I’m sorry, I’ve just gotta say it - “You’re the man now, dog!”
Last night, I was loving the first, free Issue of the Wallace & Gromit digital comic - “The W Files” - on the iPhone. Turns out I’m not alone: since the book went up on the app store it’s been downloaded half a million times; as of this writing it’s the number one free book for the iPhone in the US and Canada, as well as the jolly old UK. It’s also number 2 down under in Australia.
I’m a huge proponent of digital comics, and without any set standards, some apps get it right and others don’t. It’s always a huge disappointment when they don’t, and very cool when they do. Wallace & Gromit totally nailed it. Great read, smooth transitions, and speaking of transitions it’s remarkable how naturally the characters translate from the movie screen to comics.
There are more W&G books on the way, both for the iPhone/iPod Touch and my newest digital comics source, the PSP. You can find out all about ‘em at www.titanpublishing.com/digital.