“OK, here’s the plan: Batman, you and Green Lantern fight the tree-guy. Wonder Woman, you take the rock-guy. I’ll, um, gasp for air while Superman shoots at me with his heat vision.”

Aquaman: “OK, here’s the plan: Batman, you and Green Lantern fight the tree-guy. Wonder Woman, you take the rock-guy. I’ll, um, gasp for air while Superman shoots at me with his heat vision.”


Pimp-El: Hoes betta’ have my money!ohmygil:
is kal-el gonna have a to choke a bitch?
aw. I miss good Jeph Loeb.
Pimp-El: Hoes betta’ have my money!



is kal-el gonna have a to choke a bitch?

aw. I miss good Jeph Loeb.


Hi, I’m Diana, and like many women my age I suffer from mild osteoporosis.  That’s why I take Boneiva, it makes me look like I still have the skull of a 25-year-old.

Hi, I’m Diana, and like many women my age I suffer from mild osteoporosis. That’s why I take Boneiva, it makes me look like I still have the skull of a 25-year-old.


Mera: Someone put her lipstick on in a moving car!

Mera: Someone put her lipstick on in a moving car!
