Saturday, December 25, 2010

'Harry Potter' Actress Beaten by Family for Dating Non-Muslim

via Cinematical

Afshan Azad, the 22-year-old British actress who played the role of Hogwarts student Padma Patil in four of the seven 'Harry Potter' films, was attacked by her Muslim father and brother for dating a Hindu man and is currently seeking refuge in London.


Mmmm that's good Dark Side

Just think - if Darth Vader had only thought to use cookies as a last-minute bargaining chip, "Jedi" might have had a very different ending - a Sith-ized Luke cutting a bloody swath through the Ewok chorus as they sang the "Yub Nub" song.

That's - that's kinda dark.

Well, it's still a nice slogan, and a very cool t-shirt, available here.

Gorillaz’ New “Made-On-An-iPad” Album Now Available Online

via App Advice

Gorillaz’ new, entirely iPad-produced album, “The Fall” has (as previously announced), been released. It is now available to stream from their official site.


Doctor Who Christmas Carol airs tonight!

Just a reminder, it's a very Gallifreyan Christmas tonight, as the Doctor Who special "A Christmas Carol" airs at 9:00 p.m. On BBC America.

This marks the first time in history that we here in the U.S. get to see the Doctor Who Christmas special at the same time as our cousins overseas. Truly, it's a good time to be a geek.

Here's a little teaser for ya.

via Geekosystem, BBC America.

Venture Bros. Season 5 is a go (and the annual Venture Xmas song)! [Television]

via io9

The Season 4 finale of Venture Bros. felt a twinge like a series finale, but the show isn't done yet. On Christmas Eve, VB creator Jackson Publick confirmed that Brock and the gang will be back for a fifth season!


Oral history of Captain Marvel

via Boing Boing

Zack Smith sez, "I've done an 'oral history' of Captain Marvel to coincide with Chip Kidd's new book SHAZAM!: THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE WORLD'S MIGTIEST MORTAL. It has all new interviews with Kidd, Mark Waid, Alex Ross, Roy Thomas, Jeff Smith, Mike Kunkel, Jerry Ordway, Elliot Maggin and Jackson Bostwick, TV's Captain Marvel.


Friday, December 24, 2010

The New Gorillaz Single Doesn’t Necessarily Not Sound Like Something Damon Albarn Made on His iPad While on Tour

via Vulture

As promised, the new Gorillaz album The Fall — secretly recorded during the band's recent American tour entirely on Damon Albarn's iPad — will be released for free on the band's site Christmas Day (there's an Advent countdown calendar and everything).


A Very Joker Christmas

You know, Joker's really not that different from Santa - they're both chronic home invaders, they're both garish dressers and they're both jolly. 

Aaand more than a little creepy.

Courtesy of DailyMotion user Batinthesun, here's Joker's Christmas Spectacular, featuring a lovely Harley and her Mistah  J doing the Christmas thang, the way we used to do it up in Arkham.

Batman’s Tumbler seems to be good enough for defense company

via The Inquisitr

I know that everyone uttered their oohs and awwsss when the Tumbler made it appearance in the latest Batman movie but little did we know that BAE System liked it so much that they are incorporating some of the Batman ride into designs for their next generation of  Future Protected Vehicle program.


Jedi Police Officer Uses Mind Tricks on the Job

via Neatorama

Pam Fleming, a police officer in Glasgow, UK, is a Jedi. She’s one of eight Jedi officers on the force, and she claims that she uses her supernatural abilities while at work ...


Coogan Christmas

Nothing says Christmas like the brilliant Steve Coogan, or his alter-ego, Alan Partridge.

All the best to my friends, family, readers, and the wonderful world of comics fans, creators, cosplayers and the rest - whether we agreed on everything this past year is irrelevant, deep down we all want the same thing: for comics to grow and thrive, and to have our BBC series renewed.

Well, the first part anyway.

Happy Holidays and lots of love to all!

Alan partridge knowing me knowing yule. Part 1

TRON cat is not happy about being on the grid

Poor cats - once worshipped by pharaohs, they're now just a prop for our Internet posts.

Except for Comics Cavern kitteh, who gets lavished with treats and cuddles all year round. And then there's TRON cat.

Via imgur.

The Funnies puts your favorite comic strips on your iPad

via Macworld

Just in time for Christmas, The Funnies lets you browse hundreds of your favorite comic strips, right from your iPad.


New X-Men: First Class set pics reveal a few new mutant sneak peeks [X-men First Class]

via io9

You've seen the arial shots of the nasty carnage happening on set of Matthew Vaughan's mutant origins movie X-Men: First Class. Now get a closer look inside the production, and check out a few young mutants.


What Do The Comic Industry’s Christmas Cards Tell Us?

via Bleeding Cool

Here’s a few of the many industry Christmas cards send by publishers, retailers and creators alike, that may need further exploration or interpretation.


Damon Lindelof - schadenfreude much?

Apparently thrilled that Marvel finally has a fiasco worse than his 3-year gap on Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine, Damon Lindelof tweets re: Christopher Tierney's Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark accident.

Amplify’d from
With great power, comes great respWAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHSMASHCRASHKATHUMP!!!!! (sic)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

'The Avengers' To Shoot In 'Land Of Enchantment' New Mexico

via Splash Page

Anyone who caught the post-credits "Iron Man 2" ending knew that there were big things in store for the state of New Mexico in the Marvel movie universe, but now the studio's ambitious plans will play a big role in the real-life "Land of Enchantment" long after "Thor" finishes filming there.


Take Cyclops for a spin

Check out  this super-sweet Cyclops Premium Format Figure, coming early 2011 from Sideshow Collectibles - click the little play button to see him spin him around 360°, and bask in the '90s awesome!

Ah, the '90s - Color Me Badd, Rednexx, variant covers, big-ass shoulderpads - well, the comics were good anyway!

Relive the golden years of Scott Summers, back before he became a control freak doucewang, when he was a good soldier who just wanted to please the Professor.  And Jean. But, you know - in different ways.

Pre-order this bad boy here.

How Doctor Who is like the ghosts of Xmas Past, Present AND Future

via Blastr

BBC America has a very special Christmas present for Doctor Who fans. On Christmas Day the network is premiering what promises to be the most Christmasy Doctor Who Christmas special ever, "A Christmas Carol," featuring Matt Smith.


Collateral damage when Smallvile returns

Smallville is on hiatus until 2011, but almost-Super Clark returns January 28 with a new episode titled "Collateral", and he's not alone. Based on this teaser we can expect Rick Flagg, Black Canary, Deadshot and more.

Smallville is certainly going out with a bang - the storytelling and pacing have never been this good, and the decision to integrate the Fourth World and Suicide Squad mythos is a real high-water mark in comics-based TV.  I can't wait for the next episode! 

Buuuut I guess I'm going to have to.  Well, here's a clip:

Cylon T.P. Dispenser: Bathroomstar Galactica

via Technabob

I have no idea what would compel someone to either make or buy this thing, but the sheer absurdity of it made me want to mention it. What you’re looking at, my friends, is what I’m reasonably certain is the first (and last) ever Cylon Centurion toilet paper dispenser.


Iron Man Cake Inspires the Baker In you

via Walyou

Of all the superheroes that Marvel Comics has given to us, Iron Man has to be the most prolific and mysterious. This cake here was inspired by Iron Man and was created by a long time Marvel Comics fan.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Achievements tease progression system, Mission mode

via Joystiq

Given the slow, slow drip its developers have had us on since the game was first announced, the recent release of the Achievement list for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 represents one of the biggest info bombs we've been hit with so far. While the list doesn't do much to confirm any rumored characters (though the "Fate of the Satsui no Hadou" certainly seems to hint at the inclusion of Ryu's near-clones, Ken and Akuma), it does reveal some features which have made it into the final cut of the game.


The Spider-Man reboot may not do the Gwen Stacy storyline you're expecting [Spider-man]

via io9

The newly blonde Emma Stone was chatting up her role as Gwen Stacy in Marc Webb's Spider-Man, and let a few plot details slip about her character. Possible spoilers ahead.


DOCTOR WHO "Resurrection Of The Daleks" Action Figure Set Coming Soon

via GeekTyrant

Another classic Doctor Who action figure box set is coming early next year.  This set is a collection focused on the Peter Davison era episode "Resurrection of the Daleks".  It includes a new Fifth Doctor figure, a classic Davros, a grey Dalek, and a black Supreme Dalek.


Vanity Fair: Why Does This Glee Comic exist?

Well the short answer is that if there's a topic ripe for exploiting, Bluewater Productions is gonna be there - but Vanity Fair manages to milk a whole article out of it.

Amplify’d from

glee-comic-book-220.jpgJust when you thought Glee had exhausted every possible franchise format in its quest for total global media domination—extensions of the infectious show are already available as CDs, board games, video games, journals, Magic 8 Balls, microphones, greeting cards, knee socks, charm bracelets, hats, handbags, stationary, sheets, fake nails, and something called “Techno Tats”—you can now access an (unauthorized) introduction to the show and many of its leading cast members in comic book form! Creatively entitled “The Cast of Glee Unauthorized,” the graphic depiction was released last week and appears destined to be as big a hit as the aforementioned bedding or press-on tattoos.


Rent's Adam Pascal on Spider-Man Debacle

While the comics blogging community has shamed itself by paying a bizarre amount of attention to a seven-year-old's struggle to feel OK about her Star Wars cup and ignoring major injuries suffered by young performers in an unsafe production - the common theme being "buy stuff" (Wear Star Wars merch for the poor kids, don't badmouth the big Disney production), it falls to actors (and OSHA, who has declared the play unsafe numerous times), to take the unconscionable Julie Taymor and Bono to task for ruthless profiteering and flagrant safety violations.

Former Rent star Adam Pascal sounds off on his FaceBook page:

Amplify’d from
"They should be put Julie Taymor in jail for assault! I hope (Tierney) is ok and sues the s**t out of Julie, Bono, Edge and every other a**hole who invested in that steaming pile of actor crippling s**t!"

Fantastic Four faces fatal subtraction — Marvel says only three will live

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

From the Associated Press

The Fantastic Four — superheroes whose creation nearly 50 years ago helped usher in the Silver Age of comics for Marvel— is about to become a trio.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

TRON Guy Forbidden From Wearing His Costume in a Movie Theater [Wtf]

via Gizmodo

Jay Maynard, better known as TRON Guy, intended on wearing his famous light-up costume to a showing of TRON: Legacy recently, but his local movie theater refused to admit him.


Teenage Cthulhu is awkward, nervous, evil

Oh man, the Yug-Shoggoth prom is comin' up and I totally have a blackhead on my otherwise gorgeous face!

F'taghn it!

Celebrate the gawky years of the mighty and unknowable Great Old One with this bitchin' Teen Cthulhu t-shirt.

Marvel talks superhero fashion for Marvel vs. Capcom 3's alternate looks

via Joystiq

Here's evidence of some impressive attention to detail over at Capcom: a Marvel employee, Chris Baker, helped Capcom come up with alternate color schemes for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 that were appropriate to the comics, (mostly) avoiding the "mango Sentinel" variations in favor of costumes that make some kind of canonical sense.


Broadway Actors Call 'Spider-Man' Musical a "Steaming Pile of Actor-Crippling Sh*t!"

via Cinematical

Julie Taymor's successes haven't followed her from 'The Lion King' into her latest production, 'Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.' The Tony award-winning director who crafted the uber successful musical based on the 1994 movie about a pride of anthropomorphic lions has been recently blasted by critics and audiences alike...


Who should be the next Thunderbolt?

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

So for a few days now has been running a poll asking folks which villain should join the Thunderbolts. Choices include a lot of great classic villains, like the Absorbing Man, Batroc, Mr. Hyde and The Shocker, as well as some that aren’t quite so classic, like Dr. Demonicus.


Doctor Who cosplayers dress as Dalek, TARDIS girls

It's bigger on the inside.

Via Geeks Are Sexy, Epicponyz.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why that Dr. Who/Sherlock crossover will NEVER happen

via Blastr

If you (like us) have been dreaming of a Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover, well, those dreams have been crushed under Steven Moffat's heel—because the showrunner of the two popular series has ruled out any possibility of that ever happening.


Do you fear: being responsible for brutal injury?

You may be wondering why Comics Cavern has not reported on today's press conference from Marvel, and the announcement of 2011's "Fear Itself" event.

Well, the great writer Brian Michael Bendis recently noted - and I agree with him - that the comics blogosphere - not unlike the rest of the blogosphere, and journalism in general, in my professional opinion -  has become redundant, an echo chamber of voices repeating the same story needlessly.

I might argue that Bendis, and the comics industry in general, has benefited greatly from this condition, as the age of the Internet has transformed their legions of fans into an army of unpaid publicists, spreading each carefully timed announcement virally, in real-time, as one blog post gets quoted in another, which is then posted on forums, and retweeted, and the words of Joe Quesada reach millions of eyes and ears around the globe within minutes.

Marvel doesn't need me to talk about "Fear Itself", and neither do you.

Had I attended today's press conference, I would have asked about the event, and reported back any choice soundbites or tantalizing hints.

I also would have asked Joe Quesada for a comment on last night's disastrous production of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, which resulted in multiple broken ribs and internal bleeding for the man in the Spidey-suit, Christopher Tierney.

Seriously? Not a single "journalist" dared to address this serious, real-life, relevant news story? Is Joe Quesada now George W. Bush, are we afraid that we will lose our place in the press corps if we dare venture off-message?

Marvel has never hesitated to offer quotes about multimedia projects, such as their many videogames, movies, or their recent promotional comic for New York City's Mayor Bloomberg. Yet they've managed to distance themselves from this debacle, which - jokes and personal taste aside - is an unconscionable, gross display of profiteering in the face of known danger, putting actors at unnecessary risk for fear of jeopardizing Disney's financial investment in Turn Off the Dark.

That makes four serious injuries in one month during the previews for this show, as director Julie Taymor continues to argue that the many safety officials who have said that the set is not ready, and is a hazard to the performers, have it all wrong - in the face of glaring evidence to the contrary.

Ms. Taymor has produced a video from no less than Tierney himself, arguing that "the show must go on", as performances resumed this evening. A cynical person might be a little creeped out at the image of Julie Taymor marching into his hospital room with camera crew in tow to get him to assist her in PR damage control.

No circumstance on Earth but the unholy marriage between New York City and the Walt Disney Company would allow for such criminally unsafe practice - as it is, it's quite clear that this will continue until somebody dies.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it continued after that.

The only thing that can stop Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark is a slump in ticket sales, or for the producers and all those involved in the production to be held accountable for injuries suffered in an environment that they know to be dangerous, and that they have demonstrated that they don't care about.

That will only happen if they are asked questions. If people talk about it.

I bare absolutely no ill will towards Marvel, a company which has and continues to produce work that I enjoy immensely, or to Joe Quesada who I do not know personally, but this was a venue for a journalist to behave like a journalist. This was a rare moment in entertainment "news" in which real news is actually taking place - a story which will live in the history books long after "Fear Itself" is in it's 10th printing as a trade paperback, or DVD, or Memory Stick or however the hell we are reading comics years down the line.

Citizen bloggers with nothing to gain other than exercising their freedom of speech and showing common decency and concern for human safety, could have asked a question. Joe Quesada, for all we know, might have offered valuable insight, or an actual reasonable defense for Disney's actions- which Julie Taymor, in her role as de facto spokesperson for Turn Off the Dark, has failed to produce - or, he might have relished the opportunity to speak his mind and voice concerns of his own had someone but asked.

The aforementioned Bendis has pointed out, rightfully so, that the Internet has led to a lot of self-righteous anger, usually about things that don't actually matter in real life such as the temporary death of our beloved superheroes. I would argue that of late, that anger has given way to sheepish group think, because right now, anyone with a conscience who believes that performers are people too, has something to be very angry about.

I invite anyone with any involvement in the show to please comment, and I challenge every journalist, blogger, and citizen to care.

Your daily foul-mouthed alien: ALF vulgar, racist, horny in blooper reel

Yo, Willie! F**k you and Lucky too!

Yet another ALF shocker has surfaced - fans of '80s TV scandals may recall Max "Willie" Wright's crack fueled sex-with-homeless-guys misadventures.

Still, nothing can quite prepare you for the spectacle of ALF himself, acting out between takes, cursing, pretending to have Tourette's syndrome as he repeatedly shouts racial slurs, and soliciting sex from his scene partner.

Here are the highlights of the amazing lost ALF tapes, courtesy of Collider:

1:20 — ALF pretends to snort cocaine after remarking about some crumbs in his lap
3:20 – ALF screws up a line and then says “goddamn hoodoo,” and I have no idea what that means.
4:38 — ALF spouts off the N-word a bunch of times
5:00 – ALF calls one of the crew members and asshole
5:40 – ALF asks his female co-star to lay on top of him and straddle him

Yup, it's pretty weird.

Check out the clip below to see Lucky's archenemy pull a Bill O'Reilly, a Michael Richards, and a few others they don't have names for yet.

Via Collider, Bad TV Blog.

$3,000 Star Wars: Frames Book Set Features George Lucas’ Favorite Images

via Underwire

Though he’s missing the Christmas rush, George Lucas is preparing to introduce a deluxe keepsake for the well-heeled sci-fi fanatic who has everything. Priced at $3,000 and arriving early next year, the Star Wars: Frames boxed book set documents each installment from the sci-fi saga with film images hand-picked by the filmmaker.


UPDATE: Spider-Man Halts Broadway Previews After Accident


Another preview of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark ended last night with yet another cast member injured. This time, an actor fell into the orchestra pit, and the performance was halted just short of completion. That makes four performers injured during the early preview performances of a musical directed by Julie Taymor with music and lyrics by U2's Bono and The Edge. Accidents on action-laden feature films sometimes happen--an extra was left disabled and disfigured in an accident on the set of Transformers 3 earlier this year--but how long before Spidey's creatives think about toning down the sophisticated acrobatics and onstage stunts before somebody gets really hurt?


'Dark Tower' Casting Rumors: Viggo Mortensen, Hugh Jackman, Daniel Craig & Jon Hamm

via Cinematical

It was eight months ago that we first heard that director Ron Howard, writer Akiva Goldsman and producer Brian Grazer had acquired the rights to Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' and were planning an ambitious multi-platform adaptation of the seven-book series that would span three films and two seasons of television.


DC Universe Online enlisting recruits Jan. 11 in NA, Jan. 14 in UK

via Joystiq

Since being pushed to an amorphous "spring 2011" release window back in October, DC Universe Online has been given a solid launch date once and for all: January 11 in North America and January 14 in the UK. Sony Online Entertainment confirmed the dates in an interview with IGN, also announcing the game's $199 lifetime subscription price (a bit over 13 months worth of sub. fees).


Ask an Adult Swim employee anything.

That's what the anonymous gentleman said, as he posted on 4Chan. So this is happening right now. He (or she? Probably "he") is taking potshots at Seth Green "smug little shit", and getting a few in return.

Ambulances Called, Show Stopped After 'Big Accident' in Spider-Man Musical [Broadway]

via io9

Uh-oh: According to several people in the audience of tonight's show, the Bono-penned, Julie Taymor-directed Spider-Man musical Turn off the Dark just stopped a performance mid-show after an actor was involved in a 'big accident'—possibly a two-story fall.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Nathan who?? Uncharted FAIL for David O. Russell

A bold, enterprising and tasteful Uncharted fan confronted director David O. Russell, who is set to direct the adaptation of the hit videogame, and asked whether there was any chance that he might replace the seemingly poor choice of Mark Wahlberg with fan favorite - and protagonist Drake's real-world doppelganger, so spot-on it's downright eerie - Nathan Fillion.

Rusell: "Nathan who?"

Ooooh douche chill. My hopes for this movie have plummeted even further - at this point I'm thinking we're looking at Tomb Raider without the boobies to distract from the plodding pace and lack of story.

I know, I know, it's early.

But "Nathan who?"  Seriously?  So you're the guy who was watching 60 Minutes while the rest of the world was watching Doctor Horrible, huh, Russell? 

Here's the clip, via GeekTyrant:


True Brit: Charley's War

Those of us here in the U.S. of A who have been crying out for more diversity in our comic book literature would do well to look to Europe, where comics have been respected as a medium for a lot longer and where they have been churning out literary and graphic masterpieces for decades.

It's no coincidence that for decades now, Britain has been the number one exporter of superstar comic book talent to the United States - they were raised on classics like 2000 AD, Dan Dare, and the jaw-dropping war drama Charley's War.

Written by 2000 AD founder and first Editor Pat Mills, and illustrated by UK comics legend Joe Colquhoun, Charley's War is a gripping tale of a young boy who enlists in the army - two years below the legal age limit, lying about his age - and through his eyes, we are given a front row seat to the real-life horror show that was the first world war.

Originally serialized in the early '80s, Charley's war has been collected in deluxe hardcovers, in a multi-volume series distributed by Titan Books.

Despite its comic-strip trappings, Charley's War is deeply rooted in World War 1 history, and Volume 7 in the series - The Great Mutiny, in stores December 28 - chronicles a harrowing period in the war that will be familiar to those who have seen Stanley Kubrick's Paths of Glory - the French Army's "collective indiscipline," as it was referred to by the High Command, who were simply unwilling to admit that they had a full-scale mutiny on their hands.

Here in America at the end of 2010, it's a tale that rings all too true - officers overworked, bearing witness to terrible horror and bloodshed, watching their friends die all around them, with no discernible plan of battle giving them hope that the tide will turn in their favor, and denied leave to see friends and family. At a certain point, morale can sink so low that there is nothing left to fight for, and as unimaginable a concept as it may be for military officers who believe that taking orders is a way of life, there may come a time - even for soldiers - when it's time to say "screw this."  Although the High Command tried very hard to deny it, and to this day the records don't tell the entire story, that is exactly what the French did, some 30-35,000 of them.

It is during this period that The Great Mutiny takes place, as Charley and the cast of the series - along with familiar faces from previous volumes, and some new ones fight a Civil War even as the global conflict rages on.

War is hell, and the team of Mills and Colquhoun do a remarkable job of placing the reader on the front lines. Fans of quality literature, great comics, military history or any combination of the above will be floored by Charley's War and The Great Mutiny is a stellar piece of work.

And whatever you do, no matter how tempted you are, DO NOT cheat and turn to the last page!  The set up for volume 8 will blow. Your. Mind.

First concept art from Battlestar Galactica's next prequel series, Blood and Chrome [Concept Art]

via io9

The first ever concept art from the new Battlestar Galactica prequel series Blood And Chrome have been released. From the looks of things, the space opera's next chapter will be full of aliens, blood, cylons, spaceships and WAR!


Should You See the New 'Tron' in 3-D or IMAX 3-D?

via Asylum

Movie buffs should consider themselves lucky these days. They don't have just one choice for their movie-viewing experiences. They can watch the same movie over and over in a regular theater, 3-D, IMAX 3-D, home-theater 3-D, home projector, outdoor screening, online and on various illegal sites that may or may not download a virus to their computers.


Cinematical sums up Spidey

Cinematical has a spoilerific summary of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, in previews on Broadway despite it's recent postponement, which we have been assured is not due to the alarming injury rate - statistically speaking, being a performer in this show is more dangerous than texting while driving - but due to the fact that they don't have an ending yet.


I wanna hear about the spider-themed drinks at the snack shack!

Check out the story to read about the ultimate victory of style over substance, and cringe with me for the soul of one of the greatest characters of the 20th century as he is pimped out in Times Square to make that Disney dollar.

A Very Jabba Christmas

Well it may not quite live up to the standards of say, The Waitresses or Billy Squier, but I've heard worse Christmas songs than Jabba the Hut's unique take on "Silent Night".

via Blastr.

Quote of the day | Joe Casey is bored by your comics

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

I’ll tell you what else… I’m actually seeing things in [work for hire] comics now that I was doing seven or eight years ago. Not just techniques, but actual ideas. I love me some Fraction, but seeing that Tony Stark wants to “change the world” by manufacturing a car that isn’t dependent on gasoline and runs on a possibly limitless energy source that only he can provide… where have I seen that before?


Tron: Legacy Tops an Otherwise Weak Box Office Weekend

via Vulture

To no one's surprise, Tron: Legacy came in atop the box office this weekend, bringing in $43.6 million. Overall it was a weak weekend for Hollywood, with the the second place film, Yogi Bear, coming in well short of the $20 million expected to make (it earned $16.7 million).


Trolling the Cylons

In the future, or perhaps the distant past, haters are still hating.

Via imgur.

Harry Potter Years 1-6 on Blu-ray for $24 $5 s&h

via dealnews offers the Harry Potter Years 1-6 on Blu-ray for $28.13 (£17.99). At checkout, it drops to $23.92 (£15.31). With $4.81 (£3.08) for shipping, that's $26 under the lowest total price we could find for the American version.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

H.P. Lovecraft loved kittehs

Between dogs and cats my degree of choice is so great that it would never occur to me to compare the two. I have no active dislike for dogs, any more than I have for monkeys, human beings, tradesmen, cows, sheep, or pterodactyls; but for the cat I have entertained a particular respect and affection ever since the earliest days of my infancy.

A Klingon Carol

Thank you, Wall Street Journal, for this piece on "A Christmas Carol" in Klingon. As director/co-writer Christopher O. Kidder puts it: "Why not?"


H.R. Giger is On for the Alien Prequel

via Geekosystem

Good news for those who like their alien spaceships properly oozing, dark, and pseudo-sexual: H.R. Giger is now confirmed as a contributor to Ridley Scott’s new Alien prequel.


Cthulhu Mints: F'taghn!! I mean, curiously strong!

Indulge forbidden curiosities about what flavors lie behind the veil of what you know to be reality, and dare to unleash minty freshness from beyond!

Naw, but these Cthulhu Mints are cute, though.

I'm saving myself for Dr. Crusher

The Bradford Exchange has this lovely fashion accessory for the hand you use to boldly go where no one has gone before!!


FoxTrot: mmmm that's good redshirt!

Cannon fodder, delicious Yuletide treats - there's no limit to the usefulness of the noble redshirt!

Via Gizmodo, FoxTrot.