Mister Terrific #1 Preview

Mister Terrific is in an interesting place in the DC Universe. He's a character who I felt was largely ignored as anything other than a standby smart-hero for much of Geoff Johns' mixed, but mostly quite good, run on JSA. And his ending with that title - I want to be careful not to give away spoilers here - but it came off to this reader as though writer Marc Guggenheim was caught unawares about JSA's pending cancellation, and had to wrap up what was going to be a much longer story over the course of two issues. The result was a combination of an incredible indignity to the character and a deus ex machina copout that cheated the reader.
Like I said, an interesting place. I feel as though he only really got to shine in Infinite Crisis, and the highly underrated and sadly underselling Checkmate. So it was a nice surprise to see him get a solo title as part of DC's 'New 52' relaunch, especially since at the time DC had said that they were effectively removing the JSA from continuity (a statement they've kinda-sorta retracted).
I have high hopes for the character under Eric Wallace, who showed a flair for finding the gold in underused characters during his run on Titans. Check out this four-page preview of Mr. Terrific #1, in stores next week. Then hit me up in the comments and let me know if you're going to be picking it up!
The world's third-smartest man - and one of its most eligible bachelors - uses his brains and fists against science gone mad in this new series from Eric Wallace (TITANS) and Roger Robinson!
Michael Holt is the head of a successful high-tech corporation and an institute that recruits and encourages the finest minds of the next generation to excel. As Mister Terrific he inhabits a world of amazement few others know exists, let alone can comprehend.
Mr. Terrific #1 page 1 - click to enlarge.
Mr. Terrific #1 page 12 - click to enlarge.
Mr. Terrific #1 page 13 - click to enlarge.
Mr. Terrific #1 page 14 - click to enlarge.

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