
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Target Commercial Hates on Homemade Halloween Costumes, Internet Hates on Target

via Urlesque

A new Target commercial wants you to trash that homemade Halloween costume and pick up a mass-produced outfit at Target instead. The ad shows a kid in an elaborate mom-made Iron Man costume, complete with flashlight repulsor jets on the hands and a touch-lamp power source on the chest. The kid looks embarrassed and bummed out, and then we cut to the Target version of the costume.


Eagle Awards Initiative opens gateway to comic book stardom

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

COMIC BOOK writers and artists are being invited to enter the Eagle Awards Initiative, which has now opened its website for submissions to its worldwide talent search.

With Stan Lee as its patron and a host of top creators on board as judges, the Initiative - an offshoot of the long-established Eagle Awards - is offering untried talent a chance to demonstrate their abilities before a global audience.


Can't Touch Sith!

I just want to say that if this sequence makes it into the rumored new Star Wars Trilogy, then George - all is forgiven for Episodes I-III.

Otherwise, it's just random Star Wars/M.C. Hammer wackiness for your Saturday evening enjoyment.

Speedy Gonzales sells his soul for UK broadband spokesmouse deal

Get used to it, amigo. It's a little thing called showbiz, and integrity is nowhere to be found in it's unholy dictionary. I'll tell you what my bosses told me - "shut up, put on the dress, smile and eat your effing cheese."

Update: Lucasfilm Denies New Star Wars Trilogy in the Works

via Underwire

Update: Lucasfilm is denying a supposed insider report that says George Lucas is planning to film three new Star Wars movies. The report, published by IESB and citing an “ultra top-secret Lucasfilm insider,” said the new trilogy would land after the planned 3-D conversion of the six Star Wars films.


World of Warcraft: Cataclysm to be downloadable at launch

via The Inquisitr

Blizzard has confirmed that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be in stores and also downloadable from December 7, making it the first World of Warcraft expansion that can be bought and downloaded before release.


Super Mario retro room mural

via MAKE Magazine

Nathan Roberts wrote a great step-by-step on how he revamped a plain bedroom into something special for his son. And I dare say with the pixelated retro Super Mario theme (what he call the Retro Room Mural or RRM), this might appeal to some older "kids" in our audience as well.


20 heroic librarians who save the world [Triviagasm]

via io9

If information is power, then there's no hero mightier than a librarian. Librarians are superheroes, adventurers, explorers and invaluable guides to other heroes. Here are 20 amazing librarians who save the world every day!

As Spider Robinson writes in The Callahan Touch, "Mary Kay is one of the hidden masters of the world — a librarian. They control information. Don't ever piss one off." So here are 20 librarians who you shouldn't ever piss off — but who might be a lot of help if you're in a tight corner.


DC Universe Online gets even more super voice actors

via Joystiq

Sure, you could get your superheroic missions from timeless characters in DC Universe Online through boring text discussions -- but it seems Sony Online Entertainment is doing its darndest to fill the game with real human voices. Authentic voices too: For instance, Arleen Sorkin will reprise her role of Harley Quinn from Batman: The Animated Series, while super prolific voice actor Corey Burton will provide the pipes for Brainiac.

Dwight Schultz, of The A-Team and Star Trek: The Next Generation fame, will add another notch to his voiceover belt by speaking for The Flash. Rounding out the list of actors is Wil Wheaton, who recently voiced the Blue Beetle in Batman: The Brave and the Bold -- though, this time around, he'll be doing vox for Robin, who is sometimes called Boy Wonder, but never to his face.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Old vs new Battlestar Galactica helmets

The classic Viper pilot helmet vs.the modern version - which do you think brings the most sexy, sci-fi fashionistas?

via SyFy.

Marvel Studios Slows Down 'Runaways'


While Marvel put pedal to the metal to bring The Avengers and Iron Man 3 into the Disney distribution fold, the superhero factor  has pumped the brakes on Runaways, the youth-oriented superhero movie that had been moving quickly toward a production start. Word in agency circles is that the project was flat-lining because it's similar in age demo to Kick-Ass, but insiders tell me that isn't true. Marvel simply has too much going on at the moment and will take its time on the live action adaptation of the comic hatched by Lost writer Brian K. Vaughan. It's called the Breakfast Club of superhero saga, dealing with the children of super-villains who are cursed with evil superpowers. They live in a secret lair under the La Brea tar pits, and try to use their unusual powers for heroic purposes. Director Peter Sollett, who signed up with the idea this would be his followup to Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, is still attached but has been invited to take another film first.

Real Life Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Van

via Geekosystem

Brittney Schnek, 23, took a 1994 Dodge Caravan and turned it into the preferred transportation of crime-fighting mutant humanoid turtles after over a year of work.


Fan With Photoshop Kills Jon Hamm's Chances For Superman

Yikes. OK, so this is definitively not happening now, right? Please?

via Movieline.

Battlestar Galactica Exhibit Lands Vipers in Seattle

via Underwire

With the Saturday launch of Battlestar Galactica: The Exhibition fast approaching, organizers are putting final touches on the show, which will include Viper Mark II, Viper Mark VII and Cylon Raider warships that formerly did intergalactic battle on the small screen. The prop fighters were so large they had to be disassembled to fit through the museum doors.


Your SyFy Tuesday Part 2 - Caprica

Yesterday I gave you a preview of SyFy's Tuesday programming for next week, in the form of this clip from Stargate Universe.

Ah, but what about SyFy's other big Tuesday show - you know, Caprica?

OK, OK, I'm on it!  Geez, don't go all genocidal cyborg on me alright?  I do these posts in installments because - duh - I wannna keep ya coming back!

Tell you what - I'll make the wait worth your while.  No, not like that, get you're frakkin' mind outta the gutter!  What I will do, Caprica fans - is show you three clips from the upcoming episode, “False Labor”.

First, a brief synopsis of the episode, courtesy of SyFy:

A gloomy theme heats up as Graystone Industries provides an opportunity to never lose a loved one thanks to breakthrough technology.  Others are staring down the same path as the deceased when held at gunpoint, and even still others are doing the gun-holding against another life-force.  What the frak will they do?

OK, I'm hooked.  Now, let's make with the clips!

Clip one:

Clip two:

Clip three:

“False Labor” airs Tuesday, October 26 at 10:00 p.m./9:00 p.m. Central on SyFy.

Intriguing details about Torchwood's four new characters revealed

via Blastr

Ever since since the announcement that next years's Torchwood: The New World would be bringing fresh blood to the Torchwood universe, we've been wondering: Who the heck are these people? And how will they change the series we've come to love? Well, we just learned some more about these four new characters.



via Facebook

Looking to have your artwork published in a Radical comic? Well, now is your chance! Radical Publishing is pleased to announce a new contest to test your illustration skills. Simply draw your best version of the villainous Jebediah Crone, based on a scene from Radical’s newest horror miniseries, ABATTOIR. For each of the first five issues, Radical will select a winner to be featured on a per issue basis, with 5 winners in total. For a chance to be featured in Abattoir #2, upload and email a link of your Jebediah Crone artwork to [email protected] no later than November 10th, 2010. Your illustration MUST be based on a scene of Jebediah Crone as seen in the pages of ABATTOIR #1.


Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding nearly played Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

GIRLS ALOUD singer Sarah Harding has spoken of how she missed out on a role in Matthew Vaughn's mutant prequel X-Men: First Class.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

A geek history of time

The Evolution of the Geek, as chronicled by the experts in Geek Studies (and Infographics) at Flowtown.

The Best I Yam: Ben Towle’s X-Men/E.C. Segar mash-up

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Creator Ben Towle channeled Popeye creator E.C. Segar to draw the Uncanny X-Men. “I used E.C. Segar’s Thimble Theater characters as my models here,” he said, noting he used the X-Men crew that were active in the X-Men/Teen Titans crossover from the 1980s.

Shoot Nickelback with Mega Man Beams!

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Hard to believe anybody actually feels this strongly about Nickelback, who - it must be said - are actually really nice guys, but whose music does suck tremendously.

Frankly, I find it surprising that music seemingly designed to strip the listener of any emotions whatsoever elicited this strong a response - but hey, it's super-cool, so enjoy.

Your SyFy Tuesday Part 1 - Stargate Universe

SyFy's flagship shows are back on the aiir, and Tuesdays are an especially big night, with the back-to-back block of fan-favorites Stargate Universe and Caprica

New episodes of both shows are airing this Tuesday (October 26), and I've got previews of both.

First up - Stargate!

On the new episode, "Cloverdale," Lt. Matthew Scott's got issues - and by issues, I mean a nasty alien infection. You ain't in Cloverdale, my friend. You're in sick bay with a nasty organism inside of you.  Good luck with that.

Here's a sneak peek:


Yup. So, that's a problem.

"Cloverdale" airs Tuesday, October 26 at 9:00 p.m./8:00 p.m. Central on Syfy.

Ridley Scott's Alien prequel script leaks (Major spoilers!)

via Blastr

Somehow, an Australian website got its hands on the script for Ridley Scott's return to the Alien franchise and posted all kinds of info—until Fox made them take it down. But we sniffed it out and present it for your consideration.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

X-Men legend Chris Claremont to appear at London MCM Expo

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

COMIC BOOK star Chris Claremont is to be a special guest at this month's London MCM Expo, which is being held from October 29 to 31.

The award-winning writer and novelist will appear at the event's ComicVillage, organisers have announced.


Scribe Enters 'Twilight Zone' For Warner Bros And Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way


Jason Rothenberg (The Sparrow) has landed the assignment to write The Twilight Zone, a new feature version of the Rod Serling classic '50s TV series that Warner Bros is developing with Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way. Details are scant, but the expectation is they will take some of the original stories written for the series by the likes of Serling and Richard Matheson. The deal comes at a time when Rothenberg is adapting for Universal and Imagine Entertainment The Forbin Project, a new version of the 1970 Joseph Sargent-directed scifi tale Colossus: The Forbin Project. Ron Howard is attached to direct and Will Smith is attached to a contemporary Frankenstein story about the world's first sentient computer and the misunderstood genius who gains power over the world because of it. WME-repped Rothenberg separately sold the pilot True North to Fox with McG and Peter Johnson producing through Warner Bros TV. It's a treasure hunter adventure show set in the Florida Keys.

Look out, ladies - Kobe's got the Infinity Gauntlet!

This is definitely corporate synergy at its weirdest.  Marvel has teamed with the ESPN Magazine for their NBA Preview issue, in stores/on stands October 22.

Marvel describes it thusly:

As part of their NBA Preview issue hitting stores Friday, October 22, ESPN The Magazine has collaborated with the House of Ideas' finest artists and editors to marry basketball's best and brightest with the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe with incomparable illustrated editorial content. Each of the NBA's 30 teams will be featured in their own art-laden preview celebrating and paying tribute to classic characters and storylines while also prognosticating what the 2010-2011 season will bring.

That is, while possibly kinda cool, definitely kinda strange.  Look at that, there isn't even a basketball anywhere in that Greg Horn-illustrated picture of Kobe Bryant! 

But that's Kobe - he may be about to take Thor's hammer to the face, but whatever it is he's reaching for with that bejeweled hand - he's gonna get it. 

Stay warm this winter by crocheting your own Yoda hat!

Seriously - that right there is warmth, comfort, and super-sexy style. You too can make this adorable head-warmer, modeled after the cutest little Force coach to ever ride Mark Hamill around the swamps of Dagobah, with the instructions available here, courtesy of the super-talented user mamaedgar.
via Fashionably Geek,

26 Star Wars characters turned into cutest sci-fi alphabet ever

via Blastr

Don't know what a "chibi" is? Neither do we, so we're going to pretend the Japanese word means "tiny and adorable"—which aptly describes this series of illustrations by Joe Wight, which would be perfect for a geek kid's bedroom.


What would the Venture Bros. look like in real life? 10 artists' recreations [Venture Bros.]

via io9

CGHUB challenged its artists to create the best realistic version of a character from The Venture Bros. Here's the crazy end result: take a look at what Rusty Venture, Molotov Cocktease and Brock Samson would look like in real life.

Marvel sees red over green ‘Hulk’ power tools

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Marvel has sued an Ohio power-tool manufacturer, claiming its new “Hulk” line of industrial and home equipment infringes on the publisher’s trademarks.


Cheescake pin-up from the world of Fallout

via Super Punch

New Fallout desktop wallpapers posted here.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Elvira: Not a Witch

Unlike Christine O'Donnell, Elvira is not actually terrifying.  Also unlike O'Donnell, she's totally charming and, I suspect, does not share O'Donnell's opinion that  masturbation is an affront to Jesus.

At nearly 60, Elvira is infinitelly more youthful, beautiful and likeable than O'Donnell.  I suspect that, although it's not a prerequisite for her role as horror-movie hostess, she knows that the Constitution requires separation of church and state.  Because you learn that in second grade.

But I digress.  Like O'Donnell, Elvira wants you to know she is not a witch.  Also, she rules.

Via Boing Boing.

Dollar Tree Recalls 275,000 Super Hero Flashlights For Being Too Damn Hot

via The Consumerist

Dollar Tree and the Consumer Product Safety Commission have issued a recall for a trio of toy "projector flashlights" featuring Wolverine, Spider-Man and Iron Man because they can overheat to the point of melting or even bursting into flames.


Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - new pre-launch trailer!

Marvel's latest animated offering, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, premieres tomorrow (Wed. October 20) at 8:30 p.m. ET on Disney XD.  It's a new take on Marvel's premiere superteam, and if you haven't already, you can get a brief taste of what's to come from the  online Micro-Episodes (four of which are available at iTunes).

All pumped and ready? Good. Just one more thing before you assemble in front of the TV - this here sneak peek series premiere trailer!

Hugh Jackman: Wolverine 2 will be a 'very different' X-Men movie

via Blastr

Hugh Jackman said on Monday night at a benefit in New York City that he expects Wolverine 2 will not be a "usual" X-Men movie. But what exactly did he mean by that?

Jackman made his comments to Vulture, which caught the Australian star just as he was sitting down to dinner. First noting that he was bulking up to play Logan again by eating "six meals a day," Jackman predicted that Wolverine 2 is "hopefully for me, going to be out of the box. It's going to be the best one, I hope. Well, I would say that, but I really do feel that, and I feel this is going to be very different."


Homer Simpson 'is a true Catholic'

Homer Simpson 'is a true Catholic'

The long-running cartoon series explores issues such as family, community, education and religion in a way that few other popular television programmes can match, according to L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's daily broadsheet.


I would love to be the guy whose job it is to declare which cartoon characters are true members of any given religious sect. How do I get that gig?

Hmmm... on second thought, not a million percent certain that I really want to know.

Castle's daughter is a redshirt!

No, I didn't mean to imply she's going to die anonymously on a peace mission to the Planet of Viral Death-Spores. I just meant that I stumbled upon this pic of actress Molly Quinn - who plays Rick Castle's daughter - rockin' a red Trek-tee on Reddit today. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

Tron Variants Transport Marvel Superheroes to Neon World

via Underwire

Spider-Man, Iron Man and other Marvel Comics superheroes get “Tron-ified” on variant covers next month. The 10 November covers, shown above, transport key characters from the Marvel Universe into the neon world featured in upcoming movie Tron: Legacy, which hits theaters Dec. 17.


Lobo rounds out DC’s Weird Worlds line-up

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

Last summer during the San Diego Comic Con, DC Comics announced a new six-issue anthology series called Weird Worlds, which would feature three different features. At the time, we found out that Aaron Lopresti was working on a new monster superhero called Garbageman. Then at the New York Comic Con earlier this month, Kevin Maguire said he was working on feature starring a new character named Tanga.


Image of the day: every RPG ever made

It's funny because it's true. (Click on the picture to see the full-size image).

via Imgur (scanned from current issue of Game Informer).

NBC Picks Up Nine More Episodes for Season 4 of CHUCK

via Collider

Though the fourth season order for NBC’s action comedy series Chuck was only for 13 episodes, EW reports the network has just picked up an additional 9 episodes for a full season order. Every season, the future of the series has been uncertain, but creator Josh Schwartz says, “NBC is really happy with it creatively. This is Chuck. We never say die.” Personally, while I find the series to still be entertaining, this season just doesn’t compare to last season. While having Chuck and Sarah get together seems like it may be the issue, the best parts of this season have resulted from their progress as a real couple. My problem with this season lies within too much stunt casting for guest stars and sloppy, last minute links at the end of every episode in an attempt to keep Chuck’s desire to find his mother moving forward. Hopefully, things pick up soon. Chuck airs Mondays at 8/7c on NBC. What do you think of this season of Chuck so far?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Joystiq remembers the NES

via Joystiq

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the North American launch of the Nintendo Entertainment System. Or, at least, the 25th anniversary of the system's launch in Nintendo's test market of New York City. Most of us didn't actually see the thing until 1986, with the system merely an exciting rumor before that.


Toy Submarine Recalled After Doing Damage To Little Boys' Private Bits

via The Consumerist

Munchkin Inc. and the Consumer Product Safety Commission has recalled 34,000 of the pictured toy "Bathtub Subs" because they have been a little harsh on the most personal parts of some young lads.


Unus: Untouchable Me

The incomparable Evan Dorkin illustrates the untouchable Unus, one of Mighty Marvel's stable of B-list baddies who has somehow managed to maintain a presence, albeit not much of one, decades after his first unremarkable appearance.

Dorkin also speculates on Unus' creative origins, and talks about the little guy's place in the scheme of things.

Bottom line? Evan's not a big Unus fan.  But then again, who is?

'Iron Man 3' to Launch Summer 2013

via Box Office Mojo

Tony Stark's sticking to the first weekend of the summer with his third solo adventure, but his iron will be cooled by a longer wait. Distributor Walt Disney Pictures announced today that Iron Man 3 will launch May 3, 2013.


The 6 most awful comic-book toys and action figures EVER

via Blastr

We all love toys, because we're all kids inside, especially the unrepentant kids out there who love comics. (That gang is not-growing-up with an aggression that borders on psychosis.) But we don't love ALL toys, because all toys don't deserve it.

Some toys are just so bizarre, so wrongheaded, so unholy that Winslow Schott wouldn't even play with them drunk. If these toys came to life, we would run screaming from the room, looking for a gun.


Exotic Visions of Star Wars Inspire Portrait Artists

via Underwire

George Lucas drew inspiration for Star Wars from sci-fi standards like the Flash Gordon comic books drawn by Alex Raymond. But works by less-likely artists — such as landscape painter N.C. Wyeth and all-American illustrator Norman Rockwell — also sparked the filmmaker's imagination as he conjured the expansive world inhabited by Luke Skywalker and company.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Metalocalypse Tonight!

On tonight's episode "Dethzazz," Dr. Rockso reunites with his distinctly Van Halen-ish clown supergroup.

And call me crazy - but I think maybe he's gonna do some cocaine.

Classic comic ad crap: the Star Stik

Ah, the good old days of comic book ads.

They still suck, but they'll never suck quite as charmingly as they did in the days of Charles Atlas, Sea Monkeys, and this gem - the amazing Star Stik. Advertised in prominent DC titles like Batman and New Teen Titans in 1982-1983, I can honestly say with first-hand experience that it was even less fun and exciting than it looks.

But damned if the ad's flashy production values didn't manipulate my gelatinous little pre-adolescent mind into buying the awful little thing.

What can I say? We didn't have the Nintendo DS in those days, alright?

Daniel Radcliffe is Incredibly Wealthy

via Vulture

Breaking: The Harry Potter films have made Daniel Radcliffe incredibly rich. But, seriously. The twenty-one year-old has has amassed a $45 million fortune, which is just more than Prince William's and Prince Harry's. Plus he beats them by being a wizard celebrity, which we thinks trumps regular royalty. Radcliffe, wise one that he is, reportedly invested $30 million, and now plans to sleep with his co-stars.

As 'Wolverine 2' Closes, Is Hot Helmer Job 'Pride, Prejudice, Zombies' With Scarlett Johansson And Bradley Cooper?


EXCLUSIVE: Darren Aronofsky's deal to direct 20th Century Fox's X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 is close enough that discussion has turned to shooting the sound stage portions of the film in New York so the filmmaker and Hugh Jackman don't have to inconvenience their families. A March start date is being eyed so that Aronofsky has time to open Black Swan and be available for the inevitable awards season obligations. When the New York scenes are completed, they'll head to Japan to shoot the bulk of the Christopher McQuarrie-scripted movie.


Tom Feister channels J.C. Leyendecker for GI JOE:Origins cover

via Blog@Newsarama

Having done 20 out of the 21 covers for GI JOE: Origins, Tom Feister certainly has had one heck of a ride. This cover, GI JOE: Origins #21, gives off a more propaganda feel, like the previous #20 issue did. Though not in the usual WWII-style of posters, the cover of #21,  Feister was trying to convey classic American illustrators, especially J. C. Leyendecker.


'90s X-Men Poppin' and Lockin'

That's right, y'all!

It's telling of just how jam-packed the 70-odd hours that constituted New York Comic Con really were, that it's a week later and it's still leading the headlines.

Not that this is news, per se. No, this is much better.  This is cosplayers decked out in full-on X-Men: Animated Series regalia, floating Prof. X hover-chair and all, rapping and breakdancing.  Whatta world.

Via G4.

Karl Urban on 'Red,' 'Dredd' and Picking Movie Roles

via Cinematical

The type of movie you like will probably determine how you know Karl Urban. Big fan of the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy? He played Eomer. Like the 'Star Trek' reboot? He was "Bones" McCoy. Fond of culty syndicated TV shows like 'Hercules' and' Xena'? He was both Julius Caesar and Cupid (not at the same time). Or perhaps you've caught the New Zealand actor in 'The Bourne Supremacy,' indie film 'Out of the Blue' or even, if you care to admit to watching it, 'Doom.'