DC Universe Online Goes Free to Play in October

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that DC Universe Online is adopting a free to play model starting in October. This is good news for DCUO gamers, who have suffered everything from PSN outages and hacking to a move of several servers resulting in downtime and, in rare cases, data loss. Plus half of the events and set pieces of DCUO have been completely retconned out of the DC Comics Universe.
So, I think it's fair to say that it's been a bumpy ride for us early adapters.
It's still a great game with a bright future, however, and the free to play model is an excellent move, a great way to increase the games subscriber base, and in my opinion it's the inevitable future of MMOs. So Kudos to DCU Online, which beginning next month will offer the following three pricing tiers.
Free players
- Access to all current areas and missions
- Two character slots
- Can join guilds
- New game packs purchasable as microtransactions
Premium – if you spend, or have ever spent more than $5 in DCUO
- More character slots
- More invenory space
- Can hoard more money
Legendary – $14.99 a month subscription
- All new level packs included as part of the cost
- 15 character slots
- 80 inventory slots
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