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Intel Bringing Streaming Video, Steampunk and Sci-Fi to New York Comic Con

Intel will be at New York Comic Con, and in addition to the next generation of hard drive etechnology, they will be showcasing new wireless streaming video solutions. Here's their description of what's on display at the Intel booth:

Intel® Insider™: With a 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ processor, you can unlock premium HD movies and entertainment with access to buy and rent directly on your PC.

Intel® Wireless Display allows you to share any laptop content wirelessly on your TV.

Enhance your computing experience with Intel® Solid-State Drives, a high-performance alternative to hard drives.

Intel wil also host a screening of Brian David Johnson's steampunk documentary, Vintage Tomorrows. Johnson  will also be signing copies of the sci-fi anthology The Tomorrow Project, along with fellow writer Cory Doctorow (of Boing Boing fame).

Apparently there's also going to be a trivia contest of some sort, follow @IntelEdge for more info on that.

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