'Watchmen 2' Reportedly a Go

DC Comics is reportedly moving forward with long-rumored plans for what has been dubbed Watchmen 2, though in reality is likely to be four miniseries, each exploring the life of a major Watchmen character before the events of the original. So, four concurrent Watchmen prequels, according to Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool, who has been assured - off the record, but "conclusively from a reliable source" - that Andy Kubert will be providing art for one of the minis.
This is at least the second time in 2011 alone that BC has reported this as all but a done deal, and DC has yet to comment, so take this with a pinch of salt, although apparently the project has picked up significant steam since it was first floated in the wake of Paul Levitz's departure from DC in February. It certainly wouldn't be the first incident of DC's taking a much-loved property in radical new directions against perceived fan wishes in recent history, or of people taking Alan Moore's creations in directions he really, really doesn't want them to go - this is actually quite in character with the events of the past several years at DC, so stand by for more info as it develops.
Watchmen Babies might yet happen in 2012. Everything's coming up Milhouse!

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