this for the serious collector for a while now. But what you see here is no toy, but a collector’s edition as good as it can be.


10th Doctor Who engaged to daughter of 5th Doctor Who

via Blastr

In a twist that could not have been better written by Russell T Davies or Steven Moffat, David Tennant—who played the 10th incarnation of Doctor Who—is set to marry his actress girlfriend Georgia Moffett, who also happens to be the daughter of Peter Davison: the Fifth Doctor.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Screw 'Spider-Man' -- 'Batman Live' Looks So Much Better

via Cinematical

Marvel and DC, the two biggest names in the comic book industry, have been duking it out for superhero supremacy for years. The battle has jumped from the printed page to the movie screen in the past decade, as each studio has worked diligently to translate their franchise characters into action film heroes. The war seems set to shift focus yet again, as the companies now prepare for a showdown in a most unlikely arena: the stage.



Get your filthy mind out of the gutter.

I'm referring to this:

Seriously, what is wrong with you??

Buckyballs are actually quite cool, they were Rolling Stone's 2009 toy of the year. Comprised of 216 rare earth magnets you can manipulate in zillions of ways, they're fun and super-addictive and they're the reason it's January 3 and I've gotten like, nothing done so far this year.

You can get 'em here

WHAT, NO SIDE OF WORLD DOMINATION?!: The Stewie Griffin Burger

via Geekologie

The Stewie Griffin is a dried up lookin' cow turd of a hamburger that resembles the youngest member of the Family Guy household. Reminds me of a school cafeteria burger. Haha, no, not because of the face, but because you can actually see the gristle.


Zoe's bloody dress and 85 other awesome Caprica props being auctioned

via Blastr

Caprica will soon be coming to an end—the final five episodes air tomorrow on Syfy—but that doesn't mean the dream has to die. Not when you can take a piece of Caprica home.


You know you want it: official Harry Potter sorting hat

Not really sure I need to say more.

Oh, except that it has a moving mouth.  You can get it here.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

8 Sci-Fi Technologies That Are No Longer Just Fiction

via Mashable!

A submarine once seemed about as ridiculously impossible as an invisibility cloak seems today. But while technologies like the submarine, bomb, radar and tank once captured the imagination of science fiction authors, science has brought them to the mainstream awareness.


It's raining birds, hallelujah!

In a case of life imitating Hitchcock, Chaos War: X-Men, Angel Season Four and countless other spooky apocalyptic sci-fi stuff,  thousands of dead birds rained down on Arkansas shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve.

An ornithologist from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission told CNN that the most likely cause was a lightning strike, but logic and the sane people over at Fox news have assured me it's probably something to do with baby Jesus being angry that healthcare is expensive enough.

As the voice of reason, I'd like to say buckle up and get ready - Captain Trips is comin'!

No but, it is fairly creepy.

via CNN.

Check Out These Images Of The Early Bird GREEN LANTERN Action Figures

via GeekTyrant

Green Lantern will be hitting the big screen on june 17th in 2D and 3D and more teasing has begun today. Here's some images of the upcoming Green Lantern toy line that should start hitting store shelves next month.


Cthulhu Ski Hat: Stay Warm in Your Nightmare

via Technabob

If I saw someone coming down the street wearing this Cthulhu-inspired ski hat, I’d either think they were nuts, or they were really nuts.


What upcoming superhero movie do you think is going to tank teh most?

Thor. I don't think its going to be a Jonah Hex-style disaster, but already anticipation has plummeted, both from fans who were expecting something spectacular and from studios who were expecting a goldmine, and as time goes by the only reason people seem to be talking about it at all are because of the bigots who are up in arms over Heimdall.

I'd love to be wrong, I'm a big Thor fan. Of course I'm a big Jonah Hex fan, too, so... ya know.

Ask me anything