DC Reboots the Suicide Squad

Harley Quinn! Deadshot! King Shark! They’re a team of death-row super villains recruited by the government to take on missions so dangerous – they’re sheer suicide! Who will be the first to crack under the pressure? Find out in SUICIDE SQUAD #1, written by Adam Glass (FLASHPOINT: LEGION OF DOOM) with art by Marco Rudy (THE SHIELD).
Many of my friends are despondent at the changes this brings to Harley Quinn, a character that resonates more strongly with her hardcore fans than I think DC is aware of. I have rarely seen more passionate devotion to a fictional character in my 30+ years of fandom.
Me, I'm a Suicide Squad guy. Big-time. John Ostrander's post-Crisis take on the book is one of my all-time favorite comic series, and it still stands as one of the most important and influential titles of the modern age of comics. And it has a worthy successor in Gail Simone's Secret Six, a wonderful title that has been at the top of my reading list every month since it's debut as the Infinite Crisis tie-in Villains United. With a mix of characters from the Squad, a couple of obscure villains and characters of her own creation, Simone took the moral grey area that made the Squad such a riveting read to new heights, and more importantly the book just consistently kicked ass without fail for years, getting better with each passing issue to this day. I honestly can't name another series in comics that comes close.I've been a champion of this whole reboot thing in theory. Comics as a business is in big trouble, and since each of the big two publishers is a subsidiary of a major entertainment conglomerate, no way does that not have to change. But the particulars, stuff like this, well I feel as if they're throwing the baby out with the bathwater and missing out on an opportunity to maintain their greatest books and even expose them to new audiences. Throw out DiDio's Outsiders? ABSOLUTELY. But DC already has a Suicide Squad for the new generation of readers, it's perfect just the way it is, and I'm truly sad to see it go. While I'm withholding judgement on most of DC's changes, I don't mind going on the record as calling this a mistake.tagged
Gail Simone,
Secret Six,
Suicide Squad

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