Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dat Fine Project Superpowers Ass

Yeah that's a look - a trenchcoat, a fedor and like no underpants or anything.  And you thought Power Girl let it all hang out!

Masquerade could seriously defile bad guys if she wanted to. Or, you know, do some pretty awesome stuff to them too if she were so inclined.

Will The Boondocks Really End Sunday Night?

This season of Aaron McGruder‘s award winning, satirical comic-turned-cartoon The Boondocks began on a bittersweet note. The promotional trailer opened with the words “The Final Season.” However, with only one episode to go, details on the truth in this statement as well as reasons for the departure of the hit series have been virtually nonexistent. To make matters worse, the network (Adult Swim) remains ambiguous as to whether or not we can all kiss Huey, Riley, and the gang goodbye.

For one thing, in the promos that have aired all week the upcoming and final episode is touted as a “season finale,” not a “series finale.” On top of that,, described as the “official unofficial website of The Boondocks” and launched/approved by McGruder himself, has a thread that allows fans of the series to pitch ideas for new episodes for the series. Hit animated series Family Guy has employed this same tactic, so it may be that some of the ideas get used or that they at least provide starting points for episodes and story arcs for the series. At any rate, the series may not be over yet.


Man I hope this isn't the end. A recent Adult Swim bump featured viewer mail, inquiring as to whether there may one day be a Boondocks movie - the reply was that, given the 3-year waiting period between seasons, they didn't see Aaron McGruder and Co. taking more time off to make a feature film. No mention of this being the last season in that bump, or in any other promos I've seen, except for the pre-season trailers featured on

Can anyone confirm or deny this? Preferably deny?

This Season's Woman Wears Green - 'She-Hulks' Debuts in November

Marvel has announced the November release of She-Hulks #1, a spin-off from the “World War Hulks” event written by Harrison Wilcox, with interior art by Ryan Stegman, and covers by Ed McGuiness.  The action-packed $3.99 debut issue promises to send comely green shockwaves throughout the entire Hulk landscape.

In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Unclasp

He explained that in space you get weightless, and so your flesh expands. What? But your bra doesn't, so you get strangled by your bra. That's why I couldn't wear a bra in the first Star Wars.
Carrie Fisher tells blastr the story of how that smooth-talkin' George Lucas got her to go braless.  Damn he's got his rap down cold!  

I can remember my flesh expanding when I first saw dat fine space ass, but fortunately I have unstable molecules - in mah pants!

Digging a Deeper Cavern

I'm working on the new Comics Cavern Facebook page today - what can I say?  It's a fait accompli. You don't really exist online in 2010 until you've lined up to kiss dat Zuckberg ass.

Hello Disney!  Hi Halliburton!

Please don't do bad things with my birthdate, social security number, and location of the stores at which I buy my most personal products.

And don't you dare judge me for my Flintstones "rock-rings"!

In other social media news, I've tried Amplify and it doesn't appear to work - the whole auto-posting to all your other services thing, which is its main feature, does not work for me.  Anyone else had any luck with it?

Any other suggestions for growing out the Cavern across the landscape and generally taking over the world - suggestions that don't involve broadcasting the location of where I'm eating lunch to everyone I've ever met?

'Glee' to be made into comic book

According to Reuters, Bluewater Productions will release a special edition of its Fame series that will focus on the success of Glee and its cast members.

Bluewater founder Darren G. Davis said that he expects that the new comic, called Fame: The Cast Of Glee, will introduce comic books to a new audience like previous releases based on Lady GaGa and Twilight."

Via Digital Spy

50 stormtrooper helmets transformed into clever works of art

Star Wars stormtrooper helmets aren't supposed to be set on fire, are they? Or covered in Ewok fur? Well ... not usually. But to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, 50 artists and celebrities did exactly that—and more—turning those iconic helmets into one-of-a-kind pieces of art.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Felicia Day’s “The Guild” tops iTunes, returns on web, DVD, in comics

In just the latest sign that geeks rule the earth, Felicia Day has topped Katy Perry with the No. 1 best-selling pop music video on iTunes in the United States and United Kingdom.

On Aug. 4, “Game On,” a Bollywood-themed gamer anthem by Day and the cast of the Web series “The Guild” topped Perry’s “California Gurls” on the chart. It’s the second music video for the “Guild” crew, who last year released “Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?”

“The Guild” is in its fourth season online as a Web series; the third season was recently released on DVD. “The Guild” follows the wacky real-world antics of a group of gamers who play a “World of Warcraft”-like game.



Adult Swim’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation was scheduled at sort of a weird time - midnight on Thursday going into Friday last night, the exact same time that many hardcore fans would be at theaters watching a midnight screening of a little live-action film called Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Luckily, as things tend to happen in the 21st century, they posted all four glorious minutes of the short, adapting scenes from volume 2 of the Oni graphic novels, on their Web site this morning!


Awesome SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD Movie Posters from Mondo Tees

via GeekTyrant
The movie poster above was created by artist Martin Ansin for the Alamo Drafthouse advance screening of Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Below you will find a variant poster called the NEGA SCOTT VARIANT. Unfortunately the posters are already sold out.




Media Release -- Marvel is pleased to announce the extra-sized Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes #1 (of 4), based on the all-new animated series premiering this October on Disney XD. Visionary scribe Chris Yost joins forces with rising-star artists Scott Wegener and Patrick Scherberger to assemble the greatest super heroes of all time- Iron Man! Captain America! Thor! Hulk! When the world's most evil villains attack, Captain America and Thor must join forces to stop them! Plus, don't miss a second story featuring everyone's favorite archer: Hawkeye!

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes #1 is perfect for all ages and a great jumping-on point for new fans. And don't miss the all-new animated series Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, premiering this October on Disney XD!

All Ages …$3.99

Comic Contest!

See? That got your attention right quick, didn't it?  That competitive spirit to get free stuff - that's a comics fan's lifesblood, isn't it?  Makes us dress up like Sinestro and fly off to a convention on the other side of the country to win a papier mache Infinity Glove replica.

Well, this contest isn't anywhere near as difficult, but just as fun.

Also, FYI, this isn't like my contest - just something cool that I'm passing along from the people at Lincoln Butterfield Animation, who are giving offering you the chance to win a copy their upcoming, first ever graphic novel, RIP. M.D., and a caricature by one of the animation artistes from the Butterfield talent stable.

Now - the rules, and more info about RIP, M.D., the book and it's creators.  Take it away, Butterfield guys!


We've all looked deep into our unconscious minds and have each drawn our own repressed image of what Lincoln Butterfield looks like. We will post them up for your scrutiny and judgment and ask you to vote for your favorite Butterfield. The character with the most votes wins. Easy.

When the election is over, we will place every voter's name into a Victorian top hat and ask an English Dandy to pull a name from it. This person will win an advanced copy of our graphic novel and the option to submit their mug shot, which will be transformed into a personal caricature by the artist of the winning Butterfield. Lovely.

A little more about RIP M.D.
RIP M.D. was written and illustrated by our very own Mitch Schauer, an Emmy® Award winning producer, writer and designer. Comic book veteran Mike Vosburg has brought his innovative, illustrative style to the artwork's inking, and Michael Lessa and Justin Yamaguchi have created a whole new look for RIP M.D. with their cinematic color and special effects expertise.

The contest kicks off Monday (August 16) - so good luck gettin' dat free stuff,  and congrats to LB Animation on their first graphic novel!

Welcome to the wonderful world of comics, Lincoln Butterfield - and, as they say at Xavier's:

Girls Drawin Girls at the Cartoon Art Museum

Official Press Release
The Cartoon Art Museum welcomes Girls Drawin Girls, the renowned artist collective, to its bookstore for a special event on Saturday, August 28, from 2:00 to 5:00pm. Visitors will have the opportunity to watch the artists at work and view past Girls Drawin Girls projects.
Who is Girls Drawin Girls?
Girls Drawin Girls was founded in 2006 by Simpsons veteran Melody Severns and storyboard artist Anne Walker as a way to showcase women artists working in the male-dominated industry of animation. Together, they felt it was time for these talented women to demonstrate their creative abilities and artistic interpretations of female sexuality by re-defining the art of the pin-up.
Since its conception, the group has published three volumes of pin-up art and grown to over 90 active members who work professionally in various entertainment industries.
The group provides collaborative projects for its artists (such as book collections, group art shows, and opportuinities to participate in charity art events such as the Pasadena Chalk Festival), in addition to promoting each member's individual artistic endeavors through cross-promotion and marketing prints, original artwork and other art-related merchandise.
Girls Drawin Girls Group Projects
From the beginning, Girls Drawin Girls has always been based around themed group projects. Our first published book, "Girls Drawin Girls Volume I: A Girl in Time" featured artwork from over two dozen artists and their interpretation of Pin-Up girls throughout time. Our second book, "Girls Drawin Girls Volume II; Once Upon a Girl" featured pin-up artwork by our members interpreting different fairy tales. Other group collaborations have included custom playing cards and a 2010 Pin-Up Art calendar. Future projects include a Volume III book (due mid-2010) and smaller sketchbook collections.
The collective has also invited to participate in high profile artist collaborations, such as the Vader Project and the Seychelles Art Show, where individual artists from the group are chosen to represent GDG.
Girls Drawin Girls Art Shows
An important aspect of Girls Drawin Girls is our group art shows. Part of our mission at Girls Drawin Girls is to bring exposure and experience to our members and art via the gallery world. GDG hosts and organizes several pin-up art themed group shows for our members throughout the year. Since 2006, we have had many gallery shows in and around the Los Angeles area featuring a diverse selection of pin-up art from our members.
The audience demographic of Girls Drawin Girls is very wide; we appeal primarily to those who appreciate and understand the art of pin-up. We have a strong following within the entertainment community and with fans of the counter-culture or “low-brow/pop” art scene. However, we have people from all walks of life at our shows and fans from every demographic. Men and women alike appreciate what our group is about and our vision towards promoting women artists.
Girls Drawin Girls Community Service
Girls Drawin Girls has always been active in community service and events. The group participates in the annual Pasadena Chalk festival, where donated artwork is auctioned off to raise funds for the Light-Bringer Project, a Pasadena-based nonprofit arts organization. We also sent GDG representative Melody Severns to Variety's 3rd Annual "Power of Youth" charity event that was held at Paramount Studios in December 2009.
In the wake of the 2010 Haiti earthquake disaster, Girls Drawin Girls collected donated artwork from the art community and organized an online charity Art Sale to raise donations for the American Red Cross. The dedicated charity sale raised over $550 in proceeds.
In mid-March, unsold 2010 Pin-Up calendars were donated to the USO to be sent to American soldiers and members of the armed forces serving oversees.

Batwoman to debut in November with zero issue

Batwoman #0 variant by Amy Reeder

Batwoman #0 variant by Amy Reeder
DC Comics' much-anticipated, but somewhat delayed, Batwoman title will be teased in November with a zero issue before kicking off in February as an ongoing series. According to the DC Universe blog, the Batwoman #0 one-shot is "an artistic collaboration" between J.H. Williams III and Amy Reeder, who will alternate story arcs on the monthly series. It's co-written by Williams and W. Haden Blackman.

'Bout damn time!! I'd like to see the names Greg Rucka and/or Devin Grayson attached to this project, but for now just knowing Batwoman is getting her own title is a start.
And variant covers - my love/hate relationship with them continues. They are soooo bad for the industry in so many ways, and a great big "F-you" to the consumers and retailers, and a one in a series of unhealthy '90s throwbacks - but dang that Amy Reeder cover sure is purty!

Grope Claim Against Donald Duck

While visiting Epcot Center in Florida, a Pennsylvania woman alleges that a Disney employee dressed as Donald Duck grabbed her breast and molested her after she sought an autograph.
Via The Smoking Gun.

Duck, Duck Goosed!

Oh, the horror.  I'll never look at that cute little - ewww, pantsless - sailor suit the same again.

Comic-Con Sensation ‘Last Man Standing’ Sells To Paramount For Film And More

EXCLUSIVE: Paramount has just closed a deal to purchase the LAST MAN STANDING and develop it as a multiplatform franchise property. The hugely sought-after graphic novel from Heavy Metal publishing was the sensation of this past Comic-Con when it debuted. Marc Evans, President of Production for Paramount, played a major role in bringing this into the studio. Scott Aversano will produce with Daniel LuVisi, the artist and creator of the graphic novel. The project will be executive produced by Stephan Lokotsch, Russell Binder, and Peter Levin. The novel will be expanded into a comic book by Kevin Eastman’s Heavy Metal publishing label. Attorney Craig Jacobson made the deal. The graphic novel which was 2 1/2 years in the making and sold out within 2 hours will be expanded into a comic book series for Kevin Eastman’s Heavy Metal publishing.

Image of the Day: The awesome Star Trek homage hidden in Heroes

via Blastr Atom Feed
George Takei's license plate in Heroes.
Via imgur

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Image Comics Announces "Morning Glories" #1 Same-Day Sellout

Official Press Release

Image Comics proudly announces the distribution-level sellout of the first issue of Nick Spencer's MORNING GLORIES, drawn by Joe Eisma with covers by Rodin Esquejo. The second printing of the book Newsarama calls "a trippy, foreboding read that is definitely something unique on the stands" will be available September 1.

"I feel so lucky that MORNING GLORIES has gotten such stupendous support," exclaims Spencer. "Joe and Rodin are doing a bang up job with the art and covers, and the response is beyond compare. I hope that readers stick with the series -- I promise an abundance of electrifying twists and turns!"

MORNING GLORIES: Morning Glory Academy is one of the most prestigious prep schools in the country. But behind its hallowed doors, something sinister and deadly lurks. When six brilliant but troubled new students arrive, they find themselves trapped and desperately seeking answers in a place where nothing is what it seems to be!

MORNING GLORIES #1 Second Printing, a 44-page full-color comic book for $3.99, will be available September 1, 2010

‘G-Day’: Comic Book Industry Remembers Gruenwald and Wieringo


Two creative giants taken way too soon. I was fortunate enough to meet Mark Gruenwald on a few occasions, and he was just a really pleasant, fun guy. Kindness and enthusiasm for people and comics just kinda oozed out of him.

I never met Mike Wieringo, but his work speaks for itself - this was a man who was clearly bursting with creativity and a passion for comics.

They both contributed an enormous amount to the world of comics, and they're both missed.

Your First Look: X-Men #3

Victor Gischler and Paco Medina’s X-Men #3 sounds like it will be a hot one. It continues the Curse of the Mutants storyline and finds the X-Men resurrecting Dracula to help take down Xarus. Be sure to stick it on your pull list prior to its release date of September 9.

'Kick-Ass' Nabs DVD Trifecta

Matthew Vaughn’s adaptation of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s Kick-Ass scored a home entertainment trifecta by topping the DVD, Blu-ray, & rental charts during its debut week. Kick-Ass, which earned almost $50 million at the domestic box office, scored the highest “box office-to DVD conversion rate” of any major film released this quarter—in other words it accumulated more home entertainment dollars per dollars earned at the box office.

Via ICv2

Oh Gawd There's a Superhero Outside My House

There goes the neighborhood.  Real-life superhero "Dark Guardian" patrols the grim, gritty - uh, tourist trap/NYU occupied territory Washington Square Park, totally within view of my bedroom window.  Damn I've lived through some gentrification that drained NYC of it's cool, but this guy...!  

Can someone please abduct him and fry his nuts, Kick-Ass style?

8-Bit Comics: Your Favorite Super-Heroes Reimagined For the NES

Dawww I miss Ecco the Dolphin.  Oh wait, that was the 16-bit Sega Genesis.

Well, back in the mesozoic era of gaming I would sooo loved to have played this on the NES with my big-ass Duck Hunt gun.

Sony Ericsson to introduce Android 3.0 gaming platform and PSP Go-like smartphone -- Engadget

There's no question that gaming on the Android platform has heretofore been relatively underwhelming, but that looks like it's all about to change. It seems that Sony Ericsson -- a company that has yet to even introduce an Android 2.0 device -- is at work on a project to redefine gaming on Google's mobile platform. We now know (via a trusted source) that the company is actively and heavily developing a brand new gaming platform, ecosystem, and device (possibly alongside Google) which are already in the late stages of planning. And we've got the goods on it.

Ohhhh my sweet iPhone. I know you get me laid like crazy but - this one plays Metal Gear!

‘Cathy’ Comic Strip to End

Associated Press / Universal Press Syndicate

The comic strip “Cathy” will end on October 3, 34 years after its creation. The strip’s creator, Cathy Guisewite, said Wednesday that she’s ending the strip so that she can spend more time with her 18-year-old daughter. At its peak, the comic appeared in 1,400 papers and won the 1992 National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Award. “Cathy” was largely autobiographical and Guisewite calls the decision to end it “excruciating.”

Read it at Associated Press
Posted at 12:45 PM, Aug 12, 2010

Long ago, when the world was young, the great old ones got their news on a mystic, smudgy substance known as "pay-pur". And they reported - albeit poorly, lazily, and their definition of "objectivity" was flexible to say the least - on all sorts of things, not just where your friends ate today, like you kids get today on FaceNews Global Net.

Oh, and they had cartoons, mostly terrible ones designed to help bolster the self-esteem of very uninteresting people.

Back in those days, the dirty people who the Disney Police take to the Bloomberg Room, where they love it so much they're never seen or heard from again? They were called "home-less".

I'll tell you more fables of the ancient times tomorrow, Junior. Now, take your dinner pill and go to your oxygen chamber/bed.

A Very Muppet Kick-Ass

"Kermy, they fried your balls!"

Best mash-up in the history of the universe courtesy of Great White Snark.

BBC News - Teaching philosophy with Spider-Man

For years, fans of the Batman comics have puzzled over a mystery at the heart of the series: why doesn't Batman just kill his arch-nemesis, the murderous Joker? The two have engaged in a prolonged game of cat-and-mouse. The Joker commits a crime, Batman catches him, the Joker is locked up, and then invariably escapes. Wouldn't all this be much simpler if Batman just killed the Joker? What's stopping him? Enter philosopher Immanuel Kant and the deontological theory of ethics.

I am so enrolling in "Why We Smash: Deep Thoughts on Puny Humans" with Professor Grulk for fall semester!

iPad boosts appeal of digital comics

(CNN) -- In just a few short months, Apple's iPad has become a popular mobile tool for web surfing, watching TV and reading electronic books. But its biggest impact may come in a lesser-known area of multimedia: digital comics. The best-selling "Scott Pilgrim" graphic novel series was released this week as an iPad app to coincide with Friday's release of the movie, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." Many more iPad comic-book titles are expected soon.


The digital revolution marches on - seriously, this is an important story to keep track of - for fans of comics this is the single most important story in the business right now.

Daredevil ain't ending. Bruce Wayne will be back, and soon.

If you're worried about the future of your favorite characters, what you need to be concerned with is comics following in the footsteps of all other popular media and making as smooth a transition to digital as possible.

Also, reading comics on the ipad is so cool!

Spider-Man Musical Tix Going on Sale

via ICv2 RSS Web Feed

Tickets are going on sale this week (in a special fan pre-sale) for the long-awaited Spider-Man musical, Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark.


Is Apple Working on Liquid Metal Terminators or What?

Apple just bought the rights to all the patents from a company called Liquidmetal Technologies. Looking at their video demonstration, I don't know what the hell they are going to do with it, but it must be something wickedly mindblowing:


I have no problem believing Steve Jobs is preparing to launch SkyNet. Look for iPhone 6 to signal the beginning of the robot uprising.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nice Art: Curt Swan Superman

No idea what the original home of this is, but we know it’s a Curt Swan convention program piece. Original provenance here. Found via Stephen DeStefano.

Via The Beat

Image of the Day: Girl tattoos MST3K silhouette on her back


New App Brings Scott Pilgrim to iPad, iPhone

via Underwire
Here’s a first look at the new Scott Pilgrim app that brings Bryan Lee O’Malley’s graphic novel series to iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The free app, which includes some free chapters, is powered by comiXology’s digital comics platform. The first five volumes of the Scott Pilgrim series cost $7 each to download; the final 200-page volume costs $12.


'Secret Origin: History of DC Comics'

via ICv2 RSS Web Feed

Warner Bros. Pictures has announced a November 9th release date for Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics, a documentary written and directed by Mac Carter and narrated by Ryan Reynolds that explores 75 years of DC Comics history.


Wow Ryan Reynolds is just givin' it up for any old comic project isn't he?  How long 'til we see his ass playing Dilbert?

Top 5 Jim Lee comic-book runs

Jim Lee’s dynamic style helped define the 1990s in comics. Now the co-publisher of DC Comics, Lee still draws “All-Star Batman and Robin,” which is written by Frank Miller. To celebrate Lee’s 46th birthday, here are my favorite comic-book runs by the influential artist.

Ah, Jim Lee. All the good stuff we remember about '90s comics art, wrapped up in one little super-wealthy guy.

Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark unveils dates, casting and synopsis


Jazz hands - tingling! There's icky Disney tourist trap danger afoot!

'Mined to death'? 'X-Men' director says Hollywood is killing the superhero movie

The clock is ticking on the superhero craze in Hollywood, according to Matthew Vaughn, the director now filming "X-Men: First Class" for Fox in London.

I agree, the "Martin Lawrence-in-a-fat-lady-suit" genre is due for a big comeback, rendering the comic book movie obsolete. Of course why Matthew Vaughan is doing a whole crapload of superhero movies while preaching "the end is near" is an eensy bit confusing, but whatevs.

I actually agree that the entertainment industry, by nature, eats itself and is in great danger of doing comics flicks to death, but it's just weird hearing it from the guy who is currently in the process of rebooting the X-Franchise and doing a Kick-Ass sequel.

DE's Vampirella Team Announced

via Headlines
Dynamite Entertainment is pleased to introduce Vampirella to a new audience of readers!

Vampirella's back and is hot on the trail of her nemesis, Vlad Dracula. It's a darker world for Vampirella, and something even more sinister than vampires lurks in the shadows, something that even Dracula himself has cause to fear. Vampirella is all that stands between us... and the end of the world!

Vampirella #1 is written by Eric Trautmann (Action Comics co-written with Greg Rucka), illustrated by Wagner Reis and will arrive at comic shops this November.


Putting the BOOM! In BOOM! Studios

That looks like an act of monster truck rage, not monster truck love.

Massage Sim for Wii - Pointless Yet Bonerific

Remember kids, always wrap your Wii Wand in that rubber protecty-thingy when playing Enjoy Your Massage!

The Superhero Pedicure


Wow thats just - that's just interesting, is what that is. What is one to make of that Deapool toe?

Don't Let the TV Superhero Go Extinct!

It'll be a sad day for comic book fans when 'Smallville' ends its 10-year run after the upcoming season. Where else can we turn to for a look at the impossible, like people leaping tall buildings in single bounds or being more powerful than locomotives? The superhero on TV will cease to be.
Interesting article, with few suggestions for new superhero franchises. A couple of good pitches, but if you want a TV studio you have to dumb them down a bit. Seriously. The formula they're looking for is "proven formula (a) meets proven formula (b)". You want to be able to say "The Nightwing Show - it's Charles in Charge meets The Shield.

Also, I like a lot of these but I'm troubled by the Ant-Man pitch. I can see it now - Episode 6: "Cause the Bitch Didn't Listen".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Scott Pilgrim's Bryan Lee O'Malley draws the X-Men's Emma Frost...with sexy results!

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

I bet you never even realized that a drawing of the X-Men's Emma "The White Queen" Frost quietly planning to "polish her diamond form" by Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O'Malley was exactly what your life was missing, did you?


McKay's 'The Boys' to film in 3D?

via Comics - Digital Spy - News

Adam McKay says that he is considering filming comic book adaptation The Boys in 3D.


DC responds to EARTH ONE format mystery

via The Beat
Late last year DC announced a new line of graphic novels called Earth One. The idea was a line of stand-alone graphic novels about major characters with new continuities. It was kind of like the Ultimates line but in the new format — GNs — instead of periodicals. Books for Superman and Batman were announced — SUPERMAN by J. Michael Straczynski and Shane Davis, while Geoff Johns and Gary Frank took on Batman.


Awesome retro trailer reimagines The Avengers as '50s sci-fi

YouTube user whoiseyevan managed to dig up this trailer created a decade before The Avengers were even born. Amazing, huh?


Oh Joss, pleez find a way to use your magic and cast a young Diana Rigg as Black Widow!

First Look At Green Lantern's Kilowog

So ugly he's cute. You know, like David Schwimmer.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World - The Comic Book Mashup Trailer

via Bleeding Cool Comic Book News and Rumors

This is wonderful. The Scott Pilgrim Vs The World movie trailer recreated… with scenes from the comic book taking the place of the scenes from the movie, and the soundtrack retained.


Out Of Context Funnies: Flame On!

Um. They're inside Johnny.

And Reed and the others have joined the party.  It's a family affair in Fantastic Four Annual No. 32.

Who Are These Lapsed Comics iPad Readers Anyway?

Digital comics have been big news for a while, but the iPad is be the current big dog getting the attention, with even DC Comics—traditionally the least tech-friendly major publisher—jumping into the fray with their app. Retailers fret about losing customers. Publishers dream of getting new readers, or at least getting some lapsed ones back.

"Blade Kitten" Leaps From Comics To Game

via Comic Book Resources

These days, hearing that a popular comic has been adapted into a video game is not at all uncommon, and in most cases, the comic creator and game designer are not one and the same. However,that's the case with "Blade Kitten," the brainchild of Krome Studios' Creative Director, Steve Stamatiadis. "Blade Kitten's" stretch back to 2001, and after developing the universe through comics over that stretch of time, Stamatiadis' creation will finally arrive in game form next month.


This Is What I Do When I'm Hungry


The Boondocks gets to go out with a season - or possibly series finale this Sunday, but my friends and family will forevermore have to listen to my mantra "Mah babies want their muh-f**kin' chicken!" when I'm feeling peckish.

Damn you, Aaron MacGruder!  I am a white!  Childless!  Man!

Not cool.  Plus this is one of the best Adult Swim shows ever and that's saying an awful lot.  Three-year waiting periods between seasons are a drag, but losing the show permanently would be a lot worse.

Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con 2011 Dates Announced

From press release:

Gareb Shamus Announces Dates For 2011 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con  

Event To Return to Anaheim Convention Center April 29 - May 1, 2011

NEW YORK and ANAHEIM, Calif., August 10, 2010
 - Following a successful debut at the 2010 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con, Wizard Entertainment CEOGareb Shamus today announced that the event will return to the Anaheim Convention Center, April 29 through May 1, 2011.

The inaugural Anaheim Comic Con, held April 16-18, featured a rare reunion of “Batman’s” Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether andYvonne Craig and more than 250 celebrities, comic artists and writers.  Comic book legend Stan Lee, TV icon William Shatner and legend Mickey Rooneywere among the other headline guests.  Numerous well-known producers and directors, including Avi Arad and Don Murphy, comprised a special section, and the popular Voice Actors Pavilion is scheduled to return in 2011. The 2010 event brought together fans of pop culture, comics, toys and collectibles and offered a chance to see the best each industry has to offer.

“Our first Anaheim Comic Con was a smashing success, and Wizard World is pleased to have secured a date for 2011,” said Shamus.  “We have just scratched the surface of what this event can be, and we look forward to bringing an even bigger and better show back to the Anaheim Convention Center.”

About Wizard Entertainment:
Gareb Shamus founded Wizard Entertainment in 1991. Today, Shamus publishes consumer magazines Wizard, ToyFare, FunFare and numerous books about pop-culture’s top talent, comic books and toys. Shamus also produces a North American Comic Con tour.  Chicago Comic Con - The Pop-Culture Capital of the World!