'Green Lantern' Animated Series Preview Clip

There's Hal Jordan, in all his CG glory, from the Comic-Con preview clip for the upcoming Green Lantern animated series on Cartoon Network. My initial impression is that while the series looks action-packed - always a good thing - Bruce Timm's amazing character design and flair for architecture that worked so well on Batman, Superman, and Justice League Unlimited, neither needs nor benefits from a CG update. Hal looks a little bit like a Nintedo Mii, and it just kills me because Green Lantern has just come off of a critical and commercial failure in the theaters - and as usual, the tie-in game was a dud - and a poorly executed animated series would be a multimedia trifectat of fail. And the Green Lantern Corps, frankly, deserves better.
Check out the trailer, and let me know what you think.
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