Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hatchet II - slices, dices, makes julienne human.

Allow me to present you with the final theatrical trailer for Hatchet II, which hacks its way into theaters October 1. I believe that the text in the still below sums it up nicely: "gore like you've never seen before".  Here's the film's official description, courtesy of Hatchet HQ: 

Adam Green's Hatchet II picks up at the exact moment that 2006's Hatchet ends, wherein the quiet but hot-tempered Marybeth (Danielle Harris) is in a small boat in the Louisiana swamps, screaming for her life as she tries to free herself from the clutches of the deformed, swamp-dwelling killer Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder). Crowley has murdered Marybeth's family and other fellow vacationers who had come together on a tourist excursion in the swamplands outside of New Orleans.

Marybeth escapes from Crowley and manages to make it back to civilization, where she once again encounters voodoo shop proprietor Reverend Zombie (Tony Todd), who had helped to arrange Marybeth and company's earlier, ill-fated tour of the area. To help Marybeth and also serve his own secret agenda, Reverend Zombie recruits a hardened pack of hunters to head back into the swamp to seek revenge on Victor Crowley.

Watch and be afraid.  And post comments letting me know if you'd like some more super-sweet clips, 'cause I got 'em!

Too much awesome

I've got 100 bucks that says the Troopers get their asses handed to 'em by Spidey and Predator. Any takers?

Via Jason Aaron.

"Never Let Me Go" and "Let Me In": NOT the same movie!

Seriously, purchase those tickets carefully, these flicks are out at the exact same time and marketed toward the same audience, but they are really quite different.  Buying the wrong ticket could have a devastating impact on the outcome of your date.  

This is like the 21st century, cinematic equivalent of the Taco/Falco quagmire.

Caveat Emptor, y'all! 


Never Let Me Go:


Let Me In:



Katy Perry, Elmo speak out about taped duet

That's right, Katy Perry and Elmo's duet, which was cut from Sesame Street gets some coverage on ABC News. This is what happens when the news stops reporting on world events and instead becomes a promotional vehicle for the network's higher-profile morning edutainment Cash Cows.

Say, how're those wars coming along anyway? And what's a Darfur again?

Oh yeah, that's right - the '90s happened.

The time-spanning Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four mini makes a pit-stop into the douche-chill decade.



Next thing you know, we'll be flooded with variant covers and Soundgarden's gonna record together again or some crazy shit.

Dat Fine Cloven Ass

Illyana Rasputin knows that nothing turns a guy on like a woman with a nice big pair of hooves - who isn't afraid to flaunt 'em. Ooooh Wilbur!

why… WHY: Hello H2K2 [PIC]

via Geeks are Sexy

Hello H2K2 (CC), from the popular Hello Robot series by Joseph Senior.

I love you, terrifying giantess!

Don't you judge me! I found my bride-to-be (who wil doubtless crush me to death when we first consummate but it will so be worth it) at Japanator:

 Seems that Panasonic takes its camera promotion as really serious business, because not only did they have a spokesmodel for the their new Lumix FX700 camera on hand to advertise the new release, but they also turned said model, Ayase Haruka, into a giant inflatable balloon. Apparently spectators were kind of scared and confused by the balloon, and who wouldn't be? It is kind of horrifying. But you know what they say, everything's bigger in Texa....I mean, Tokyo.

Mark Ruffalo to Actually Play the HULK Using Motion Capture

via GeekTyrant

In Marvel's upcoming film The Avengers being directed by Joss Whedon, actor Mark Ruffalo will not only play Bruce Banner, but he will actually play The Hulk as well! In every other film version of The Incredible Hulk, both Erica Bana and Edward Norton were fully replaced by a big green CGI Hulk. In The Avengers Marvel will for the very first time use motion capture technology to bring The Hulk to life.


Street Fighter Cosplay Mega-FAIL

Cannot be unseen!


Only a guy who knows for a fact that he can squeeze the air from your lungs until the last thing you hear is the sound of your ribs shattering leaves the house in a skimpy one-piece made of blue aluminum foil. And don't even get me started on the little flowey bows.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Actresses Vie to Play Spider-Man’s New Girlfriends

via Underwire

Emma Stone, left, and Mia Wasikowska are reportedly vying for roles in Spider-Man 4. Images courtesy Screen Gems and Walt Disney Pictures

As The Social Network star Andrew Garfield suits up for the next Spider-Man movie, key casting questions remain: Who’s going to replace Kirsten Dunst and Bryce Dallas Howard as Peter Parker’s girlfriends?


The season premiere of Smallville is like True Blood (without the nudity) [TV Review]

via io9

"Lazarus," the first episode of Smallville's tenth and final season, resurrects old foes and introduces new nasties. It also packs a million things into a scant 60 minutes, but this rapid-fire pacing ultimately works. Here's our 99% spoiler-free review.


Kitten Massages Other Kitten [Video]

Don't die from a cuteness overdose, Smallville premieres in 15 minutes! (well on the East coast, anyways.)

Celebrating Smallville

Get yer red-blue blur on with the very-cool Cinjun Tate (yeah I know, he looks like Lex but dig those pipes - and he's actually a super-nice guy) and the rest of Smallville's de facto house band Remy Zero!

Don't forget, the tenth and final season of Smallville starts TONIGHT at 8:00 p.m.! In case you missed it, click here for a jaw-dropping clip of the premiere episode, "Lazarus".

Image of the Day: Batman ruins another poker game

via Blastr

Han's Theme

Putting aside for a moment the fact that the autotuner is surely a Sith creation designed to suck out your soul and convert it to Wampa food, the groove is strong in MC Chris' "Han Solo". The title speaks for itself.

via Topless Robot, YouTube user andrewrockzyou.

New Series From Garth Ennis And Adriano Batista

via Bleeding Cool

This is a sketch from a new Dynamite book by Garth Ennis and Adriano Batista. Garth already writes the Boys and Battlefield books for Dynamite, Adriano draws Jungle Girl and Red Sonja - but this looks something different, possibly in the secret agent genre? Blood, women and guns, apparently…

The cast of Seinfeld as DC super heroes

The cast of Seinfeld as DC super heroes by Dave Wachter.

via Super Punch

Chris Nolan is meeting with a short list of possible Superman directors

via io9

The new Superman movie is roaring ahead — The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan, who's producing, reportedly has five potential directors in mind, and he's meeting with them now. So who's in line to revamp the Man Of Tomorrow?


Tales from the Darkside of the Force

‘Ladies of Sci-Fi’ Burlesque Show Turns Space Badasses Into Strippers

What is it with sci-fi and burlesque lately?
Los Angeles dance troupe Devils Playground recently put on a “Ladies of Sci-Fi” strip show featuring performers dressed up (and then undressed) as Ellen Ripley from Alien, Pris from Blade Runner, space bimbo Barbarella and other familiar females from science fiction
via Underwire

Caution: somewhat NSFW - but then again if you work at a place that's cool with you looking at comics blogs all day, they probably don't mind a little bouncy-bouncy. Your call, my friend.

No Heart, No Soul: Robocop's Anatomy

via Geekologie

Ever wonder what makes Robocop tick? The time bomb I just strapped to his back! The real question is what makes Robocop stop ticking? Hopefully the same thing! Does Robocop eat stainless steel donuts? I have no idea but he does piss motor oil and crap nuts & bolts. Which, funny story: so have I (I'm really bad at putting IKEA shit together).


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don't get existential with Aunt May!

I don't care if you are being hypothetical, Parker, can't you see that you're freaking the poor woman out?? Have a little decency to go with that power and responsibility, you great big spider-irradiated putz!

This near-stroke moment is brought to you by Web of Spider-Man (the original series, not the one that's just been canceled) #60, a tie-in issue to one of Marvel's early forays into the mega-event, "Acts of Vengeance".  It's a decent story, though it ran a bit long (for the standards of it's day), and it's worth a read if only to see the House of Ideas during an excellent creative period, and to see what an enormous influence the story had had, decades later, on Marvel's Civil War event.

Iron Man 2 Alternate Opening

Raw footage of the alternate opening for Iron Man 2. If you were wondering what happened to the helmet kissing scene in the trailers, here’s your answer. Watch it now before it gets taken down.

Via The Awesomer.

Digital comics milestone - are retailers becoming soon-to-be dead men walking?

Oh wow. Techland reports that the latest issue of The Walking Dead was sold on the same day, at the same price in both digital and print editions! While, from a consumer's point of view, that whole "same price point" thing is a complete rip-off, it's something of a milestone and a big step toward the inevitable digitalization of comics. I'm thinking a lot of retailers are feeling kinda like that picture: Frightened and alone, as an unstoppable force beyond their understanding encroaches menacingly from all sides.

Image of the Day: Crazy photo of Patrick Stewart as Luke Skywalker

via Blastr

Make it s- ohhh that's weird.

Cartoon Network and Adult Swim Panel and Event Lineup for New York Comic Con

Wow. Every day my upcoming convention marathon of Big Apple Comic Con and NYCC gets more exciting. And 10 billion slave Leias aren't as awesome as this latest announcement from NYCC: ladies and gentlemen, Adult Swim is in the House!

(Well, maybe 10 billion Leias would be kinda sweet - but my point remains. Read on!)

Press Release:

Cartoon Network and Adult Swim hosts a number of highly-anticipated panels, fan events and autograph signings at 2010 New York Comic Con at the Jacob K. Javits Center, Friday, October 8 through Sunday October 10, 2010.  See the full lineup for both networks below; please note all times, dates and locations are subject to change.



ADULT SWIM: Childrens Hospital
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Room 1A06
Talent: Rob Corddry, Jon Stern, Rob Huebel and Erinn Hayes (additional guests TBA)

Check out the Childrens Hospital panel and hear from the show’s creative team led by Rob Corddry (Hot Tub Time Machine, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) and Jon Stern (producer of The Ten and Scotland, PA). They will be joined by members of their ensemble cast including Rob Huebel (I Love You Man, Human Giant) and Erinn Hayes (Parenthood, Worst Week).  Childrens Hospital is a live-action comedy that explores the emotional struggles and sexual politics of a group of doctors charged with healthy libidos. Their dedication to their personal lives is relentless, interrupted only by the occasional need to treat sick children.  Childrens Hospital airs Sundays at midnight (ET/PT) on Adult Swim.

ADULT SWIM: Robot Chicken
6:45 - 7:45 p.m.
Location: Special Events Hall
Talent: Seth Green, Matt Senreich

Adult Swim panel featuring Robot Chicken show creators, Seth Green and Matt Senreich.  They will discuss their original series, answer questions and give a sneak peek from the next season of Robot Chicken and the upcoming one-hour special, Robot Chicken Star Wars: Episode III, which premieres December 19.

ADULT SWIM: The Venture Bros.
8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Special Events Hall
Talent: Jackson Publick, Doc Hammer

Come see Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer talk about all things Venture, show some clips and take audience praise and questions.  Season 4.5 of The Venture Bros. premiered Sunday, September 12 at 11:30 p.m. ET/PT on Adult Swim.  The Venture Bros. first premiered on Adult Swim in August 2004 and has been a fan favorite every since.


ADULT SWIM: Delocated!
5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Location:  Room 1A14
Talent: Jon Glaser, Kevin Dorff, Jerry Minor, Steve Cirbus, John Lee (additional guests TBA)

Adult Swim panel featuring Delocated! show creator/executive producer and star Jon Glaser.  After testifying against the Russian Mafia, “Jon” and his family are uprooted and start living undercover through the witness protection program.  After existing quietly in an anonymous suburb, “Jon” accepts an offer for the family to participate in a reality show based on their lives.  In order to protect their identity with television audiences—and more importantly, the Russian mob family the Mirminsky’s—they wear ski masks and have their voices disguised.  As part of the deal, the family is relocated to a sweet loft in New York City, where the series will be filmed.

Jon Glaser (“Jon”) and series co-stars), Kevin Dorff (Mike), Jerry Minor (Mighty Joe Jon, the Black Blond), Steve Cirbus (Sergei), and series executive producer John Lee will discuss the series and answer questions. Now expanded to 30 minutes, season two of Delocated! airs Thursdays at midnight and Sundays at 10:00 p.m. on Adult Swim.


CARTOON NETWORK: Firebreather Exclusive Screening and Panel
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: 1A08
Talent: Phil Hester (co-executive producer), Andy Kuhn (co-executive producer), Peter Chung (writer/director)

Fans will get the first look at Cartoon Network’s original CGI movie, Firebreather, with an exclusive screening! Be the first to see the film, then stay for an in-depth panel discussion featuring creator and co-executive producer Phil Hester (The Wretch), co-executive producer Andy Kuhn (Freedom Ring) and writer/director Peter Chung (Aeon Flux). Firebreather is based on the popular comic book series and will premiere on Cartoon Network in November.

CARTOON NETWORK: Ben 10 10.10.10 Celebration
12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Location: 1A06
Talent: Yuri Lowenthal, Greg Cipes, Ashley Johnson

Come celebrate Ben 10 on 10.10.10 with the cast of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien!  Fans will be treated to a never-before-seen episode of the series with voiceover dialogue performed LIVE by Yuri Lowenthal (Ben), Greg Cipes (Kevin) and Ashley Johnson (Gwen)! Other panel highlights include a sneak peak at the new season of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, cast Q&A, and a chance to win lots of Ben 10 Prizes!


Friday, October 8

3:00 - 4:30 p.m.                                  Robot Chicken Signing
Location: Room 1C02
Talent: Seth Green, Matt Senreich

5:45 - 6:45 p.m.                                  Childrens Hospital Signing
Location: Show Floor - Autograph Alley
Talent: Rob Corddry, Jon Stern, Rob Huebel and Erinn Hayes (additional guests TBA)

Saturday, October 9

11:00 - 12:00 p.m.                             Venture Bros Signing
Location: Room 1C01
Talent: Doc Hammer, Jackson Publick

3:45 — 4:45 p.m.                                  Delocated! Signing
Location: Show Floor - Autograph Alley
Talent: Jon Glaser, Kevin Dorff, Jerry Minor, Steve Cirbus (additional guests TBA)

Adult Swim will be offering complimentary shuttle buses from several hotel locations around Manhattan for drop off at the Jacob Javits Center between the hours of 7:30 AM and 11:30 AM (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and hotel returns from 4:30 PM through 8:30 PM (Friday and Saturday) and 2:30 PM through 6:30 PM (Sunday). Please check for more details on the shuttle buses. For more information on the Adult Swim booth, panels and signings please go to


Cartoon Network and Ben 10: Ultimate Alien will take over the registration lobby of the Jacob Javitz Center at New York Comic Con from October 8 - 10, with the CARTOON NETWORK ULTIMATE ACTION LOUNGE. The CARTOON NETWORK ULTIMATE ACTION LOUNGE will feature plasma televisions with Cartoon Network shows, exclusive giveaways, video games (Ben 10 Cosmic Destruction), photo-ops for fans with a custom Ben 10 go-kart by Bandai and digital sampling stations.

Cartoon Network (, currently seen in more than 97 million U.S. homes and 166 countries around the world, is Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.’s ad-supported cable service now available in HD offering the best in original, acquired and classic entertainment for youth and families.  Nightly from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (ET, PT), Cartoon Network shares its channel space with Adult Swim, a late-night destination showcasing original and acquired animated and live-action series for young adults 18-34.

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner company, creates and programs branded news, entertainment, animation and young adult media environments on television and other platforms for consumers around the world.

Facebook Down Again

I know this isn't comics news, strictly speaking, but in the short time since I joined Facebook (and created the Comics Cavern Facebook page plug plug), I've been using it for lots of my communications, not to mention using Facebook Connect to log into many third-party services, and I only just last night began learning Farmville and stuff - so I want to let everybody know that if I've seemed anti-social these last 24 hours or so, its not for want of trying. I can't log into Facebook, or anything whose infrastructure depends on Facebook! If you're used to chatting with me via Facebook, send me an e-mail and I'll give you an alternative method to reach me (sigh - I gotta get AIM or something). So. Without further dudes, take it away, Mashable, tell the people what's up:

After issues at a third-party networking provider took down Facebook for some users on Wednesday, the social networking site is once again struggling to stay online.

The company reports latency issues with its API on its developer site, but the problem is clearly broader than that with thousands of users tweeting about the outage.

On our end when we attempt to access Facebook, we’re seeing the message: “Internal Server Error - The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.” Facebook “Like” buttons also appear to be down on our site and across the Web.

We’ve reached out to the company and will update when we know more.

Update (3:45 p.m. ET): Facebook tells us that, “We’re currently experiencing some site issues causing Facebook to be slow or unavailable for some users. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. This is unrelated to yesterday’s outage.”

Sesame Street's bizarre parody of (violent, sex-filled) True Blood

We're guessing very few children who are part of the usual Sesame Street audience have any idea who Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer are, so we don't know what they're going to make of their puppet counterparts when True Mud airs later this year. But considering the feelings WE have for Paquin, and which some of you undoubtedly have for Moyer, seeing them this way leaves us feeling a little ... uncomfortable.

Check out the sneak peek below from Sesame Street's upcoming 41st season.

via Blastr

Yup, that's weird all right. I mean the other Sesame Street item of the day was kinda weird but - yeah, no, this is weird.

Smallville Takes Flight!

♫ Feels like the fiiiiirst time! ♫

Sure, evil Clark who had been living in uh - fake super-crazy imaginary Krypton? (Smallville season 4 never did explain that weirdness, they just distracted us by making Lana a ninja-witch) - well anyway, he flew - but real Clark finally soars in his increasingly cape-like trenchcoat, to the cheers of a crowd who go from abject pee-pee pants terror to applause in the blink of an eye.

But hey, that's comics. The Smallvillle creative team that took over the show a few years back gets that, and they nail Clark's aerial debut perfectly in this clip from Friday's season premiere, "Lazarus".

Work it, MODOK! Ivan Brunetti takes the Marvel U. to the gym on the cover of Strange Tales

Ivan Brunetti takes Marvel's heroes and villains - in their goofiest costumes ever (I don't care how bullet-proof you are, Cage - you do NOT work the weights wearing a Tiara!) on the cover of Marvel Knights' Strange Tales II #3.

Via Flog!

Abra Cadabra: The New Harry Potter - Soul-sucking horror for boy wizard in new trailer

Desperation, death, and soul-sucking chills. And that's just a taste of what our boy wizard is up against in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, flying to theaters Nov. 19. The brand new theatrical trailer for the Warner Bros. film reveals a blacker black from director David Yates, heart-stopping evil from Ralph Fiennes' Lord Voldemort and a crisis of faith for the three magical musketeers. Enjoy.
via Newser

Four Relaunches And A Funeral: What DC’s Wildstorm Line Has Been Through

Much of the comics world is still reeling from the announcement that DC Comics is discontinuing the Wildstorm line (they're also discontinuing ZUDA, but nobody seems to be reeling from that non-stunner), and many Websites are looking back at the comics line as we look back at all great things when they pass: remembering only the great moments.

As much of the web deifies and eulogies Wildstorm, Techland - owned by the same corporate parent as DC - takes a look at many steps that, in hindsight, were touchstones on Wildstorm's road to oblivion. I like that they included Worldstorm, which immediately came to mind as the beginning of the end when I first heard the news. Read the article for more on that, and the other moves that knocked Wildstorm down from comics giant to dead relic.

Walking Dead poster revealed - features neither walking nor dead, discuss.

Or just take a good look, and get pumped for Halloween and the premiere of AMC's adaptation of Robert Kirkman's zombie comics opus.

via AMC.

Now then. After the scary monsters, what with Smallville leaving a void in young angsty heroes on the small screen, can we open up the floor to talks of an Invincible TV series?

Feature: Castle Ravenloft: the 4th Edition D&D horror board game of DOOM!

via Ars Technica

When I went to buy Castle Ravenloft at the local hobbyshop, they told me they didn't take American Express. "Oh, c'mon man, this is for work!" I told him, going back to my wallet for my personal debit card. "I have to bring this game to the Internet!"

"Like in Tron?" he asked. Sometimes my job provides moments of great fun, and that was certainly one of them.


Talk about coming full circle: Teri Hatcher to be Lois Lane’s mom on Smallville

via Blog@Newsarama

That’s right. Teri Hatcher to be a Lane once again.

The Ausiello Files have reported that Hatcher (who once donned the mantle of Super soulmate Lois Lane) will portray Lois Lane’s (Erica Durance) mother in the upcoming and final season, but not in the way you would expect. Ella Lane has been dead for quite some time, but Lois discovers some old tapes of her mother…so flashback ahoy, in a way.


Super Mario's iPhone Case!

I love the stuff you can find on Etsy. Like a Super Mushroom case for the iPhone 3G/3GS. There's a matching case for the iPad and I may just order the matching set, seeing as how I own both devices and carry 'em everywhere, all the time. Might as well look cool doing it.

The seller, one HoobyGroovy, has several other cool Mario-themed iPouches available for sale.

[Thanks to Gizmodo for the tip.]

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chewie and Han T-Shirt

I'd wear it. Chewie and Han, Calvin and Hobbes-icized in T-Shirt form! Designed by Chris Wahl, and available for sale at

11 biggest complaints actors have had about superhero costumes

via Blastr

It's not all flights and tights and awesome for actors playing superheroes. There's also chafing and sweating (and bathroom issues). And when given a chance to complain into a microphone, even the most professional thespian will tell it like it is.


The 10 Hottest Nerd Costumes for Girls (That Aren't Slave Leia)

There - there are others? Well go on then, make it work girl!

From Topless Robot:
Slave Leias Comic Con 2009-1.jpg
​Now nobody here would ever think of hating on Slave Leia. She's a force of nature -- an icon of nerd sexuality. Whether she's hawking perfume, washing our cars, or making various young starlets seem geek friendly, she'll always have a place in our hearts (and regions southward). Indeed, the classic bronze bikini top/harem skirt designed by ROTJ costume designers Aggie Guerard Rodgers and Nilo Rodis-Jamero, inspired by artist Frank Frazzetta's Egyptian Queen, and worn by Carrie Fisher at the peak of her hotness has become Nerddom's french maid outfit.

But there's much more to geek fetishism than just enslaved princesses with Hutt drool on them -- and it's worth remembering there are plenty of other sexy/nerdy costumes for nerdy girls to wear (and nerdy boys to gawk at). So join us, intrepid friends, as we examine 10 more sexy nerd ensembles that are just as impressively attractive as Leia's metal bikini. And thanks to Wookieepedia for the Slave Leia costume trivia. [Editor's Note: Yes, there will be a Hottest Nerd Costumes for Guys list. Probably in a couple of weeks. So there. Nyah.]

The Cost of Consolidation

For decades now, Warner Bros. has treated DC Comics like an unloved stepchild, which has afforded the publisher a great deal of autonomy from its corporate parent. Now that comics - and in particular, comic based films, are big business, things have changed. Welcome to corporate America, DC - hope you survive the experience.

icv2 reports on the staffers who lost their jobs as part of DC Entertainment's westward expansion. Let's wish these talented people the best of luck in getting work soon, and hope that they didn't lose their livelihoods for Jonah Hex 2.

Although DC Entertainment is keeping its traditional publishing arm in New York City where it will be run by DC Co-Publisher Dan Didio, the transfer of administrative functions, its non-comic production efforts, and its digital publishing efforts to California (see “DC Becomes More Bi-Coastal”) comes at a cost.  The L.A. Times reports that 20% of the 250 DC staffers “will lose their jobs as part of the shift, while others will move to the West Coast from the East.”  This sort of employee attrition is unfortunately the typical result of corporate consolidation as smaller units are “integrated” into a larger whole.  In this case it appears that 50 DC staffers have lost their livelihoods.

Read the whole article here.

Dalek Money Bank

Just 'cuz I know you're all frantically preparing your list of gifts you wanna shower me with the week of Christmas and my birthday (New Year's Eve). Thought I'd take some of the stress off, drop a subtle little hint.

You're welcome.

Dalek Money Bank - $22.95

Need to keep your money safe? Exterminate your money problems by storing your coins and bills in this Dalek Money Bank from the NeatoShop.

The removable seal underneath the base lets you access your money, because we all know that destorying the Dalek’s bonded polycarbide Dalekanium armor is quite difficult, unless you’ve got your hands on some Nitro-9.

In 1971, World War III began during a Partridge Family song

Holy. shit.

Doesn't somebody want to be wan - whoops, its the apocalypse. What's really messed up is, despite all the technological and fashion advances since this incident I can easily see this happening tomorrow. Just, you know, on like Twitter or something.

For the full story, check out Conelrad Adjacent. My favorite detail is the ridiculously lo-fi solution they came up with to ensure that the emergency broadcast tests and real emergency broadcasts wouldn't be swapped. A little office organizing prevents a lot of mass hysteria.

via io9

Haha "Please do not call us to ask us what is happening! We do not know! We just know its hella bad and you should make peace with your god kinda right now-ish!"

New DC Digital Comics This Week

Check out the highlights of this week's DC digital comics releases - quite a few goodies there, including a sad reminder of the late, great, Harvey Pekar, in the form of the very last American Splendor #1.  Of great interest to fans - and causing panic, outrage and the heartbreak of indigestion to retailers - will be the brand-spanking-new Justice League: Generation Lost #10, with that nifty Batman cover they've been teasing in the back pages of DC Comics in DC Nation.

And those are just the highlights.  Here's the rest of the week's DC digital haul, available through their iPhone/iPad universal app or from the people behind the app, Comixology, either via their native app or on their website:

  • Action Comics #893 10 Page Preview
  • American Splendor Volume 2 #1
  • Batman #675
  • Batman Annual #26
  • Birds of Prey #61
  • Birds of Prey #62
  • Blood Hunter #3
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #8
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #9
  • DMZ #23
  • Dual #1
  • Ex Machina #10
  • Fables #25
  • Gears of War #5
  • Green Arrow #9
  • Green Lantern #7
  • I Rule The Night #2
  • Origin of The Joker
  • Jonah Hex #23
  • Justice League: Generation Lost #10
  • Nightwing #138
  • Robin #168
  • Sandman #14
  • Superman Batman #29
  • Supernatural: Rising Son #6
  • Supertron #1
  • The Telara Chronicles #0
  • Victorian Undead #4
  • Welcome to Tranquility #4
  • Wonder Woman Annual #1
  • Wonder Woman #4
  • Y: The Last Man #8

Awesome Fantastic Fest Posters Illuminate Texas Genre Blowout

via Underwire

Powerful new posters for Fantastic Fest, the annual genre film festival held in Austin, Texas, transport movie advertising back to a time when it relied on striking artwork rather than 3-D gimmickry.


Lego Has Officially Become an Awesome Factory

via Topless Robot

Toymania has pics -- okay, one pic, but it has all of them -- of Lego's third series of individual mini-figures. You'll likely remember the series as the line that had the Lego luchador, Lego Mime, Lego Spartan, Lego 10th century explorer, Lego zombie, Lego disco maniac, etc. As you can see, the third series is keeping the awesome levels high with a Lego samurai, Lego Biggles, Lego grizzled fisherman, Lego sumo wrestler, Lego mummy, Lego ape, and more. But I'd like to call your attention to the figure on the second row, second from the right. Yes, your eyes do not deceive you -- it's an official Lego Douchebag. Amazing!

The Last Supper reimagined with the alien from Alien

via Blastr

Battlestar Galactica has gotten the Last Supper treatment. So have Lost and Star Wars. So why shouldn't Sigourney Weaver and the others stars of Alien also get to populate one of the world's most famous paintings?


Bloody good fun with Dexter stars outside the box

With the Dexter season premiere upon us, a few of the ast members (specifically Michael C. Hall, James Remar, C.S. Lee, and Desmond Harrington), participate in a session of AOL Television's Outside the Box, in which they interview one another using questions submitted by viewers.

Heroic Urbanism: 13 Cool Comic Book Cities

The same dramatic architecture that gleams with the promise of technology and prosperity during the day oozes malice and corruption at night, with many a dark secret hidden in the tallest skyscrapers and deepest underground lairs. Cities and comic books are inextricably linked, and urban environments set the scene for the adventures of everyone from Batman to Mister X. Some are punched-up versions of real-life locations and others are entirely fictional, but all 13 of these comic book cities are as interesting as the characters that call them home.

DC Comics Close the Door on Wildstorm and ZUDA

Holy wow - Gin and Comics reports the end of an era! I mean I think we all knew that Zuda was a dead web imprint walking, but Wildstorm?!? I'm just so glad that the most underrated series of the past decade, Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina, finished its run before the culling.

It seems that DC imprint, WildStorm comics will fall just short of reaching the twenty year milestone as DC comics has announced the cancellation of the imprint this December; 18 years after it took the comic community by storm. This is sad news as WildStorm was one of the few, successful, long running imprints still standing strong, but rest assured that if you loved the characters in the WildStorm universe, they are not gone as you can read on in the official press release seen here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Batfamily en Español: naked Batman, gun-toting Robin, and the luchadora Batwoman [Bootlegs]

via io9

When Gotham City's protectors visit Spanish-speaking countries, details can get lost in translation. Sometimes Batman fights crime with no clothes on, Robin brandishes a firearm, and Batwoman's a sexy wrestler. Here are three deranged bootleg Bat-heroes.


'The Event' Actress Taylor Cole as Wonder Woman (pre-costume redesign)

Adam West for Eyehole Paintings!

Where would we be without you, Adam West? We wouldn't have the Batusi, the mayor of Family Guy hometown Quahog, or the security that can only be obtained through Eyehole paintings!

Plus, they give Scooby-Doo characters the heebie-jeebies, that's always fun. We thank you for your advice and your vigilance, oh formerly-caped crusader!

Think World of Warcraft, but with moonwalking instead of Kobolds.

There may be zombies, however. Syncopated dancing zombies. This total wackadoo news courtesy of USA Today:

'Planet Michael' will let players builds virtual Jackson worlds

It has been 15 months since Michael Jackson died, leaving his Neverland in limbo. But a virtual Neverland is in the works as a tribute to the late King of Pop.

Planet Michael, an online virtual world devoted to Jackson's life, music and concerns, being developed to open late next year, will combine features of a massively multiplayer online game and social network.

"We put a focus on something that will truly allow fans to immerse themselves in a Michael Jackson-like universe or music-video-like world and interact with each other and then go on adventures and do gameplay stuff and socialize," says Josh Gordon of developer SEE Virtual Worlds.

Think World of Warcraft— with no violence and more dancing. "The player is more apt to succeed in a situation using song, dance and adventure as opposed to violence," Gordon says.

In a world without Youngblood...

Current status: dusting off acting resume, preparing to audition for role of the "Unknown Letterer" who gives his life so that Image may live.  C'mon its Hollywood, ya gotta have dat glitz baby!

Glow in the Dark Iron Man Cross Stitch

Flickr user stitchFight makes cross stitches inspired by pop culture, including Tank Girl, The Hitchhiker’s Guide, and A Clockwork Orange. Pictured above is an Iron Man cross stitch that incorporated glow in the dark thread.

Link via Make

Live-Action Pokémon Movie - Now in HD!

Seriously, how is the M-Dawg not all over this yet? He could totally do a cameo as "that super-cool Indian Pokémon you'e never seen before".

Image of the Day: Utterly NSFW look at Wesley Crusher's bouffant

via Blastr

The Spider and the Bat by Barry Kitson

Described on his Facebook page as:

"A 'thank you' piece in return for a rather splendid book by Sergio Toppi."

That must have been a pretty sweet book.

Your daily dose of awesome: Calvin, Hobbes and the Goddamn Batman

Also, a tryranno-shark.

via imgur.

Mark McKenna's New Avengers 100 cover bets on Black (Knight)

the Hero Initiative unveils Mark McKenna's variant cover for New Avengers 100, spotlighting MI-13 operative, keeper of the Ebony Blade, and always an Avenger - the Black Knight.

Star Wars Samurai [PICS]

via Geeks are Sexy

After writing a graphic novel called Minister Jade, New York based artist Steve Bialik applied his interest in Japanese and Chinese style illustrations, and created this series of paintings of the main characters in the Star Wars universe re-envisioned into a beautifully executed series of Samurai themed portraits.