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Eric Canete's 'Catwoman #1' Deleted Scene

In case you missed it, this week's Catwoman #1 and Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 did more to undermine DC's reputation as a female-friendly publisher than a dozen Dan DiDio Comic-Con panels. We're all dealing with the fallout in different ways, DC is continuing it's stance of 'if you don't like it, don't buy it' which is an odd but sadly commonplace attitude for a company in a desperate downward sales spiral.

Those of us who love comics and are therefore something of a captive audience, like artist Eric Canete, are dealing with the craziness by having a good laugh, and imagining what happens after the Cat and the Bat get their luv thang on.

Red Hood was so full of WTF that it sort of defies parodying as far as I can see - though if anyone out there wants to give it a go, by all means have at it and send me a link!

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