Wonder Girl Makes it to Page 2 of 'Teen Titans' Before Discussing Her Boobs

Scott Lobdell is just all about the ladies as writer of DC's Red Hood and the Outlaws and Teen Titans. I'm a heterosexual youngish man who absolutely loves cheesecake, but I have got to say that the sexuality of DC's 'New 52' comes off as misogynistic, creepy, and somewhat ill-informed. I feel like these books are written from a perspective of an angst pre-adolescent who hasn't yet spent enough time with women to understand sexiness.
I'm looking at you, too, Judd Winick, though one suspects this is all trickling down from Dan DiDio's office. This panel from page two of Teen Titans #2, in stores tomorrow (October 26), suggests that the women of DC's 'New 52' are still stuck in the schoolyard.
DC New 52,
Scott Lobdell,
Teen Titans,
Wonder Girl

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