'Dark Knight Rises' New Viral Video Clips
Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 2:39AM
Matt Sager in Batman, Comic Book Movies, Dark Knight Rises

Batman Christian Bale

A full year before the film's July 20, 2012 release date, the Dark Knight Rises promotion machine is already running on all cylinders. Following the recent, brilliant, Bane reveal stunt, today Warners has released four new viral videos.

The videos depict a Gotham in chaos and in dire need of a hero - oh, and they also direct users to the new DKR Facebook page.

Check 'em out, and just try to tell me that you're not dying to see Christopher Nolan's final entry in the Batman franchise. Looks like he's going out with a bang.

Article originally appeared on Comics Cavern (https://www.comicscavern.com/).
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