Wolverine: “Thats a practical new outfit you’ve got there, Frost. People don’t appreciate how hard it is fighting supervillains without some breathing room for your ass. Believe me, if I thought I could pull it off, I’d be wearing the exact same thing. But, ya know, I’m already saddled with the ‘scary X-Man’ label as it is.”
Sneak preview of the White Queen’s super-tasteful new costume for the revamped Astonishing X-Men series!
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2 slogan suggestions:
- Ororo’s aereolas!
- Have no fear - Underboob is here!
Seriously, though, why is Astonishing X-Men being relaunched as a “more accessible title” by Warren Ellis, the man respobisble for taking the supremely popular AXM and turning it into the inaccssesible disaster that it is today?
Ah, Marvel logic. It must be hard to make creative decisions when you spend your days making licensing deals and trying to rob Jack Kirby’s estate of their pittance of royalties which they spent years fighting for and which they depend on to live.