Enjoy, boys and ghouls! (Yes, I've been watching Tales from the Crypt on DVD lately. Awesome show.)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Gallery: Creepiest kids in horror movies
Hayden Panettiere Drinks Beer, Flaunts Fake Boobs at Oktoberfest
How I Spent My First Night At Wizard World NY
Well, maybe it's best explained by means of this e-mail I just sent to the head of Wizard PR, who personally stepped in at a crucial moment to say "We're not taking an interest in this, goodbye."
Mr. [redacted],
A recounting of last night's events is very simply as follows:
I was asked by the attendants at press check-in to present them with my photo i.d., which I did. They strapped the wrist-band around me and directed me to various pamphlets, which I perused and took. I left, got in a cab and immediately realized that they had not returned my i.d. to me, and I turned my cab around. I was back at press check-in inside 15 minutes.
At no time was my i.d. ever out of my wallet except to hand it to the attendant. I was never anywhere else with my i.d. in the 15 minutes between the time I presented it at check-in and the 5 minutes it took me to get a cab. My memory is quite clear. The i.d. was not returned. Your attendants refused to acknowledge that they could possibly have failed to return my i.d. and Wizard World staff effectively chased me out of check-in and onto the street, sans one driver's license.
That's a fairly big deal. Proof of citizenship and such. It wasn't stolen per se, but it wasn't lost. Not by me. It was misplaced by the staff at press check-in, who refused to aid me and acknowledge the possibility of this error, and in so doing effectively robbed me of my proof of citizenship, an i.d. i need to present at doctor's offices, security checkpoints, to travel, to drive, or to attend conventions.
To say this was upsetting would be something of an understatement.
Matt Sager
If I could reboot the Amalgam Universe...
You'd never sleep again, without having nightmares of the super-unsexy Illyana-gog! I suppose it's fortunate that Amalgam is one of the few awful ideas from the '90s that has yet to resurface.
Robbins and Buscema on Venus? Yes, please.
Trina Robbins.
Stephanie Buscema.
"Venus mini series".
Is there anything above that doesn't just rock your comic world? Nope, me neither. I like this a lot more than the dubious "Women of Marvel" celebration that kinda just comes off like a belated acknowledgment from the comics community that women exist, bundled with a variant cover program.
Robbins and Buscema on Venus - that's my idea of Girl Comics. Bring it ladies, I'll pre-order today!
SPIDEY UPDATE: Emma Stone To Be Offered Mary Jane Watson
No gold codpieces for my Judge Dredd, says Karl Urban
Urban will play the character from British comic 2000 AD in director Pete Travis's new film, to be called simply Dredd, which starts shooting in eight weeks in South Africa.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Ciaran Hinds to Play the Devil in 'Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance'
Philip Seymour Hoffman as Venom in Spider-Man Reboot!? And Female Lead Update
Themed sketchbooks: Rico Renzi’s Mr. T sketchbook
Wonder Woman Returning To TV As Series Written And Produced By David E. Kelley
Stephen J. Cannell, Creator of 'The A Team' and 'The Rockford Files,' Dies
Caprica season 1.5 premiere sneak peek (part 2)
Well, I'm not gonna beat around the bush - my conference call with Sasha ("Sam Adama") Roiz couldn't have been handled more poorly if Cylons were moderating the call (actually Sasha himself noted early in the call that it appeared as though that was the case). so I have no idea how I'm going to handle coverage of the pretty disastrous event. I'm super-pissed at the people behind the talk, which was originally scheduled to be with a different cast member, and the time of which changed 4 times over two days - the entire affair was a remarkably unprofessional, sloppy promotion for one of SyFy's best shows.
I'm off to go check in at Wizard World's Big Apple Comic Con, so I'll take a little time to mull the situation over.
In the meanwhile, I remain excited for the premiere of season 1.5, "Unvanquished", October 5 at 10 pm/9 pm Central.
Here's that second clip of the episode I promised (if you missed it, click here to see the first clip).
Titan Books at New York Comic Con
(Press Release)
It’s only one week to go until the East Coast extravaganza that is NEW YORK COMIC CON, and we at TITAN BOOKS have been busy plotting and planning to make it our best ever. Con-goers will be able to find us all weekend at BOOTH 2322 - and we have plenty of reasons to stop by and say hello!
New York Comic Con is your chance to get your hands on one of Titan’s most anticipated releases ever: ICONS: THE DC COMICS AND WILDSTORM ART OF JIM LEE! Con-goers will be able to bag themselves copies of the New York Comic Con Exclusive Limited Edition of the book – numbered and extremely limited slipcased volumes signed by Jim Lee, each of which comes complete with a breathtaking BATMAN art print (only available in this edition) and variant dustjacket. Plus the great JIM LEE himself will be on hand for a signing and a panel!
On Saturday October 9, at 2.45-3.45pm in Room 1A08, Titan Books presents JIM LEE AND ICONS: THE DC COMICS AND WILDSTORM ART OF JIM LEE. One of the most popular and successful artists in modern comics and now co-publisher of DC Comics, Jim Lee appears exclusively for Titan Books to discuss his amazing new book and his impact on the DC Comics universe. From roughs and storyboards to pencils and finished color art, ICONS showcases every stage of Jim Lee’s creative process, and this is a unique chance to hear him discuss his work first hand.
JIM LEE will be signing copies of the exclusive limited edition of ICONS on Saturday in Autograph Alley at 1 pm on Table 2 – so stop by Titan’s Booth 2322 to get your copy of the book.
Saturday October 9 is set to be a big day, as Titan also presents MORT WALKER AND BEETLE BAILEY, 1-2pm in Room 1A15. Join comic strip legend Mort Walker as he talks with Tom Spurgeon of The Comics Reporter, about the 60th anniversary of his wonderful creation and his new collection BEETLE BAILEY: 1965 DAILY & SUNDAY STRIPS, published by Titan Books.
Following the panel, at 2.30pm, Mort Walker will be appearing at Titan’s Booth 2322 to sign copies of the new Beetle Bailey: 1965 Daily & Sunday Strips collection.
We’ve also got some great goodies available for early birds to Booth 2322! The first 100 people to pick up a copy of the gorgeous THE ART OF DREW STRUZAN will receive a free full-color art print, signed by Drew Struzan himself, featuring a BACK TO THE FUTURE III comprehensive sketch that’s so rare it doesn’t even appear in the book! The awesome hardback collects never-before-seen comps and sketches, alternative concepts and work-in-progress art alongside his inimitable finished poster paintings.
Meanwhile, the first 50 people to get themselves a copy of THE SIMON & KIRBY SUPERHEROES will receive a free, exclusive color print signed by JOE SIMON himself! This 480-page hardback compendium features all of Simon & Kirby’s finest superhero stories and characters outside of their work for Marvel and DC, including Fighting American, The Fly, Lancelot Strong and The Stuntman, fully restored to their original glory.
And finally, NYCC attendees will have the opportunity to pick up Titan’s first volume of Hågar the Horrible daily strips, complete with an exclusive illustrated bookplate signed by Chris Browne, the current artist on the strip and son of Hagar creator Dik Browne.
Get Your Iron Man 2 Suitcase Geek On
Ask (Sam) Adama
Alright Caprica fans: got questions for Sasha (Sam Adama) Roiz? Comics Cavern is interviewing him at 3:00 PM Eastern - about 10 hours from now. Hit me with your questions by leaving comments, or e-mailing [email protected]. Tweets, Facebook, whatever - you got questions for Sam, lemme know and I’ll see if I can’t get you sone answers!
Liefeld shows off sense of humor, man-teats
Lady Sif as a frog
The sauciest moments from the best ever month of scifi burlesque! [NSFW]
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Caprica season 1.5 premiere sneak peek (part 1)
I told ya there was cool Caprica stuff on the way, didn't I? Let the countdown to season 1.5 begin! Hows about we start with this clip from the season premiere, "Unvanquished"? Yeah, let's do that.
More to come. I'm such a tease! Nah but for reals, Caprica fans - you won't be disappointed. More video, and a little sumthin' sumthin' else you're gonnna like.
Don't forget, Caprica returns to ScyFy Tuesday, October 5 at 10 pm/9 pm Central.
Salacious B. Crumb Is Another Star Wars Sellout for Mondo
Summer Glau talks being Supergirl and what lies ahead
The future of sexology comes to San Francisco with the Arse Elektronika conference
What could be better than robot babies? How about makin' robot babies! Bomp-chick-a-womp-womp!
From io9:
Starting Thursday and going through the weekend, a group of scifi-minded sex geeks will gather in San Francisco at the annual Arse Elektronika conference. Here are some highlights from the program, including contributions from a couple of io9 editors.
You can read all about the conference and performances on the Arse Elektronika website.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Countdown to Caprica!
The excellent, critically-acclaimed Battlestar Galactica prequel Caprica returns to SyFy on October 5, and if you read Comics Cavern with any regularity you know I'm all about all things BSG. Expect lots of coverage leading up to the premiere, including sneak-peek advance clips and more.
Yes, that's a tease. There's gonna be a very cool Caprica-related event here on Friday. Stand by for details.
In the meantime, get ready for the show's return with ReCaprica: a five-minute recap of everything that's happened on the show so far, setting the stage for the premiere of season 1.5.
Man, if every genre show would put out something like this in between seasons, wouldn't that be sweet? Oh well. Caprica did it, and kudos to them for doing so. Enjoy, and stand by for lots more Caprica coolness in the run-up to the season premiere.
Ah, the beauty of robot childbirth... (SO NSFW it's not even funny)
Seriously, not safe for work, or sanity. Oh, and be fully prepared to lose all those robo-sex fantasies you've been nurturing since Blade Runner, of Battlestar Galactica or the Jetsons or whatever.
Oh geez if she eats the robot placenta I'm so gonna hork. Oh nevermind, she doesn't have a head. That's - not comforting.
via Gizmodo.
The 10 greatest all-nude fight scenes in comics
Aquaman: hung like a brine shrimp?
Even by the high standards of this seriously underrated show, this was an instant classic.
(Spoiler alert: The Flash and and Green Arrow take it on the chin pretty hard in this number too.)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dethklok Comic Brutalizes Social Networking
via Underwire
A hundred times more popular than The Beatles, Metalocalypse’s cartoon metal band Dethklok thrashes into comics this fall. And it’s leaving piles of social networking drones in its wake.
The first issue of Dark Horse Comics’ miniseries Metalocalypse/Dethklok arrives Oct. 6 for $4, and it’s quite the headbanging hoot. When all is said and done, the spoof thrashers of Adult Swim’s Dethklok, led by guitar and comedy virtuoso Brendon Small (Home Movies), will have destroyed Helsinki, and perhaps what’s left of Twitter and Facebook’s integrity.
Reading the Tea Leaves: Bob Harras Named Editor-In-Chief of DC
Driveable 1966 Batmobile Replicas
Elmo kicks a guys ass, brags about it to CNN
And you thought the first Yogi Bear trailer was heinous
Well I knew worse things were yet to come when I saw the first trailer, yet somehow my love for this smarter-than-the-average-bear left me holding onto some vestige of hope that this film might be less disastrous than say, Chipmunks 2: The Squeakquel. Shows what I know. This is going to be a bomb of epic proportions. Those of us who cherish our childhood memories of Jellystone Park and the adorable, pantsless bears who lived in a cave yet wore jaunty little ties, are advised to watch the recently-released second trailer for the film, and abandon all hope.
Big Apple Comic Con 2010 Final Programming!
9:00-11:00 P.M.
(@ Affinia Hotel Peyton Room)
WIZARD’S ORIGINAL ART DRINK ’N DRAW. Join comic legends J.G. Jones, Leinil Yu, Shane Davis, Greg Horn and more as they draw and auction off original sketches for the HERO Initiative.9:00-9:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Check in with the cult film’s cast—Ashley C. Williams, Akihiro Kitamura and Ashlynn Yennie as they give you an insiders’ guide to one of the most talked-about films of the year. Moderated by Alison Willmore of IFC.com.SATURDAY
11-11:45 a.m. CREATOR Q&A - Shane Davis & Paul Levitz
Superstar artist Shane Davis discusses his new graphic novel Superman: Earth One, and former DC Publisher Paul Levitz talks about his new run on Legion of Super-Heroes.12:00-12:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Superstar writer Mark Millar and artist Leinil Yu bring their new project Superior to Big Apple Comic Con.1:00-1:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Fans remember her as President Laura Roslin from “Battlestar Galactica,” and this is your chance to ask her all your burning questions.2:00-2:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
The two living legends—Adam West and Burt Ward—from the ’60s “Batman” television series reunite for one amazing panel.3-3:45 p.m. ETHAN VAN SCIVER - 100% Cotton
Join world-famous Green Lantern: Rebirth and Flash: Rebirth artist Ethan Van Sciver and Wizard Editor Mike Cotton for this special event Q&A4:00-4:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
The three original Brady Bunch boys—Barry Williams, Christopher Knight and Mike Lookinland—reconnect at this exclusive Big Apple panel.5:00-5:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Iconic comic book scribe Mark Millar joins former Marvel Publisher Bill Jemas and superstar artists Leinil Yu and J.G. Jones for this high-powered panel.6:00-8:00 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Watch the terrifying new film with stars Kiele Sanchez and Diora Baird before its release date and talk to the cast of the Steve Niles-inspired flick. Moderated by Alison Willmore of IFC.com.7:30-9:30 P.M.
(@ Affinia Hotel Grand Ballroom)
Get your best costume together and come on down to Wizard’s Big Apple costume contest for huge prizes and some of the craziest outfits you’ll see—outside of the Village.8:00-8:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Join the original Caped Crusaders—Adam West & Burt Ward—for this one hour of drinks and mingling as well as a viewing of the first episode of their hit show with commentary. *9:00-11:00 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
This late-night, adults-only panel with Superior, Kick-Ass and Ultimates mastermind Mark Millar has it all! Hosted by Wizard’s Mike Cotton, this is the one panel where you never know what’s going to happen next.9:30 P.M.-2:00 A.M.
(@ Affinia Hotel Grand Ballroom)
After Big Apple’s huge costume contest, stick around for Wizard’s Masquerade Ball.SUNDAY
8:30-9:30 A.M.
(@ the Affinia Hotel Peyton Room)
Join the three Brady Brothers for this exclusive continental breakfast event. *11:00-11:45 A.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Parents, bring your 10-and-unders to the kids-only costume contest and give your offspring a chance at great prizes and giveaways.12:00-12:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Join Nicholas Brendon (Xander) and Clare Kramer (Glory) as they retell tales from the set of “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.”1:00-1:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Comic book legend Joe Madureira (Battle Chasers) continues the Wizard World tour with a stop in the Big Apple to talk to fans about his new video game work and what he may be doing next at Marvel.2:00-2:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Artist Greg Horn (Green Lantern, Rise of Arsenal covers) gives fans a tutorial on how he creates the amazing covers fans have been seeing recently.3:00-3:45 P.M.
These “Episode I” stars retell tales of the Force, a time long ago and making one of the biggest blockbusters in movie history.4:00-4:45 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Professional wrestlers Kevin Nash, Torrie Wilson and Sunny give fans an insiders’ look at one of the toughest sports around.5:00-7:00 P.M.
(@ Penn Plaza Gold Ballroom)
Prepare for the scare, fans! Big Apple unleashes Halloween early with more chills, thrills and frights than any one con can handle!
Edward Norton Wants a Villainous Role in Christopher Nolan's BATMAN 3
And the Hobbit Is @#$%ed Again
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bluewater's Zuckerberg comic cover makes me feel like dancin'
The Many Faces Of Spock
Hooray for science!
Emergency Bra Now On Sale - Device doubles as twin gas masks
(NEWSER) - A potentially life-saving "emergency bra" invented by a Ukrainian doctor has gone from award-winningly odd idea to actual commercial product. The bra, which doubles up as a pair of gas masks has gone on sale online for $29.95, Fox reports. Inventor Elena Bodnar, who witnessed the devastating effects of the Chernobyl disaster, says readily available gas masks could have prevented many cases of radiation sickness.
"Ladies and gentlemen, isn't that wonderful that women have two breasts, not just one?" Bodnar said last year when collecting an "Ig Nobel" prize for the invention. "We can save not only our own life, but also the life of a man of our choice next to us." A "counterpart device for men" is in the works, according to CNET, but no word yet on what form it will take.
TIME celebrates witches
Walk Like An Egyptian, Bluegrass-Style (VID)
Native New Yorker, New to Farmville
...So you can understand my surprise when I received an e-mail notification that "someone has sent you a hoe". Uh - thanks?
Image by legoman.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
FLASH Movie Inspired by 'Se7en' and 'Silence of The Lambs'
The brighter side of newspaper comic strips' extinction...
"It's a Socialist President, Charlie Brown!"
Cathy isn't allowed to get sugary snacks but is forced to get an abortion!
These horrific visions of what might have been come courtesy of Bleeding Cool by way of the Boston Globe.