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Ultimate Spider-Woman

Ultimate Spider-Man

I’m addicted to making these.  Every time I see a panel where someone gets beat the f**k up so bad it makes you go “damn, oh, I am so glad that’s not me,” I find myself compelled to make one of these.
And yes, I know that technically these should all be kicks to truly capture the spirit of Road House.  It’s called artistic license.

I’m addicted to making these. Every time I see a panel where someone gets beat the f**k up so bad it makes you go “damn, oh, I am so glad that’s not me,” I find myself compelled to make one of these.

And yes, I know that technically these should all be kicks to truly capture the spirit of Road House. It’s called artistic license.

“Dig this, gang! It was Old Man Johnson, the lighthouse keeper, all along! Good job, mystery bunch!

And he would have gotten away with it too, if not for us meddling kids - oh, and our middle-aged friend with the moist hole where his eye used to be.”

This is officially my new motto, catchphrase, and - if I can translate it to Latin - family crest.

This is officially my new motto, catchphrase, and - if I can translate it to Latin - family crest.

So say we all.

So say we all.

Aw jeez - they’re letting Jeph Loeb back into the Ultimate Universe?
If the purpose of the post-Ultimatum reboot was to clear out the junk and keep what works, they should keep Ultimate Spider-Man and jettison everything else. If Bendis wants to use characters from other books in USM, let him.  Boom.  Ultimate Marvel: all killer, no filler.
One stipulation - and this is a deal-breaker, absolutely non-negotiable - different haircut for Peter! He looks like Jake from Squirt TV (back when he was a spunky 15-year-old, not his current incarnation as a creepy balding 30-something).

Aw jeez - they’re letting Jeph Loeb back into the Ultimate Universe?

If the purpose of the post-Ultimatum reboot was to clear out the junk and keep what works, they should keep Ultimate Spider-Man and jettison everything else. If Bendis wants to use characters from other books in USM, let him. Boom. Ultimate Marvel: all killer, no filler.

One stipulation - and this is a deal-breaker, absolutely non-negotiable - different haircut for Peter! He looks like Jake from Squirt TV (back when he was a spunky 15-year-old, not his current incarnation as a creepy balding 30-something).