Oh, I just thought of another Sentry caption!
- “I thought - he smelled bad - on the outside!!”
By the way, you shouldn’t feel like you have to restrict yourself to my choices, if you’ve got your own caption to suggest, by all means go for it. And, you know, answer as many times as you want. This isn’t a contest, it’s just us having fun at the expense of a dismembered character who shall remain nameless for the time being to prevent spoilers.
I’m trying to pick a caption for this instant classic Sentry moment, and I’m stumped.
Here are the contenders:
- Split Decision
- Divide and Conquer
- Spill Your Guts
- 50% OFF!!
- Intestinal Fortitude
- ♫ Nothings Right, I’m Torn… ♪
Which should I go with?
“OK, here, I’m giving you a head. Now can I have some of that sweet sweet meth?
Wait - you want me to WHAT?!? Sigh - OK, pull ‘em down. Damn, now I kind of feel bad for killing this guy. And for what I’m about to do.
But what can I say - that’s why they call me the Sex for Sudafed Sentry!”