Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rumor: Sony surveying interest in PS3 Digital Comics service

Have you ever wished you could turn the act of reading a comic book into a more social experience, but without all the reading over your shoulder and creepy breathing down the back your shirt? Sony might be making moves to bring your dream to fruition. PS3 enthusiast site Addicted to PlayStation reported receiving a survey inquiring whether they would be interested in seeing the Digital Comics service, which launched last November on the PSP, migrate to the PS3 (or other devices) sometime in the future.

If Sony really is planning on bringing comics to the big screen, we're torn on whether or not that would be a good thing. On one hand, part of the joy of comics is burying your face in the pages -- an experience you couldn't really replicate on a TV. On the other, we could finally use this as a chance to show our friends what incredibly expedient readers we are. "Oh, you're still on panel four? We're on panel nine. What's up?"

Is that Raven on your chest, or do you just have a super-high pain threshold?

"Both" is also an acceptable answer.


On a related note, please try to keep your back from getting more flabby, as that's some classic Cockrum phoenix you got there, sport.


via geekologie, obviouswinner

Long, spoiler-filled description of Smallville season 10

via Blastr

Smallville has been on the air since 2001, making it the longest-running comic-book series in television history. And now there's just one season left, which debuts Sept. 24 at 8/7c on The CW. To get viewers primed for the fateful and final 10th season, CW just released this (very) long recap of what's happened up to this point and, more importantly, what's going to happen when the show returns.


Inception Kitteh!

Meet the Inception cat.

Having attained perfection, the Internet may now retire.

In This New Digital Age of Comics, Can Piracy Become Profit?

via Newsarama
It's not the first time the topic was discussed, and heaven knows it won't be last, but Mark Waid's keynote speech at the Harvey Awards at Baltimore Comic-Con last weekend certainly brought the topic of filesharing bubbling to the top of the electronic stew pot of bulletin boards and other electronic media.  In it, he suggested that rather than try to crush filesharing, the industry try to find ways to make it work for them.  In one sentence, his message was "filesharing is not a problem...itís an opportunity"  He discussed the motivation behind the downloaders, describing them not as people who "like stealing" but a change in the mindset of society, who are now embracing sharing. He complimented the people in comics as "the most creative medium in America", and said that if such a community could not find a way to turn the filesharing community and the internet in general into something where creators can benefit, the solution may not exist.


J. Jonah Jameson's Highlight Reel

Like Eeyore, everything happens to Jonah. He's the crazy, cranky, old-timey curmudgeon who is immensely lovable despite a lack of any redeeming qualities to speak of. And as with all things Spider-Man, he injected an enormous amount of awesome into the classic '67 Spidey cartoon.

Don't believe me? Just watch his action in this 10-minute "best of" reel.

Via Geeokosystem, Comics Alliance.

Charisma Carpenter to star in indie thriller

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Charisma Carpenter and Ty Olsson have been cast as leads in the indie thriller "Crash Site."

The story centers on a family vacation in the woods, during which a couple must fight their way back to civilization through injuries, creepy critters and wild animals after their Jeep crashes. Jason Bourque is directing the film, which recently began principal photography in Vancouver.

Carpenter, a regular on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel," is in theaters with "The Expendables." Olsson's credits include the series "Men in Trees" and "Battlestar Galactica."

via Reuters

Yes, there is life after Joss Whedon, Veronica Mars and the Expendables - it's kinda sad, but it's life. Does running from wild animals legally constitute "thriller", or are we just speaking press release here?

New Arkham City Screenshots!

Big Shiny Robot has 20 super-sweet screengrabs from the upcoming Arkham Asylum sequel, Batman: Arkham City. This is just a sampler.
Click here to see the whole set!

Olivia Thirlby Joins 'Dredd' Cast

via ICv2

Olivia Thirlby, who played Juno’s best friend Leah in the 2007 indie smash, has joined the cast of the new Judge Dredd film.  Thirlby will play Psi-Judge Anderson, a telepathic rookie who uses her powers to get the future cops out of a tight situation.  Thirlby will evidently provide the film's (and Dredd's) “romantic” interest, if one can use that term when discussing that passionless purveyor of blind and merciless justice in the 21st Century.


Bet ya didn't know this was gonna be one of the new Batmen, did ya?

He is vengeance. He is the night.  He is Hello Kitty!

Hello Batty is just one of many awesome Hello Kitty Mashups, including Hello Gundam, Hello UGLYBETTY, and more Star Wars Kittys than you could possibly imagine, available for viewing at the flickr stream of  Hello Kitty mashup mastermind yodaflickr.

How to get into 20 classic science fiction shows: The ultimate guide [Scifi 101]

via io9

Even if you're a massive science fiction fan, there are probably still some great shows you've yet to discover. But for massively long-running shows, where to begin? Here's our guide to how to start watching twenty classic science fiction shows.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Functional TARDIS painstakingly re-created with custom LEGOs

via Blastr
It's pretty clear that one Doctor Who fan has got a lot of time on his hands, and we've got to say he's putting it to good use. JUSTJON has designed a TARDIS made completely out of LEGO Bricks that not only lights up and has an electric door, but also plays theDoctor Who theme!
. ...

Gary Frank promises 'raw' Batman

Gary Frank has promised an unfamiliar Batman in the forthcoming 'Earth One' reimagining. 
Speaking at Fan Expo in Toronto, the artist discussed the original graphic novel he is working on alongside Geoff Johns, reports ComicsAlliance
"The thing with Batman is that we're not telling the origin of the existing Batman, so there aren't really any constraints," said Frank. 
"We're not tied to anything that's come before, it's a complete blank slate for the way he comes about and develops. It'll be a Batman that people don't expect. 
"People are used to a competent, experienced Batman - they'll be surprised to see how raw he is when he starts out." 
DC's new 'Earth One' graphic novels have been announced as new, non-canon origins for its best-known superheroes.

Nom nom that's good Batman!  Gotta be careful eating it raw though, it only stays fresh for like 24 hours.

In any case, I can't imagine Earth One Batman could possibly be more raw than Neil Adams' Batman currently featured in the Odyssey mini,  whose main skill seems to be getting shot with alarming frequency from the most painful angles imaginable.

Toon Boom, Myouterspace Contest Animates William Shatner

Think you have what it takes to animate the legendary actor who gave us Captain James T. Kirk, T.J. Hooker and Denny Crane? 

Then get cracking on your entry for the Myouterspace Contest, hosted by William Shatner and presented by Toon Boom Animation, and the Academy of Art University. 

To enter, animators need to make an original video based on one of three short Shatner monologue featuring and using the Personal Learning Edition of Toon Boom Animate or Animate Pro. The contest opened Sept. 1 and the deadline for entry is Dec. 1. 

A round of online voting will decide the winners of the contest, who receive prizes including Toon Boom software, scholarships for online courses at Academy of Art University, and the chance to work on an animated series. 
“This is a unique opportunity to bring together sci-fi and animation fans. We look forward to seeing the outstanding animation both the Myouterspace and Toon Boom communities will create,” said Joan Vogelesang, president and CEO at Toon Boom. 
Information about the Myouterspace Contest, including the rules and terms, is available online at
via Animation Magazine

Wow, I'd think you'd need the entire Pixar braintrust just to animate the toupee. Looking forward to seeing the entries on this one.

Out of curiosity, have any of you guys and gals joined myouterspace, or have any plans to do so?

The Gentleman Doctor

via Bleeding Cool

“Don’t worry, I’m the Doctor”. That’s definitely Matt Smith there, helping his new companion Daisy Lowe out while she suffers a temporary wardrobe malfunction on the beach. Although, right at this moment, I’m quite glad I can’t see his sonic screwdriver.

Ten tropes you'll find in science fiction - over and over again [Scifi101]

via io9

Science fiction is a genre of limitless possibilities, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few ideas writers keep coming back to as trusty old standbys. Here are ten of science fiction's most common tropes...and how they've evolved.

Everybody Wants to Play Batman

Well, duh. Still, this three-minute animated promo for the Batman: Brave and the Bold games is pretty sweet, if only because it exists at all. Seriously, it's like a free, three-minute-long cartoon, albeit one that's doing a bit of shilling. Still, I probably enjoyed it more than half the fan-made videos I was sent last month. And isn't nice to confirm that Batman's "total preparedness for every situation" includes playing videogames? Just in case? 
Uh - is it messed up that I totally want to play as Bat-Mite? And Green Arrow? And the Brave and the Bold-verse goofy-ass Aquaman?

In any case, this is the funnest promo ever, and Batman: The Brave and the Bold the game - like the show, is totally awesome sauce.

'Fracking' yields fuel, fear in Northeast

Dimock, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Bill Ely walked into his chicken coop with an empty five-gallon water jug.

The jug, punched with several finger-sized holes near the top to keep it from overflowing, was capped with a white plastic pipe. Using a garden hose fed from his water well, he filled the jug.

Leaning over the contraption, he flicked his yellow lighter above the pipe, and a blue flame appeared.

"I knew it [the water] went bad because we could light it," Ely said.

Dimock residents are at the forefront of one of the biggest energy developments this century.

What the 'frack' is 'fracking?'
We've drilled over a million wells in the last 60 years. We think the process is safe.
--Daniel Whitten, American Natural Gas Alliance

Their township sits above the Marcellus Shale, one of the largest natural gas deposits in the nation found underneath parts of Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia and Ohio. The natural gas reserve is attracting a flurry of gas companies wanting to drill.

Accessing the natural gas involves the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking."

Fracturing requires drillers to pump large amounts of water mixed with sand and chemicals into the shale formation under high pressure to depths 8,000 feet or greater or even wells less than 1,000 feet, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This process fractures the shale around the well, which allows the natural gas to flow freely, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

What. The Frack. Read more about crazy firewater name after curses of the future at

Video: Museum Teases Battlestar Galactica Exhibit

To hype Battlestar Galactica: The Exhibition, opening in Seattle on Oct. 23, organizers have rolled out a video featuring prime assets from the show: the spaceships.

Three full-size prop spaceships — a Viper Mark II, a Viper Mark VII and a Cylon Raider — will be featured at the Experience Music Project/Science Fiction Museum along with other props, costumes and concept drawings from both the original Battlestar series and Syfy’s Peabody Award-winning Galactica reboot.

BSG fans eager to attend opening weekend have until Sept. 10 to try their luck at winning two tickets plus hotel and plane fare. Battlestar Galactica: The Exhibition will run through March 4, 2012, then hit the road as a traveling show.


I cannot fracking wait for this to come to NYC!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

True Blood spoilers for the Season 3 finale AND for Season 4

The True Blood season-three finale is going to air next Sunday, Sept. 12, which pretty much means now is the time to start talking about season four. On cue, E! Online has pieced together info on some of the characters who'll be coming back next year, which means not only that they have a head start on spoiling season four, but that they're also spoiling the season-three finale by letting you know who won't be dying.

via blastr

From what I understand, most of this will be familiar to those who read the books. That said, proceed with caution. Here there be spoilers!

Scott Pilgrim vs. Space!

Whacthu say bout my box office receipts beeyotch? Eat lightsaber!

Image by John Kantz (art assistant on Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour).

via Bryan Lee O'Malley,

19 upcoming superhero movies you need to know about

Ever since Spider-Man came out in 2002 and set all kinds of records for making money, the movie industry has gone crazy for superheros. Eight years on, they just keep on coming. We've had some great ones (Iron Man, The Dark Knight) along with some not-so-good ones (Wolverine, Fantastic Four).

Over the next three years we're going to have the chance to see more than a dozen superhero films, mostly from Marvel and DC, but also a few others. To help keep track of it all we've created this handy guide to the 19 most notable titles that are supposed to come out (some more tentatively than others) through 2013.


Sigh - there'll never be another Condor Man.

Still and all , some of these flicks look like they might be pretty cool.

Paul Cornish’s DC Crossover With Vertigo

So just how are Vertigo characters transmuting to the DC Universe going to be treated? Paul Cornish has a few ideas and shares them exclusively with Bleeding Cool..

iMac Cylon Helmet

From by way of Technabob - don't throw out that old G4 iMac!

Combine it with a Larson scanner kit and you've got yourself a Cylon helmet!

It  might just come in handy, given the rumors of a new BSG prequel show in the wake of a possible Caprica cancellation.

Futurama’s Comic Cosmonauts Recall Best Bits From First 100 Episodes

Futurama's milestone 100th episode arrives Thursday night, but the warm, weird remembrances of the show's creative team have come in early.


Jane Espenson Stands Up For Riley Finn


Wowsa. Jane Espenson - who admittedly has something of a personal stake in the matter - defends the man Buffy fans loves to hate, Riley. Don't know if I agree with all of her points, but I admire her willingness to take a stand.

But again - she kinda has a conflict of interest here, as the writer of the recent Riley one-shot (which I actually quite enjoyed, title character notwithstanding). Still, it's hard not to love Espenson's writing - be it comics, teleplays or blog posts in defense of lame ex-Buffy boytoys - and you gotta admire her for sticking up for the underdog.

You can read her piece at the Dark Horse Blog

First Look at David Tennant as Peter Vincent in FRIGHT NIGHT

Courtesy of GeekTyrant, where they have even more Tennant Fright Night pictures to freak your mind!

Best. Out-of-context headline. Ever.

To quote Cage: "You know why they really call him Iron Fist, right?"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Aronofsky joins race for 'Wolverine 2'

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
20th Century Fox

Darren Aronofsky has reportedly entered the race to direct 20th Century Fox's Wolverine 2, according to Deadline.

The Requiem For A Dream and Wrestler helmer, who worked with Wolverine star Hugh Jackman on The Fountain, is one of the finalists for the director's chair along with Eclipse's David Slade.

Well this is kinda weird. I mean on the one hand we're rebooting X-Men and killing the Magneto pic, but then again we're moving forward with Wolverine 2?

If they're not careful - and it doesn't look like they are - the X-movie universe could find itself as convoluted as the comics. Or - gulp - even worse!

That said, Aronofsky would be my top choice as director out of all the names I've heard pitched thus far.

Is it clobberin’ time for Bruce Willis?

Numerous sources around the net (including Comic Book Movie) are saying that Fox wants Bruce Willis to the voice behind the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed Thing in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. With the Thing being completely CGI this time, I can totally hear Willis as Grimm. He has good comedic timing, as well as his bad-ass roots, so he’s covered what the Thing is all about.

I’ve also heard rumors of Paul Rudd as the new Reed Richards, but I think that’s a bit of a stretch (pun intended). Though with the movie approaching, expect more casting announcements in the months ahead.

So readers, what are your thoughts of Willis stepping into the role?


I think if we've learned anything from X-Men: First Class (not to mention Daredevil, Elektra, the first two FF flicks, Spider-Man 3, Catwoman etc.), it's that it's never a good idea to stake your hopes on comic-based film news until you've seen some script and/or footage.

That said, I do like the sound of this on the surface.

Of course, Demi would make a pretty convincing Thing too, nowadays.

Behind the Scenes at Comics Cavern

Continuing today's super-exclusive tour of the magnificent media machine that is Comics Cavern, we see a communique from one of the many super-professional publicity people that correspond with us daily.

This one looks like a treat.  Could it be a comic?  A ransom notice?  A loved one's finger?

We only correspond with the cream of the crop, publicists and publishers who know that a professional image is the best way to make an impression, here at comicscraven!

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Launch Trailer

With just six more days until the release of Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, I would think that after all we've seen to date, anyone who likes gaming and Spider-Man would be pretty much sold on this one.

I, personally, pre-ordered like four months ago.

Apparently Marvel and Activision want to make absolutely certain that we're all giddy with anticipation, as they're making one last publicity push with this insane new trailer.

There's stunning gameplay footage, a look at the Spider-Men of each dimension in action (love that Ultimate black costume!), and new.  Sickass. Villains.

I suspect that I'm gonna be wearing this game - and my wrists, which already sound like cement mixers - right the hell out.

Inside The Cavern-Cave

A rare, privileged behind-the-scenes look at Comics Cavern headquarters - an impeccably tidy crime-stopping, blog-bursting effectiveness factory, so clean you could literally wipe a microchip's ass.

Its longboxes, lightsabers, vintage antique shirts and Angel puppets are watched over, as always, by the ever-vigilant Cavern-Cat, looming in the darkness and waiting to pounce on and dismember any miscreant foolish enough to dare intrude.

Lee Majors, Mary McDonnell, Adam West, Burt Ward, “Brady Bunch Boys” Among Headliners At Wizard World Big Apple Comic Con, October 1-2-3 At Manhattan's Penn Plaza Pavilion

Press Release:

First Convention Appearance For Majors in 30 years, First for “Bradys” together on East Coast and First for West-Ward in N.Y. in Two Decades; Claudia Christian, Julia Jones, Erik Estrada And 200+ Celebrity Guests, Leading Comics Artists, Creative Directors To Attend

NEW YORK, September 1, 2010
 - Wizard World Big Apple Comic Con, part of North America’s largest pop-culture tour, is set for Friday through Sunday, October 1-3, at the Penn Plaza Pavilion in Manhattan.  The event, the largest and longest-running Comic Con in New York, will bring together thousands of fans of all ages and plenty of celebrities and industry professionals to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, comics, toys, video gaming, television, gaming, original art, collectibles, contests and more.

Lee Majors, who portrayed iconic characters such as “Steve Austin” in “The Six Million Dollar Man” and “Colt Seavers” in “The Fall Guy,” two-time Academy Award® nominee Mary McDonnell (PASSION FISH, DANCES WITH WOLVES, as well as “Battlestar Galactica”), Adam West (“Batman,” “Family Guy), and Barry Williams, Christopher Knight and Mike Lookinland (“Greg,” “Peter” and “Bobby Brady” on “The Brady Bunch”) will be among the stars on hand to meet fans, sign autographs and take professional photographs (Photo Ops) with fans.

“From Lee Majors' first convention appearance in 30 years and the first time the 'Brady Boys' have been together on the East Coast, we're always looking to bring unique guests and programming to Wizard World Comic Con,” said Gareb Shamus, Wizard Entertainment CEO.  “Big Apple Comic Con appeals to fans of all aspects of pop culture, from comics to television to movies to music to toys to video games and more.”

It will also mark the first time in nearly 20 years that West and his “Batman” co-star Burt Ward will have appeared together in New York.

Other popular Big Apple Comic Con celebrity guests include Claudia Christian (“Look,” “Babylon 5”), Julia Jones (THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, JONAH HEX), Jake Lloyd (STAR WARS: EPISODE I, “The Pretender”), Doug Jones (FANTASTIC FOUR, HELLBOY), Erik Estrada (“Chips”), Walter Koenig (“Star Trek,” “Babylon 5”) and other well-known personalities.

Fans can also meet their favorite comic creators and artists, including Mark Millar (“Kick-Ass, “Wanted), Joe Madureira (“Darksiders,” “Uncanny X-Men,” “Battle Chasers”), Ethan Van Sciver (“Green Lantern,” “Superman/Batman”), Greg Horn (“Blackest Night,” “Elektra,” “Ms. Marvel”), Rob Liefeld (“Deadpool,” “Youngblood”), Michael Golden (“Wolverine: First Class,” “New Exiles”), Mark Texeira (“Moon Knight,” “Ghost Rider”), J.G. Jones (“Final Crisis,” “Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia:), Arthur Suydam (“Marvel Zombies,” “Batman”), and many other national and local creators.

Children and adult attendees are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite villain, superhero or pop culture personality for the chance to win special prizes in costume contests.  Event-goers may also try their hand interactive product exhibits and shop for collectible comics, movie and television memorabilia, toys and games at more than 200 dealer booths.

Special events at Big Apple Comic Con include the “Magic: The Gathering” card game tournament, professional photo opportunities (Photo Ops) with celebrities and others to be announced.

The Penn Plaza Pavilion is located at 401 Seventh Avenue at 33rd St., in the historic Hotel Pennsylvania.  Big Apple Comic Con is the fifth stop on Wizard’s eight-city 2010 North American tour.  Hours are Friday, Oct. 1, 5-9 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 2, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (all times Eastern).  Tickets are available in advance or by calling 1-866-882-5860 and online at at up to a 15% savings over tickets purchased at the door.  Advance adult single-day tickets are $25; three-day weekend tickets are $45, and tickets are free for children age 10 and under when accompanied by a paid adult (limit two children per adult).  VIP packages with special entry and exclusive items are also available.

About Wizard Entertainment:
Gareb Shamus founded Wizard Entertainment in 1991. Today, Shamus publishes consumer magazines Wizard, ToyFare, FunFare and numerous books about pop-culture’s top talent, comic books and toys. Shamus also produces a North American Comic Con tour.  Wizard World Comic Con - The Pop-Culture Capital of the World!

For the most recent event information please visit and become a Big Apple Comic Con Fan on Facebook.

Batman And Scooby-Doo… Together Again!

How can the best Batman TV show ever become even better? By bringing in Scooby-Doo to guest-star.

Yes, Cartoon Network's wonderful Batman: The Brave and The Bold - which, if you haven't seen it and like smiling, is highly recommended - has confirmed that the Mystery Machine's most famous passenger will be re-teaming with the Dark Knight as part if an upcoming episode entitled "Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Cases!," alongside an unnamed guest-star playing themselves, a la old episodes of Scooby Doo.

The Batman/Scooby team isn't anything new; Batman guest-starred in more than one episode of the 1970s series The New Scooby Doo Movies, alongside Robin and villains like the Joker and the Penguin, demonstrating the early power of corporate synergy to a still-innocent generation of children.

Although the characters haven't crossed pat

This news makes me so happy it's embarrassing. I also thought, for a second there, how cool it was that the second time the Bat and the Scooby Gang met we lived in a world in which Techland, part of Time Magazine's Website, covers this sort of thing.

Then I saw that line about "corporate synergy" and remembered that Time is the first word in Time-Warner, which owns, well, all of these characters and shows.

So, we live in a world in which news is basically promotional chatter for the properties which the parent corporation owns. I'm sure that will bum me out later.

In the meantime, though, this still rocks my world, under the strict stipulation that they're the original Scooby Gang, not the lame, watered-down Venture Bros. wannabes I've been seeing - uh, by accident, while flipping through channels, of course - on Cartoon Network.

Lady Gaga, Bieber Ask Bluewater to Stop

Bluewater Says No

Published: 09/01/2010 01:31am

An attorney representing pop stars Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber has sent a cease and desist letter to Bluewater Productions over its comic biographies of the celebrities, according to Bleeding Cool.


“We are 100% within our 1st amendment rights,” Bluewater CEO Darren Davis told Newsarama.  “We knew our rights on this before we jumped into the biography world.  These are 100% biographies on their lives.”    


The attorney, Kenneth Feinswog, was the same attorney who sued Revolutionary Comics in the early 90s over its biographical comics.  That suit was unsuccessful with regard to the biographical content, although Revolutionary had also used the New Kids on the Block trademark.  The New Kids bio was subsequently reprinted and distributed sans logo, and was allowed to proceed.   


An unauthorized biography is clearly constitutionally protected free speech, whether in comic or text form.  Feinswog appears to be over-reaching, as he did 20 years ago.   


Bluewater has announced that the first two printings of its Lady Gaga comic have sold out, and a third printing is planned.  A sequel has also been announced. 


Bluewater bought the rights to Revolutionary’s archive last year (see “Bluewater Gets Rock ‘n’ Roll Comics”). 

For the record, I'm asking Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber to stop. Not the lawsuit, but their music, their tweets, everything.

It's all just - just awful.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Set your phasers to sideboob!

Thriller: The Complete Series Arrives on DVD!

Wow today is like awesome "Golden Age of Genre TV Day". First, the unearthing of this classic interview footage of the brilliant and super-classy Rod Serling.  Now, I learn that Thriller: The Complete Series was released on DVD today!


There was an age in television where spine-tingling and spell-binding anthology shows ruled the air. "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Twilight Zone" scared the little boys who would grow up to become the Stephen Kings and Steven Spielbergs.

One of those shows was "Thriller," an anthology show hosted by Boris Karloff that lasted only two seasons and split its episodes into themes of crime and terror.
Some of the episodes were eventually made available as individual episodes on VHS, and there were bootleg DVDs, but never was the series comprehensively all together. Today, Image Entertainment releases the complete series, comprising 67 episodes on 14 DVDs. The collection also includes 24 hours of audio commentaries and 31 hours of isolated music and effects tracks. 
The episodes tackled stories by such notables as Edgar Allan Poe, "Psyhco" writer Robert Bloch and Robert E. Howard and featured future stars William Shatner, Leslie Nielsen, Ursula Andress and Richard Chamberlain. And each episode featured an intro by Karloff, who gave the proceedings a stage-like, one-night only performance feel (and the soundstage sets didn't hurt either!). Karloff even acted in some of them, which gave audiences who were accustomed to him playing Frankenstein's monster something else to remember. 
... Image is also releasing several seasons worth of "The Twilight Zone" this fall, and that series, combined with "Thriller," were made at a time when creepiness was invited into our homes on a weekly basis. Occasionally, some show will try to capture that spirit, or put a modern spin on it by giving it some character arc throughline in "X-Files"-"Supernatural"-"Fringe" fashion. But one thing these collections do is slap a big "Schooled!" sticker on us and show us how it's really done.

Zombie-dance jokes aside, Thriller is so going on my Amazon Wish List! As is the Twilight Zone, assuming the new releases include anything I don't already have in my beloved Complete Definitive Collection set.

Daredevil: Reborn Cover Leaked!

Bad Jock!

Disney sends you to the corner with no Twitter and only half a container of milk, for tweeting an advance look at the cover of Daredevil Reborn #1.

Yep, the artist posted it on Twitter this morning, then pulled it, but not before the good people at Comic Book Resources grabbed it.

I'm enjoying Shadowland and looking forward to all of this DD stuff, but I'm praying they don't pull a Cap and release a "Who Will Wield the Horns" finale to it all before the mini is finished, thus kinda spoiling the ending to like a year's worth of story.

Not that I'm bitter over the Cap thing or anything.  Just don't want to see history to repeat itself, that's all I'm sayin'. 

New (R-rated, NSFW!) Conan pictures surface

via Blastr

Some new Not Safe For Work Conan pictures just hit the Internet, and by NSFW we mean they show a topless woman.

Conan the boob-arian! See it all here.

Diamond to Change Weekly Delivery Date

Starting in January 2011, accounts serviced by Diamond Comics Distributors will be able to get comics and graphic novels delivered to stores on Tuesday for a Wednesday on sale date, in line with other industries that have street dates. 
Comics shops have traditionally received their weekly deliveries on Wednesday, which is also the on-sale day. The new policy means that comics shops will no longer have to scramble to get shipments ready for sale on Wednesday mornings as customers stream in for their weekly comics haul, a practice that was exhausting and chaotic for many retailers. Retailers who wish to continue to receive their shipments on Wednesday can do so. 
This "street dates" idea had been resisted by Diamond and publishers for many years because of fears that retailers would jump the gun and sell the comics available early. But larger stores with multiple outlets had already been getting Tuesday deliveries. And experiments with streets dates for such hot ticket items as Blackest Night #6 and Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour showed that retailers were overwhelmingly sticking to the rules.

To the comics retailing community: I know that the rise of digital comics has you concerned. However there are many upsides, the first of which is that you're gonna start noticing very quickly that Diamond is actually treating you like a business partner, rather than an employee.

Because while you, if you choose, can participate in the digital revolution and use it to grow your business, Diamond is no longer the undisputed ruler of all things comics related, and that makes them pee-pee pants scared.

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Self-Celebratory Merch...

Music of DC Comics to be complied on CD

DC Comics logo

DC Comics and WaterTower Music have announced a CD titled The Music Of DC Comics: 75th Anniversary Collection.

Released to tie in with the publisher's milestone anniversary, the album features 31 tracks spanning the history of DC film and television adaptations.

"The initial idea I had before this all came together was to make ring tones out of the old Super Friends themes," executive producer Peter Axelrad told CBR.

"From Super Friends to The All-New Super Friends Hour, everybody remembers those. 'Here in the Hall of Justice!' and all that. I thought, 'I would buy ten of those ring tones!' Then it came to the idea that there was so much more out there. Those are so iconic, and there's just more to be had."

The disc includes everything from the theme tune to the 1960s Batman television series to film scores from acclaimed composers John Williams and Danny Elfman. A total of 21 of the tracks on its playlist have never been heard before.

The Music Of DC Comics: 75th Anniversary Collection will be released later this year. A full playlist is available on DC's The Source blog.

My initial reaction to this piece is that anyone who volunteers the information that he was planning to sell Super Friends theme ring tones should not be "Executive Producing" anything. That said, this is actually pretty cool and the Danny Elfman Batman Animated theme alone makes it worth the price of admission.

Lovecraft film plot details leak, Cameron calls it a new Aliens

Lovecraft film plot details leak, Cameron calls it a new Aliens
via blastr

Aww this is awesome - the first major Lovecraft movie since the classic Re-Animator! Cameron, del Toro and Lovecraft - it's like they read my Christmas list!

Fantastic Four Movie Cast Rumors Get Wackier - Vampire Bill as Dr. Doom?

File under amusing but highly unlikely: reports that Marvel is supposedly trying to get Stephen Moyer, True Blood's Vampire Bill, to play Doctor Doom in the Fantastic Four movie reboot that we're all gossiping about to try to distract us from the pending cinematic nightmare that is X-Men: First Class.

The two previous Fantastic Four films, released in 2005 and 2007 respectively, turned a decent profit for 20th Century Fox but received poor reception from both critics and fans. The studio has now decided to take the franchise in a new direction by way of a reboot. The new Fantastic Four franchise will supposedly have a very different tone than the Tim Story directed films; and will feature a completely CGI rendered version of the character The Thing (previously portrayed by a rubber-suit clad Micheal Chiklis).
Last week, ScreenRant reported that Fox is currently negotiating with actors Adrian Brody and Johnathan Rhys Meyers for the role of Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic. Today I've learned that the studio is very strongly leaning towards Brody; whose A-list status will help draw greater general audience interest in the project. Another name has now been added to the list, this time it's True Blood star Stephen Moyer. An offer is currently out for the actor to portray the villainous Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom. Though it is still unclear exactly how central the character will be in the film, Doom will be showcased as the ruler of Latveria and a master of the mystic arts. 
More information has also surfaced by way of my inside source at Fox, who tells me that, if all goes as planned, the studio is planning on releasing Fantastic Four in the summer of 2012; which is the same timeframe as Marvel Studios' The Avengers. Though actress Amber Heard was in the early stages of negotiations for the role of Susan Storm/Invisible Woman, former X-Men: First Class actress Alice Eve is now the front runner for the part; as is Kevin Pennington for Johnny Storm/Human Torch. 
The current screenplay for Fantastic Four has the team's origin taking place during the opening credits; ala The Incredible Hulk. The film has yet to sign a director, though meetings have already taken place between the studio and three contenders.
Funny thing is, there's no doubt in my mind that Moyer would run rings around that awful Doctor Doom from the previous FF franchise, Julian McMahon.  That said, this seems awfully unlikely, and in fact Moyer himself has stepped forward to deny it.

It would be kinda neat though, wouldn't it?  I'm sure it would make for a great blooper real: "Soookeh!!! Sorry, I mean Richaaaards!!!"

New Alan Moore Burlesque Movie In Production

Many people seem to believe that Alan Moore hates films. He just doesn’t like a lot of them these days. And he’s not keen on people taking what he once wrote as a comic and turning it into a film without his permission. And especially then stating that they have his permission.

Anyway, the new issue of Alan Moore’s Dodgem Logic (number crunching on its way, stat fans) mentions that Moore has written his first original screenplay, to be filmed by his Unearthing collaborator Mitch Jenkins.

It’s based on the burlesque issue of Dodgem Logic, issue 2, and seems to star the burlesque dancers that appeared in the issue and at the magazine’s launch party.

One, a particular friend of Bleeding Cool, Khandie Khisses has been tweeting and putting up photos from the film shoot today.

Spent the last 10 mins going though lines with Alan Moore. Pressure much?! Lol

Moore previusly wrote a screenplay with Malcolm McLaren, Fashion Beast, and it’s being turned into a graphic novel from Avatar next year)

Hmm - you had me at "Alan Moore", hooked me with ""burlesque" - but kinda lost me at the end there with "Malcolm McLaren".

Well it's Alan Moore, so the one and only absolute guarantee here is that it will be interesting.