Batman - Group Affiliations:
Justice League of America
The Outsiders
The Rainbow Coalition
(via retconpunch)

Batman - Group Affiliations:

  • Justice League of America
  • The Outsiders
  • The Rainbow Coalition


(via retconpunch)


Wow - someone is just now catching up to the 1999 entries on his to-do list.
(That “someone” is Joe Casey - just to clear up any confusion)

Wow - someone is just now catching up to the 1999 entries on his to-do list.

(That “someone” is Joe Casey - just to clear up any confusion)


“OK, here’s the plan: Batman, you and Green Lantern fight the tree-guy. Wonder Woman, you take the rock-guy. I’ll, um, gasp for air while Superman shoots at me with his heat vision.”

Aquaman: “OK, here’s the plan: Batman, you and Green Lantern fight the tree-guy. Wonder Woman, you take the rock-guy. I’ll, um, gasp for air while Superman shoots at me with his heat vision.”


That’s right, I’m back, beeyotches!  Anybody wanna tell me why the f**k I look like Hellboy all of a sudden?

That’s right, I’m back, beeyotches! Anybody wanna tell me why the f**k I look like Hellboy all of a sudden?




How to Ink Batman and Robin, the Cameron Stewart Way (Part 2)


How to Ink Batman and Robin, the Cameron Stewart Way (Part 1)


The short pitch clip for the proposed Batgirl series - it would have been awesome to see Yvonne Craig in her purple Bat-duds every week, despite:

1) The remarkably condescending treatment of women, even for its day: “Gotham City… abounds with girls of all shapes and sizes: debutantes, nurses, stenographers and librarians”.

2) It’s ear-splitting theme song. Which, in addition to sounding like nails on a chalkboard, stole it’s lyrics from “Cotton Eye Joe” (‘Where do you come from, where do you go’?). Although the show wasn’t picked up, the theme lived on as Babs’ intro music on Batman.

3) It’s embarrassingly lazy, expository dialog - Babs: “Isn’t that your youthful ward, Dick Grayson?” Bruce: “Yes, and the other gentleman is my millionaire friend Roger Montrose.”

Somehow, out of all the ridiculous scenarios we witnessed in the campy ‘60 Batman TV show, that exchange was the most unrealistic. I know it’s a short pitch film, you’ve gotta keep dialog to a minimum, but come on!

Still, despite everything I’ve just said, I would have watched this show religiously, it actually shows a lot of potential to have been better than the original Batman show it would have spun off of - and, hello, Yvonne Craig, in costume, on a motorcycle? Sexadelica!

If nothing else, this video is a terrific testament to what could have been, and should be of interest to all Venture Bros. fans, as it’s obvious that the bad guys made quite an impression on Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick. Enjoy!
