Awesome News 2: 'The Boondocks' Will Return With Season 4

Well this is a total shocker, and truly spectacular news for fans of great animation: months after fairly definitive reports to the contrary, The Boondocks is officially returning to Adult Swim with a fourth season.
Screen Rant got the news at Comic-Con from casting director extraordinaire Andrea Romano (Batman: The Animated Series, Pinky and the Brain, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc.)
They’re making new ones – I just got word they’re gonna make another season. Can you believe it? After all this time. It’s been out of production for almost two years…The line producer sent me an email and said ‘I believe it’s snowing in hell – do you know what that means?’ and I said, ‘Are we making more episodes?’ Because we all said ‘It’ll snow in hell before we make more,’ because we just never thought after that much time they would [make it]. But apparently there is a fanbase desire and I love the show. I love making the show.
And we love watching it. Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder never officially said "it's over," but quite a few well-connected websites reported that the show was finished, and Adult Swim ran some rather sad bumpers to the effect of [if Aaron ever wants to make more, we'd love to air them - but don't hold your breath].
Not to mention - spoiler alert! - Boondocks season three frequently touched on the theme of finality, and ended in spectacular fashion that suggested there was no way that the show was coming back.
Snowing in hell, indeed. I am super-psyched to see this wonderful show return. They're not known for prompt production time, however, so don't be surprised if it's a pretty long wait before Huey, Riley, and Grandad return.

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