Mark Millar to Publish 'Supercrooks' Prequel in CLiNT

CLiNT #15 will feature a prequel to the next big thing from Millarworld, Supercrooks by Mark Millar and Lenil Francis Yu. Check out the live-action trailer below, and look for CLiNT #15 on sale March 28.
Mark Millar has written an all-new, in-continuity lead-in to his hotly anticipated new series SUPERCROOKS, to run exclusively in CLiNT! Make sure you read this before you pick up #1!
CLiNT, which has already boasted an exclusive first look at never before seen SUPERCROOKS artwork by co-creator Leinil Francis Yu, will run the lead-in feature written by Millar in CLiNT #15, on-sale March 28, 2012.
“It’s a thrill to be able to publish this world-exclusive,” said Editorial Manager Andrew James, “It’s not a preview, not an excerpt, it’s an in-universe feature that delves deep into the sordid and compromising blackmail driving the story. And you won’t read it anywhere else. Supercrooks is going to be white-hot at the start of 2012, and this is a perfect opportunity to get yourself primed – whether you’re reading it in single issues or awaiting the CLiNT serialization.”

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