Fox Freaks Out Over 'New 52'

Ah, Fox. Not necessarily timely in its critique of DC's 'New 52' relaunch, nor terribly sure of what it seems to be outraged over. Speaking with comics readers and retailers, all of whom appear to understand that there is a difference in comics aimed at children and those aimed at older readers, this Washington, DC Fox affiliate nonetheless seems determined to be upset about something. Had they looked a little further I'm sure that some would have pointed them towards the poor representation of women in the New DCU, not to mention the dwindling supply of non-Caucasian characters, as well as broken promises about holding the line at $2.99. Instead, this clip swings wildly, discredits itself rather quickly by equating sex with violence, and lumping in representation of homosexual characters with graphic depictions of beheading, and becomes another limp piece lamenting the good old days of innocence that mostly exist in the imagination of Rupert Murdoch.
Anything to fill time other than reporting on SOPA, I suppose.

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