IDW Launching 'Ghostbusters' Ongoing in September

Ghostbusters: Infestation writer Erik Burnham will be returning for a new Ghostbusters ongoing series, launching from IDW publishing in September. The creative team is a trio of IDW Ghostbusters fan favorites, as Burnham is joined by artist Dan Schoening (Ghostbusters: What in Samhain Just Happened?!) and cover artist Nick Runge.
IDW gives us a hint of what to expect from the new Ghostbusters title:
In this ongoing series, psychokinetic energy is on the rise again, and business is booming for the boys. Ray is troubled by what could be a prophetic dream—is this an ill omen of an upcoming apocalypse, or just a little indigestion? These questions and more are raised in the first issue of the all-new GHOSTBUSTERS comic series. In addition, each issue will contain two pages of exclusive behind-the-scenes extras by creator Tristan Jones (Tales of the TMNT.)
Following on the heels of their hugely successful Godzilla retailer incentive covers, IDW will offer variants for Ghostbusters #1 including a glow-in-the-dark cover, a "Who Ya Gonna Call" cover illustrated by Schoening, and personalized retailer exclusives. Tell your LCS to get in touch with IDW about their "Be a Ghostbuster" promotion if you want to see your favorite store on the cover.

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