Yeah - I still don’t buy into that philosophy.

I’d be all like “Oh yeah? You’ve been invaded by the Badoon? Well, why don’t you hate and fear these nuts, I’m gonna go play Madden, beeyotch.

Oh, and good luck with the aliens and all that. I’d help, but you know, God hates muties, so I’m sure you’ll be better off on your own. Later!”



New iPad wallpaper.


New iPad lock screen.



Whoopsie - so did I!
♫ Awk-ward! ♫

Whoopsie - so did I!

♫ Awk-ward! ♫


Actually, Pixie Strikes Back is more Whoopi Goldberg.

Not one of Kathryn Immonen’s better books. Or Marvel’s.

Really, with the exception of two semi-amusing panels in the first issue, it’s just been really god-awful, enough so to stand out from the crowd of pointless mini-series and one-shots drowning the marketplace.

And when you consider the fact that it stars some of the most versatile, interesting and underused mutants still breathing, that’s quite an accomplishment.

Unlike the art.

This series sucked.
