WB 2013 Plans: Batman Reboot, JLA Movie

In the year 2013 - if man is still alive - if woman can survive - there will be some major new comics movie action from our friends at Warner Bros.
First up: Batman's getting a reboot. Much as I love Nolan's Bat-films to date, this is a smart move. The golden rule of showbiz is "always leave them wanting more", and the last go-round of Bat-movies ignored this adage and in the process made a mockery of one of the greatest comics characters of all time.
Ditto, the Superman franchise, although after Sucker Punch there are some concerns as to whether or not that particular reboot will thrive under director Zack Snyder.
I hope that things work out for Big Blue, and that a worthy successor is found for Nolan's Bat-movies. Especially since Warners has made a huge announcement, one that contradicts Geoff Johns' rather obnoxious, and apparently misinformed, remarks at last year's NYCC - there's a Justice League movie in the works!
No specifics yet, but smart money is on a roster including Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern, Henry Cavill as Superman, a Wonder Woman who has no ties whatsoever to the David E. Kelley TV adaptation, which presumably will be a distant memory by that time, and the new, as-yet uncast Batman.
As for directors? That's anyone's guess, but the more i see of Zack Snyder's work the less I like it. But then, I'm not on the board of Warner Bros., so, ya know - anything can happen. Let's just hope for the best, and remember that whatever happens it will probably be considerably better than the last attempt at a live-action JLA.
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