DC New 52 Preview: Supergirl #1

Supergirl #1, written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson with art by Mahmud Asrar and Dan Green, arrives in stores tomorrow (September 21). This is potentially a very important title for DC Comics, as women continue to be woefully underrepresented in comics, and many of DC's female characters are not going to reappear anytime soon, if ever, in the new DCU.
So there is both a lot at risk here and a real opportunity to undo some of the damage caused by Dan DiDio's behavior at San Diego Comic-Con, which unfortunately did a lot to reinforce DC's image as a male-centric publisher.
Meet Supergirl. She's got the unpredictable behavior of a teenager, the same powers as Superman - and none of his affection for the people of Earth. So don't piss her off!
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