Saturday, December 18, 2010

Doctor Who: Have Yourself a Merry Little Smith-mas

Well, my inner Doctor Who fan is totally in love with this burst of Christmas cheer from the cast of the series.

My inner music critic wants to run far, far away and never look back.

No, but this is pretty awesome.  Good tidings, yule logs, and timey-wimey stuff to all.

Guy Proposes to Girl Using Fake Muppets Movie Trailer (VIDEO)

via Cinematical

We've featured tons of fantastic movie-related marriage proposals over the years (the guy who edited himself into 'Back to the Future' in order to propose will always hold a special place in our hearts), and the tradition continues today with a guy by the name of Sid Ceaser, who proposed to his girlfriend Sara Prindiville using Muppets.


All of this has happened before…

“Twinkle, twinkle” indeed.

The naive futurists from Drexel University have built a piano-playing robot.

Look how happy he looks, to be entertaining his human masters - there is absolutely no way this could possibly go wrong.

I've gotten a look at his playbook - he's adding some a new songs to his repertoire, here's a sneak peek:

Via io9, New Scientist.

Diablo 3 - A Hellraising Preview

via PC Gamer

Here’s what’s unfair: three wizards, each dropping a fireball-spewing Hydra, firing laser beams of death, calling meteors out of the sky and landing them on our hapless team. The Wizard is over-powered.


Dominic Pace wants Lex Luthor role in next Superman film

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

THERE'S been no shortage of suggestions as to who should play the new Superman in Zack Snyder's big-screen reboot.

Among the names thrown around is True Blood star Joe Manganiello who is full of praise for the filmmaker: "He's an unbelievable director, I'm a huge fan of 300," he recently said, adding that he'd be honoured to play the Man of Steel.


'The Dark Knight Rises' Rumor Mill: Tom Hardy Isn't Hugo Strange? UK & Detroit Shooting Locations?

via Splash Page

There's no small number of online rumors these days regarding "The Dark Knight Rises," Christopher Nolan's third (and final) installment of the current Batman movie franchise. The most popular areas of speculation continue to be the identity of the film's villain and whether he'll be played by "Inception" actor Tom Hardy, whose role has yet to be identified.


Mac users - organize that comic collection!

Let's face it, it's fun being a comic collector but damned if it isn't hard to keep organized.

The aptly named Comics application for the Mac aims to make that job a little bit easier for us.

Here's the official description of the program, from developer XIDIAR:

Comics is an advanced comics organizer that allows you to take trace of your collections. With the most Mac-like interface available, Comics make collect as simple, fun, and easy as it can possibly be.

I've downloaded the limited-feature shareware trial, I plan to kick the tires a little bit over the weekend. I'll let you know how it goes, and whether or not it helps me reign in my herd of wild, free-range longboxes.

‘The Dark Tower’: Ron Howard’s plans (and passion) for Stephen King epic

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

The bookshelf creations of Stephen King have been keeping people up at night for decades but Ron Howard has been losing sleep lately for a different reason — the Oscar-winning filmmaker is becoming a bit obsessive about his plan to bring King’s most epic creation, ”The Dark Tower,” to the movie screen.


EXCLUSIVE: DreamWorks Animation Nabs Movie Rights to 'Maintenance' Comic

via Hollywood Reporter

DWA picks up the rights to the Oni Press title after Warner Bros. put it into turnaround.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Mass Effect 2's PS3-exclusive comic: how it works

via Joystiq

Finally! Mass Effect! On the PS3! As a huge fan of the franchise, I was waiting for another excuse to play through Mass Effect 2. New and exclusive to the PS3 version of BioWare's RPG is an interactive comic that summarizes the events of the first Mass Effect. It's a clever workaround to Microsoft's publishing rights to the first game, and considering the importance of these choices in subsequent games, the effort is much appreciated.


Humankind fail: FarmVille for Dummies

via The Inquisitr

This is a thing that is happening.

FarmVille for Dummies just became available for preorder at Amazon, ahead of its release on February 15th, 2011. The perfect … Valentine’s gift?


Spidey's got your back

I'll be the first to admit that I haven't approved of all of Spider-Man's merchandising this year - the "yaay Mayor Bloomberg" propaganda comc?  Douche-chills.

The broadway show? Well really what can I possibly say about that that honest, unpaid-for critics will say if and when the damn thing ever actually opens?

But this right here - this gets the Comics Cavern seal of approval.  I would - and will - wear this with pride (it's on my XMas/Birthday wish list): The Spider-Man Backpack Buddy.

Throw him around over your shoulder like Luke carrying Yoda, fill him with your textboooks, water bottles, comics, what have you - you've got yourself a friendly neighborhood  Size: 28" x 23" x 8" Backpack.

Buy him now - for you, your friends - me, not begging, but you know - my birthday is New Year's Eve - at the Neatoshop.

'Fringe' Isn't Afraid of Fridays, Plus More on the Show's Weird Science

via TV Squad

There are a lot of uncertainties in the TV business, but one thing you can be sure of is that TV mavens will start shrieking when Fox moves a show to Fridays. If it's a cult show with sci-fi flavor? Expect to lose part of your hearing.


Blizzard Entertainment Confirms MMO Codenamed Titan

via SlashGear

That didn’t take long. It was just a few days ago that the five-year plan for Blizzard Entertainment leaked out of China. If you’ll recall, there was the possible plan for a new MMO title, called Titan, on that sheet. And now it looks like Blizzard Entertainment wants to go ahead and confirm that that game does, indeed, exist.


The rare Thor movie poster that only the cast and crew got to keep

via Blastr

We've had our fun with the official Thor poster, but for all its coolness it pales in comparison to this illustration that was commissioned exclusively for Thor's filmmakers.


Bendis’ Jessica Jones Racing The Hulk To ABC

via Bleeding Cool

Brian Michael Bendis’ walking, talking retcon, Jessica Jones, is headed to television. As the name of her original comics, Alias, has already been taken, the show has been given the name AKA Jessica Jones.


Dark Horse announces February digital titles

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

You may remember that Dark Horse Comics is launching its own homegrown digital comics application in January, and earlier this month they announced the titles that’ll be available when it does.


Go Back in Time and Steal Marty McFly's Fly Look

via Asylum

If you take a good look at the outtakes of Eric Stoltz's brief run as Marty McFly in "Back to the Future," you might get the idea that the actor was canned not because of his comedic timing, but because of his clothes. In that black jacket, black jeans and skate kicks, Stoltz looked more like the lost member of The Romantics than the kid who was about to go back in time and kiss his mother. Thankfully, Robert Zemeckis realized something wasn't quite right with Stoltz's take, liberated Michael J. Fox from his day job on "Family Ties," and set about creating a true '80s icon.


Original Terminator Co-Writer Wants to Save the Franchise From Itself

via Vulture

Everyone likes the original Terminator, but the franchise has fallen fast and far from the 1984 classic. The most recent film in the franchise, McG's Terminator: Salvation, was dubbed "so bad that seeing it makes one wish he could travel back in time to warn his former self before spending $12 on a ticket."


'Doctor Who' Roundup: Amy Pond Undressed, 'The Mazes Of Time' Game, And A Dalek Christmas!

via Splash Page

Another day, another batch of "Doctor Who" items to tide us over until the Christmas Special airs later this month. This time around, it's a multimedia barrage of "Doctor Who" interviews, holiday video, and even a new game featuring everyone's favorite Time Lord.


Family Guy/The Office: SAME SHOW.

Well, except that one is a less-than-satisfying - for fans of the original - British import. But yeah, the similarities are pretty remarkable.

via imgur.

Superboy variant: I love the '90s edition

As if the rampant spread of variant covers wasn't enough of a '90s throwback in and of itself, DC's variant cover for Superboy #2 really drives the point home with, of all things, a Bell Biv DeVoe reference!

Yikes.  Please let's not see Wilson Phillips or Right Said Fred on future variants, 'kay?

Never trust a big butt and a smile!


Kinect sex - whod've thunk it?

If you're surprised to see virtual sex enter the motion-controlled gaming scene, I envy you your childlike naïveté.

If you've already put in your pre-order, you are icky. On the plus side, you probably don't have any STDs, so you've got that going for you.

Here's what CNET as to say about this latest evidence that the world is doomed:

The demo comes from ThriXXX software, a maker of 3D role-playing sex simulation games, which said in a statement today that "the open-sourcing of device drivers for Kinect have enabled the...device to be used directly from connected PCs operating on Windows 7...The Kinect interface provides another exciting interface option for users of the sex simulation software to control the experience in extraordinary new ways. Controller-free is the next generation of game user interfaces, allowing users to use gestures, spoken commands, or objects to control in-game action that creates a completely new sex game activity and magical experience.

Aaaaand here's a clip. Don't pretend you didn't want to see one.

Via Geekologie, CNET.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

'Freaks and Geeks,' 'Undeclared' Casts to Reunite at PaleyFest 2011, Comedy Central to Roast Donald Trump and More

via TV Squad

More than 10 years after it went off the air, 'Freaks and Geeks' is getting a second life -- sort of.


'Thor' Early Buzz: Well, Racists Hate It

via Cinematical

While many of us were enjoying the 'Thor' trailer that hammered its way to the Internet last week, other factions were cooking up their opposition. No, they're not griping about Kenneth Branagh as director, or the potential plusses or minuses of Queen Amidala coming back to geek fare. They're ticked because Marvel's comic Norse God, Heimdall, is being played by black actor Idris Elba.


Opening of Spider-Man musical delayed again, this time until February

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Producers of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark have decided to move the opening of the $65-million Broadway musical from Jan. 11 to sometime in February, The New York Times confirms. That’s nearly a year after it was originally set to open.



via GeekTyrant

Actor Bill Pullman has joined the cast of the Americanized Torchwood spinoff called Torchwood: The New World. Series writer Jane Espenson confirmed Pullman's casting on her Twitter account, saying that she just heard the news officially herself.


Conan game being conceived by Paradox and DDM

via Joystiq

A new Conan el bárbaro video game is being developed in a collaboration between Paradox, which holds the rights to the Hyborian adventurer, and Digital Development Management (DDM).


SyFy Has Officially Canceled STARGATE UNIVERSE

via Collider

The series seemed to be in danger for the past few weeks, but now it’s official. Today SyFy announced they have canceled Stargate Universe and will not renew the series for a third season.


Super Girl Cosplay: What to Wear Today? [Pic]

Cartoon Network Video Hits App Store

via App Advice

The new, Cartoon Network Video, iOS application is available in the App Store. Now, cartoon fans can watch their favorite shows on-the-go, using the free app published by the Cartoon Network.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

TRON Preview Screening Marred By Line-Jumpers, Mean Staff

via The Consumerist

Tavie shares her first-person experience of waiting for hours in 20 degree weather to see the new TRON screening, and her run-ins with the professional line-jumpers and surly event staff.


Universal to Bring SyFy Films to Theaters

via Cinematical

If you can't get enough of movies like 'Mansquito' and 'Sharktopus', then today's news that Syfy and Universal have teamed up to create a series of new theatrical releases should have you giddy.


Dethklok Becomes Troll Crap in Metalocalypse Comic

via Underwire

What’s it like to be shat out by a troll? Ask Adult Swim’s cartoon headbangers, who are given the dirty business in the second issue of Dark Horse Comics’ Metalocalypse/Dethklok, out Wednesday.


New Hellraiser Ongoing Written by Clive Barker

via The Blog From Another World

Via Boom! Studios

This March, BOOM! Studios will unleash Hell as master of horror Clive Barker writes the newest chilling installment of his signature creation with the new Hellraiser ongoing series! Joined by co-writer Christopher Monfette and Hellblazer artist Leonardo Manco, Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #1 features covers by Tim Bradstreet and Nick Percival.


Nicholas Brendon: That Joss-less Buffy reboot is a MISTAKE

via Blastr

We haven't heard much out of the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast about the big screen reboot that's proceeding without Joss Whedon—unless you want to count the pre-Gellar Buffy who's angling for a role—but now a member of the Scooby Gang has one word to describe it: mistake.


comiXology launches on the Android

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

comiXology, who currently sell digital comics through various applications on the iPhone and iPad, as well as through their own website, released a “beta” comics application for the Android mobile operating system today. Per the release, the Comics by comiXology Android beta app will include comics from many of the publishers comiXology works with on the various Apple devices, including DC Comics, Image, Dynamite and BOOM! — but no Marvel, it seems.


Christian Bale, possibly under the influence of Chemical X, sings Powerpuff Girls theme song

The Dark Knight lets his hair down and indulges in singing the song that we all have playing in our heads - but it takes a true hero to admit it - The Powerpuff Girls theme.

Marky Mark accompanies him on beat box, and sings a touch of "The Touch."

And no, you're not super-high - just watching actors promote The Fighter.  And in Bale's case, possibly doing a little after-the-fact damage control after that whole flipping-out-at-a-crew-member thing from Terminator: Salvation.

Either way, it's all kinds of awesome.


Via Vulture.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Win a copy of RIP M.D.

Mitch Schauer's excellent RIP M.D. was a real treat this year, featuring the comic debut of the writer/illustrator who you may know as the creator of Angry Beavers.

Well, Lincoln Butterfield Animation has a copy to give away for Christmas, and it's a chance to flex your creative muscles to boot.

Here's the deal:

On LB's Facebook page, they've posted a Christmas comic strip by Mitch himself - but the strip is incomplete. 

Fill in the blank with the best punchline (leave it as a comment under the strip), and you might score yourself a stocking stuffer in the form of a terrific comic that has no crises, wars, secrets or countdowns.

It does have zombies and vampires and stuff, though - so - ya know.  It's pretty great.  Good luck!

Jon Favreau Will Not Direct Iron Man 3

via Vulture

The poet Robert Browning once wrote that "a man in armor is his armor's slave." By that logic, director Jon Favreau is now a free man: Insiders tell Vulture that Favreau has just informed Marvel Studios that he won't direct a third Iron Man film.


Save Christmas, the Jedi Will!

Life Day can kiss my ass - this Sci-Fried Star Wars Christmas with Yoda and Santa rockin' the mic is where its at this holiday season!

via Topless Robot, Blastr.

Nicolas Cage goes ballistic in Romania

Consequences will never be the same!

And you thought Nicolas Cage only had over-the-top spaz fits in his films.

Apparently the actor has been possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance, as he lost his marbles Sunday outside of a nightclub in Romania, where he's currently filming the highly-anticipated - by people with terrible taste in movies - Ghost Rider 2.

According to the Daily Mail, it's not clear what set Cage off, but some combination of social interaction - probably involving someone checking out his lady and, in all probability, booze and/or other fun substances - led Cage to holler such gems as “Get in that car and walk away. I'll f*****g die because of honor. I'll f*****g die right now", and “Don’t touch me you little b****,” and “See my eyes—respect them as you'd respect me.”


8 intriguing teasers for the 6th season of Doctor Who

via Blastr

Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol screened at the BFI Southbank in London last night, and some very lucky people not only got the chance to see the eagerly awaited special before the rest of us, but ALSO caught a brief trailer for the upcoming sixth season of Doctor Who. And we know what they saw.


'Tron: Legacy' Girls Get Nude Pictorial in Playboy

via Cinematical

There's nothing Disney about it, and naturally you won't see Disney's name anywhere near this thing. But the studio will be the first to admit (privately, behind closed doors, to only a select few) that they need all the marketing help they can get when it comes to 'Tron: Legacy'.


Mekhi Phifer Set As Lead On 'Torchwood'


EXCLUSIVE: Mekhi Phifer is set to star opposite John Barrowman and Eve Myles in the upcoming fourth season of sci-fi drama Torchwood, which Starz is co-producing with the BBC for a run on both networks. Phifer joins original Torchwood stars Barrowman, who plays time agent/con man Captain Jack Harkness, and Myles, who plays ex-police officer Gwen Cooper.


Top 10 Movies for the Modern Tech Geek

via Mashable!

It’s a great time to be a tech geek with a love for the cinema. Not only is film technology evolving at a breakneck pace, the subject matter for films is also targeting tech audiences in a more nuanced, fulfilling way.


Comic-Con International to test new badge registration system on Wednesday

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

After two unsuccessful attempts to sell tickets to next year’s Comic-Con International in San Diego, CCI will test a new system this Wednesday, Dec. 15 that involves two separate vendors.


Bruce Timm Talks 'Green Lantern: The Animated Series' And 'Emerald Knights' Movie

via Splash Page

Green Lantern is poised to have a big year in 2011, but the live-action film starring Ryan Reynolds as hotshot hero Hal Jordan isn't the only upcoming project with an emerald hue.


Victorian Star Wars

via Neatorama

Hmm, this looks like someone doing a steampunk version of Star Wars, doesn’t it? Wrong! These are real antiques.


Well, it can't be worse than Scientology...

Unless you count ushering in an age of black despair, as the Elder Gods rise up from dimensions unknowable to conquer us with their mighty tentacles.

Nope, still not as creepy.

If there's something missing in your life, maybe it's time you picked up the Necronomicon.  Careful, though - he's a nibbler!

But don't take my word for it - perhaps this helpful PSA from Bad Advice For Good Times will help convince you.

Dexter-Deb Divorce!

In what would seem to be a case of - spoiler alert! - life imitating season finale, Entertainment Weekly reports that Dexter stars Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter are divorcing.

In a joint statement, the pair say that the split is an amicable one, which is fortunate as they'll continue to portray on-screen siblings for at least one more season.

Monday, December 13, 2010

7 Star Trek: Original Series stars steampunk style

via Blastr

We knew the original Star Trek series first aired a long time ago, but somehow we didn't remember it as having been back during the Victorian era.


For Sale: Sci-Fi Artifacts, Including This Life-Size Terminator

via Underwire

Terminator fanatics blessed with a couple hundred thousand dollars in spending cash can take a shot at owning a genuine T-800 Endoskeleton this Friday, when dozens of iconic sci-fi artifacts hit the auction block.


'The Chronicles of Narnia' vs. 'Harry Potter': It's All in the Magic

via Cinematical

Something has gone terribly wrong in the magical kingdom of Narnia. The new film adaptation of C.S. Lewis's classic 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' was a moderately well-received charmer; 'Prince Caspian' showed diminishing returns; and 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader', judging by the reviews and last weekend's dismal box office returns, was not a movie anyone much wanted. What happened?


Vulture lists their top ten comics of 2010

Well, for decades now we've been asking the mainstream media to take comics seriously, and we got our wish. New York Magazine's Vulture website, which is quite excellent when it's not taking Jersey Shore seriously, has compiled a list of their favorite comics of the year.

The Top Ten Comics of 2010

There's already some controversy in the comments from certain, often over-represented genres, which were left out in the cold entirely, but regardless of whether you agree with all of their selections it's a list worth checking out. Even if your favorite books doesn't show up, you may just discover a cool title that you've never heard of before, and you know - it's like three minutes of your life, so what the Hell?

Galactus and his Epic Steed

via Geeks are Sexy, Epicponyz.