Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Batcave's been discovered in Okinawa using Google Maps [Military]

via io9

Batman's secret hideout has been discovered using the magic of the internet, and surprisingly it's not under Wayne Manor. No, it's located on a US military base in Okinawa. Who'd have thunk?


Spider-Man: he's on his way, he's making it.

From USA Today, Marvels's first-look teaser of the upcoming Spider-Man story arc "Big Time". From what I know, we meet a new Spider-Girl, Mary Jane is in the mix although Spidey's got another new girlfriend, we see some Avengers action, and the Hobgoblin's stirring up trouble. A Hobgoblin, anyway. That's not a tease - I'm just saying, any super-villain with the surname "Goblin" tends to have a pretender or two to the throne, so you never can tell.

Hopefully, Spidey won't suffer horrendous gigantism as a commentary on capitalism or whatever Peter Gabriel was on about, but unless Marvel sends me some review copies (a-hem!), I can't make any promises. 

"Big Time" kicks off in Amazing Spider-Man #648, in stores November 10. You can see a nice shot of the new Spider-Girl in action here.

And now, let's go to the clip!

Man Sees Dalek In Tree Trunk, Mistakes It For Jesus

via Bleeding Cool

From the Winston-Salem Journal comes this charming story about an elderly fellow, Bill Johnson, who has discovered the image of Jesus in a tree limb that fell in his front yard. He believes it to be a “robed image of Jesus with an outstretched hand. The head is near the center of the limb where the rings of the tree are lighter, giving an almost halo appearance.”


custom carbonite statuette: cloud city souvenir

via Technabob

Preserve your likeness with Paul Pape’s Custom Carbonites. Just send a picture and it will be turned into a 4.25″ high statuette. The statuette isn’t actually made of carbonite though, but a mixture of plastic and Super Sculpey. Think of it as Earth carbonite.


Think we'll see Darkseid doing THIS on Smallville? (NSFW)

That's right, Apokolips Hunger Dogs - piss off Darkseid and he'll stick something hot n' nasty in your mouth! No, but really, he's supposed to be lighting a stick of dynamite in that poor S.O.B.'s mouth, but a coloring errorr just completely changes the scene. Maybe it was caused by Darkseid's apparent conjunctivitis in his right eye, but more likely it had to do with the archaic-by-current-standards coloring techniques of the day.

The ultimate vampire romantic hotspot

Blood fountains! In Romania, no less! If not for all that sunlight, this would be a vampire's equivalent of Tavern on the Green. This thing is real, by the way - this bloody weird, yet eerily pretty, Bucharest fountain, is spraying red to raise Hemophilia awareness.


via Make.

Bradley Cooper Denies Online FLASH Rumors

via Collider

A few days ago we reported Bradley Cooper was rumored to be on the shortlist for Warner Bros. The Flash movie.  However, we managed to speak to Cooper yesterday (along with a few other journalists) and he offered the standard non-denial of anyone who may or may not be in negotiations for a role. The question was “have you heard anything about those Flash rumors.”  Cooper’s response was “I have never heard anything about that in my life.”


You Dirty Liar: Steampunk Iron Man Costume Actually A Re-Purposed Tin Man Costume

via Geekologie

Remember the rad to the power of sick steampunk Iron Man costume that took first place at NYCC's Marvel costume contest? Well it turns out the tricky little SOB behind the suit just repainted a Tin Man costume. I HOPE YOU GET TETANUS.


Your daily cute super-animal

To kick off the weekend, celebrate an excellent 200th episode of Smallville, and just generally acknowledge that animals are cute and fuzzzy, I give you a very excitable Krypto cosplayer.

Via the aptly named Cute Overload.

NYCC ’10 | Talking digital with David Steinberger

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

“I think this whole year will be the year of devices,” said David Steinberger, CEO of comiXology, at his New York Comic Con booth last weekend. “The question is, will companies be able to make marketplaces like Apple? They are really the only app and digital store that has worked so far. But we will see that this year.”


Friday, October 15, 2010

The Hobbit moves forward: Filming starts in February, Peter Jackson to direct

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

THE HOBBIT is to start filming in February, with Peter Jackson in the director's chair, it's now been announced.


Secrets from the 'Smallville' Set: Celebrating 200 Episodes

via TV Squad

It's been a long road, watching our mild-mannered Superboy stumbling towards his destiny as the Man of Steel that we all know and love, but after 10 years and 200 episodes, the pop cultural phenomenon known as 'Smallville' is finally reaching its zenith.


3 Reasons Incredible Hulk May Be Too Angry for TV

via Underwire

Here’s hoping ABC does a better job reviving the small-screen adventures of rage-a-holic Bruce Banner than it did with No Ordinary Family, the very ordinary show about a nuclear family with superpowers that debuted last month.


Don't tase me, bro!

I'm sure there are those among you who have asked: why do cops need cameras in their helmets? Duh! It's so that the Internet can watch them shoot 5 zillion gigavolts into naked dudes! I hope this has cleared up any confusion on the matter.

via Asylum.

Sci-Fi Jack O'Lanterns

These pieces of no-longer-edible art are truly things of beauty. At long last the Jack O'Lantern attains the same artistic quality and attention to detail as the Halloween costume.

Pumpkins as fine art, via theChive.

Now gimme some candy!!! Ahem. Please.

Mary Jane: If you love it, put a ring on it!

And leave it on. Or don't. Just make up your mind already!

At this point we're like ret-ret-ret-conning this woman's life. Oh just you wait 'til Fox News finds out what you've done to the sacred institution of marriage!

Pic by deviantART user jameslynch.

Nathan Fillion wants YOU (to help him star in Drake's Fortune)

via Blastr

Ever since it was announced that David O. Russell would be directing a big-screen adaptation of the video game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the online buzz has been that the role of the treasure-hunting descendant of Sir Francis Drake should go to Firefly's Nathan Fillion. And you know who agrees? Nathan Fillion!


Namco Bandai Pulls Mr. Driller Chilean Miner Image, Apologizes [Ruh Roh]

via Kotaku

To mark the release of the 33 Chilean miners, Namco Bandai created the above image, which features the character Mr. Driller. Today, the company has removed the image and apologized.


Spidey & Hobbes

Spider-Man's last 5 years of story summed up alarmingly well by deviantART user ninjaink.

ABC Developing HULK TV Series; Marvel Also Eyes THE PUNISHER and CLOAK AND DAGGER for Television

via Collider

When Disney bought Marvel last year, we dreamt of Marvel characters gracing the broadcast television network that Disney happens to own: ABC.  Such is finally coming to fruition, as news comes there is a major push to get Hulk back on television nearly three decades after the Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno series The Incredible Hulk (1978-1982) went off the air.  There is no showrunner attached yet, but recently knighted Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb (Heroes) is on the lookout.


The Sound of Dexter

OK, this right here is super-creepy-cool. This song (and video) is comprised entirely of clips from your favorite TV sociopath - no, not Ann Coulter, Dexter!


via Gizmodo, Showtime, LikeCool.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

X (Men) Games - X-Men: Destiny Teaser

Last week's New York Comic Con featured several exciting video game announcements, prominent among them Marvel's forthcoming X-Men: Destiny,  written by X-Men: Legacy scribe Mike Carey.  Based on what I saw and what I've read, I was very psyched.  Mike Carey, current fave X-Writer?  Create your own mutant?  Very nice, on paper.  Now that I've seen the teaser, I'm genuinely impressed.  

Oh, and old-school gamer that I am, I'm also super-psyched that the classic X-Men arcade game is coming to XBOX Live and the Playstation Network.  

But I digress.  Behold: Destiny!


The science behind ‘Iron Man’ at CalTech

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

When it comes to superheroes, we’re fascinated by their charisma and sometimes their good looks, but mostly it’s their super-human abilities to do the things of which we (mere mortals) can only dream.


Which actors are speeding on to the shortlist for The Flash?

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

ALTHOUGH nowhere near as fast as the character himself, the pieces seem to be coming together for a film featuring classic DC Comics hero the Flash.

The current buzz has Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green working on a Flash script that they plan to have in Warner Bros' hands "between Thanksgiving and Christmas."


And now, Psylocke's areolas.

I'm sorry, were you expecting something else? I kinda thought the headline was fairly clear.

Extreme close-up of Esad Ribic's super-detailed cover to Uncanny X-Force #2.

Quote of the day | Neil Gaiman on digital comics and the iPad

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

“I loved, was shocked, delighted, and amazed by the fact that the first best seller that DC Comics had on the iPad was Sandman No. 1. Just sort of going, this is a comic I wrote 23 years ago, and you’ve got this new technology, and it’s here right now. I think they’re brilliant. I really do. And I think that I do not have the allegiance to paper that I ought to. Perhaps I don’t have the allegiance to paper that I ought to because anybody who invests in The Absolute Sandman, all four volumes, is now carrying 40 pounds of paper and cardboard around with them. And they hurt and they complain, ‘Oh, I feel guilty.’ And I look at it and go, you’re not getting anything that is quantitatively or qualitatively better than the experience you’d be getting on an iPad, where you can enlarge the pages, you can move it around, it’s following the eye, and you can flip the pages.”

Watchmen's Alan Moore to Write a Movie About ... Alan Moore

via Cinematical

Alan Moore's turned his back on Hollywood and given superheroes the cold shoulder, but apparently he's ready to jump into feature-length filmmaking if he's behind the screenwriting wheel. The Bearded One's script for the short film 'Jimmy's End' was enough of an indication to Warp Films, the UK-based production company behind 'Four Lions,' 'Bunny and the Bull,' 'Trash Humpers,' 'This is England' and more, to approach him about writing a feature-length film.


Your SyFy Tuesday Part 2: Caprica

Yesterday I gave you a preview of next Tuesday's episode of Stargate: Universe.  As promised, here's the rest of your SyFy Tuesday awesome: Caprica!  I'll be honest, SyFy's description of this one does not read very well:

This episode will not leave you short of entertained as battles are fought, conflict ensues, threats are thrown, and ties of loyalty are cut.  You’ll have to watch to find out if there’s a solution to all the fraking chaos.

It's everything in me to not go over that with a big red pen, English teacher-style!  

Fortunately, we know that Caprica is awesome and we don't need well-written summaries to be excited for a new episode.  A little preview clip wouldn't hurt, though. Here's a sneak peek at Tuesday's episode, "Things We Lock Away":

Pretty sweet, eh? Yeah, I'll be watching. "Things We Lock Away" airs Tuesday, October 19 at 10:00 p.m./9:00 p.m. Central on SyFy.

Girl geeks get their own sci-fi fashion line

via Blastr

All it takes is one visit to San Diego Comic-Con to know that all fans are NOT like The Simpsons' Comic Book Guy. These days, women rule—and they have needs. So Ashley Eckstein, star of Lucasfilm's animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, founded Her Universe to get sci-fi fashion into the hands of all those girl geeks out there.


Best thing about the new Twitter: Murderface!

While you guys are keeping up with Ashton Kutcher's Harold and Maude-ish post-acting life and obsessing over Britney's latest drug and urine-soaked misadventures, I'm #following the mighty frontman of Planet Piss - William Murderface!

I so want a B4N4N4 ST1KR!

First look at the last Family Guy Star Wars special [Family Guy]

via io9

Here's a little preview of the very last Family Guy Star Wars parody, titled Family Guy: It's a Trap!. Lois is prisoner of Jabba the Hut (played by Joe). But which Family Guy character will play the Ewoks?


Report: Natalie Portman May Star in Alien Prequel

via Underwire

Natalie Portman may be too mature to star in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies — the 29-year-old actress dropped out of that film last week — but she’s evidently not too old to kick some ass in Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel. Portman is reportedly the frontrunner for the lead female role in 20th Century Fox’s reboot-in-progress.


The Lizard Confirmed As Spider-Man Villain

via Bleeding Cool

Rhys Ifans’ role in the new Spider-Man film has been revealed, and it’s Dr. Curt Connors, the man who becomes The Lizard. This makes sense of those “rage and warmth” comments that director Marc Webb had made.


Why we don't pay writers by the word

Writer Zeb Wells fills up a page with a whole lotta nuthin' in this scene from Shadowland: Elektra.

Background on the Couch Gag that Banksy Did for The Simpsons

via Neatorama

The producers of The Simpsons arranged for the British street artist Banksy to write the “couch gag” that takes place in the introduction to The Simpsons. But how did they manage to get in contact with this elusive, mysterious artist? David Itzkoff of The New York Times interviewed executive producer Al Jean:


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Your SyFy Tuesday Part 1: Stargate Universe

SyFy Tuesdays are back, as are fan-favorite shows Stargate Universe and Caprica.  Here's a sneak peek at what's coming next Tuesday.  Howzabout we start with Stargate?

On Tuesday's episode, "Pathogen"", Chloe's acting weirder than usual, and Eli is concerned. As Chloe gets weirder, everybody starts getting concerned.

Let's have a little preview, shall we?

"Pathogen" Airs Tuesday, October 19 on SyFy, at 9:00 p.m/8:00 p.m. Central.

Tomorrow: SyFy Tuesday Part 2: Caprica!

Another Day, Another Jackass Dressed As A Superhero Robs A Store: Batman Does McD's

via Geekologie

Apparently Batman (who's a known fast-food thief) robbed a McDonalds in San Francisco last night. Why San Francisco? Because he and Robin retired there to ride rainbows to their hearts' content. But apparently the dong-loving duo have fallen on hard times. Double entendre, I'm counting it.


Babs and the art of foreshadowing

Girl, you'll be a woman soon. Batgirl in Detective Comics circa 1982: "computers can - talk to each other?"

If she only knew what the future held in store.

Futurama: Volume 5 DVD and Blu-ray in December

via Animated Views

DVDActive reports that Fox Home Entertainment has announced 2-disc DVD and 2-disc Blu-ray releases of Futurama: Volume 5 for December 21, 2010. Bonus features on each set will include audio commentaries, featurettes: “Bend it Like Bender”, “Previously on….”, “Fry’s Crudely-Drawn Comic Book - The Crudely Animated Edition”, “Behind the Fungus: Makin’ a Hit Song”, and more.

Happy Belated Birthday to a Living Legend

Monday (October 11) was the 97th birthday of the Joe Simon, comics god-among-men and the "Simon" in "Simon and Kirby".

That's right, these guys.

Of course the two great creators' careers spanned decades, and went far beyond just creating one of the greatest superheroes of all time.  No, Simon and Kirby went on to create dozens of titles across multiple companies and genres, from the Boy Commandos to Prez

Ty Templeton pays tribute to Joe over on his always entertaining blog.

As for Simon in his own words - well he sat down to reminisce about his life and work with comics columnist Michael Cavna in today's Washington Post.

As for me - well, I've been devouring Titan Books' excellent The Simon and Kirby Superheroes for weeks now - no, I'm not a slow reader, but it came out just as New York was hit with two back-to-back comic cons and the thing is HUGE.

Also - it's like fine wine.  As in, it gets better with age, and you don't just read through it like this week's "buy" pile.  

This is art.  

This is the building blocks of an entire genre, an entire medium, masters of a still-new craft, inventing entire methods of storytelling and laying the groundwork for pop culture as we know it today.  So, I was already nose-deep in the Stuntman, the Fly, Captain 3-D and others before I even knew it was Mr. Simon's 97th, so I hope he'll forgive the belated happy birthday.

I do have a good excuse - I was reading the classics.

Bring the Venture Bros. to life

Eek. That's - that's a disturbingly realistic mullet happening there. Think you've got what it takes to portray realistic renditions of the adorable little cloney-scamps, their bodyguard, or perhaps their super-villain nemeses or magic neighbor? Prove it! Enter the Realistic Venture Bros. Challenge at CG Hub! Or just check in and see artists work their stuff on Team Venture, the Guild of Calamitous Intent, and - is it too much to  hope for the Revenge Society? Brown Widow?  I know we're gonna see some Trianas! And, of course, lots and lots of Brocks.  The deadline for the contest is Tuesday, October 19 at midnight, PST, so if you're planning to enter, you'd better get crackin'. That mullet won't render itself!

via Super Punch, CG Hub.

Tom Hardy Reunited With 'Inception' Helmer Chris Nolan On 'Batman'


EXCLUSIVE: While Tom Hardy's plan to play Mad Max in the George Miller-directed Mad Max: Fury Road has hit another delay, the fast-rising Hardy's in the mix for another big film at Warner Bros. I'm told that Hardy has been set by his Inception director Chris Nolan for a lead role in the next Batman film at Warner Bros. Insiders are keeping the role secret and won't even say if he's up for a villain role, but that seems a reasonable assumption. Hardy has followed up Inception with lead roles in the Tomas Alfredson-directed  adaptation of the John Le Carre novel Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and he's currently starring with Chris Pine and Reese Witherspoon in the McG-directed Fox comedy This Means War. CAA reps Hardy, who's expected to return to Fury Road when it goes.

News now indistinguishable from Battlestar Galactica

All of this has happened before...

Your daily dose of awesome: Picard's Vaudeville alphabet song

Yeah, you read that right.  If you see something cooler than this on the Internets today, I'll buy you a cupcake.

Via Geekosystem, Zoe Chevat.

Image of the Day: Starship Enterprise hidden in Battlestar finale

via Blastr

Venture Bros. preview pic disturbing on several levels

I shudder to think at how Dean ended up in this position. Sgt. Hatred's presence in the shot, as always, adds an extra layer of creepiness.

But they wouldn't. Oh who am I kidding, they totally would. But it seems unlikely.

Oh, and don't forget - Venture Bros. Season 4, Volume 1 hits stores on October 26!

Ryan Reynolds: Deadpool beats Wolverine and ‘Hugh Jackman knows it’

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

I interviewed Ryan Reynolds not long ago and asked him a classic fanboy question:  “Deadpool versus Wolverine, who wins?

"Deadpool could beat Wolverine any day. I know it, you know it. Hugh Jackman knows it."


Best. Title. Ever.

Jen Walters makes her debut on the classic 1982 Hulk animated series. A more innocent time, to be sure.